For a very high-profile event, it is not easy to understand the various entanglements of interests and weigh the pros and cons of each option. This requires looking at the problem from the perspective of various forces, and it is impossible to do it without a good brain and strong intelligence support.

But for some intelligent people who can see the situation clearly, there is nothing wrong with sorting out the important context of the incident.

The immediate priority of the International Confederation of Wizards and the Ministries of Magic is to stabilize the continuation of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act, and to do so, it is necessary to delay or even disintegrate the invasions of the Dark Wizards in various cities.

But to do this, it will take a lot of people to investigate, and once a large number of people are put on this, the dark wizard can even deliberately release some news to guide the actions of the Aurors and the strikers, whether it is to set up an ambush or take advantage of this opportunity to loot a large number of people without the Aurors and strikers patrolling, it is a good plan.

At the end of the day, it's the official wizards who don't have enough manpower.

Then someone needs to add to it. What if most wizards ran to find the whereabouts of those Yin corpses and left the villages and towns protected by the Aurors and Strikers?

The answer to this problem is the army.

Muggle governments only need to mobilize troops, even riot forces, to be able to protect ordinary people to a certain extent. After all, the villains don't have that many people, and even wizards have to shy away when they see hundreds, or even thousands, of soldiers and policemen with loaded guns - magic is powerful, but it's not omnipotent.

The Iron Charm can indeed withstand normal bullets, but wizards can't fight back with the Iron Armor Charm, but if wizards fight back, there will always be a chance for bullets to pass through their bodies.

The bodies of the Dark Wizards were as fragile as the Muggles they had always looked down upon. It's unrealistic to ask the Dark Wizards to fight with the Muggles they look down on?

An elite tactical squad may not be able to deal with a powerful Dark Wizard, but a group of soldiers can fight a group of Dark Wizards - of course, this is a frontal battlefield.

Although the Dark Wizards will not have a bad brain and want to fight the army head-on, they will hesitate to deal with the possibility of harm or even death on themselves, as long as they still retain their biological instincts - there is no need to entangle with the Muggle army here, it is a big deal to find a new village.

It's true that some remote areas may suffer human losses, but that's better than the unscrupulous plundering of populations by dark wizards, right?

As long as the dark wizards who came out to plunder the population could be manipulated, the value of the Muggle army would be revealed.

But here's a key point: Muggles' top of the government and army commanders must be protected, or a simple Imperius Curse can wipe out the arrangement.

The problem, however, is that there are a lot of important Muggle people who need to be protected.

In the case of the United Kingdom, the Queen needs to be protected, right? The Prime Minister, the head of government, needs to be protected, right? The Secretary of State needs to be protected, and the advisers to the Secretary of Defense, the Chief of Defence Staff, and the Permanent Secretary, right?

In the end, there are too many people in the cabinet who need to be protected, and in order to prevent possible infiltration, the secretaries and permanent secretaries around these big people also need to be screened and protected to a limited extent.

And that's not counting the protection quota for commanders at all levels in the army!

After all, a dark wizard can control people as long as he finds a hole to get into, but the Ministry of Magic has to take care of everything, so he naturally suffers.

If this measure is really implemented, it will definitely contain the energy of the International Federation of Wizards and the Ministry of Magic of various countries, they must send elite personnel to protect themselves from being exploited by the dark wizards, and the most elite wizards can be sent to Muggles as bodyguards, so who will search for the whereabouts of the Yin corpse? Even if it is found, will there be the order to send the news back? It may even be controlled by the dark wizards in reverse and then break into the official interior.

There are so many things to consider and consider, from the formulation of general guidelines, to the arrangement of lists of protectors, and even the impromptu drafting of protection regulations for various Muggle officials.

It's not something that one person can do. Even if someone could get it done, it would take a lot of time - not counting the time spent by the International Federation of Wizards and the Ministries of Magic.

The complexity of the whole thing and the sheer amount of work are enough to put anyone off. Even if Dumbledore and his old buddies were willing to step up and coordinate it, the work was never easy.

If nothing else, who is going to deal with the Muggle leaders?

You know, these people are wizards! And they are wizards in high positions, which of them are not from prominent families? Which ones do not have the "noble" blood in their mouths? How much experience can they have in dealing with Muggles? Many of them can't even press the button of the elevator!

The formulation of policies and guidelines is the business of the big people, they just need to sit there and think about it, and the specific things have to be done by the people under them. But the formulation of policies and the implementation of policies are not the same thing. There will always be specific problems encountered in the implementation of specific policies, and then the ability of the following personnel is needed.

Even if the Muggle government hierarchy accepted the wizards' claims that a group of deranged mad Dark Wizards would carry out a massacre in their towns and villages, they understood that they would be targeted by the Dark Wizards as the top of the government.

So the question is: how should the protection list be agreed upon, and who should decide? wizards and muggles?

Would the top Muggle government officials be willing to let wizards decide who to protect and who not to protect?

So if these high-ranking officials agree internally? It will inevitably be one war of words after another, and time will be wasted. []

In the case of the limited manpower of wizards, it is impossible to protect all the high-ranking government officials, and some ministers with less important positions, such as the Minister of Education and the Minister of Employment, will these people be willing?

This is a sure thing to happen.

So what about the people below? Report it or solve it yourself?

If it's escalated, then it's going to go through the process, having a meeting to discuss it – it's a normal process, but it's inevitably a waste of time, and now they're racing against the clock, who knows how much time will be wasted on this issue. Even if the wizards had discussed it and conveyed the spirit of the meeting, wouldn't the people below have difficulty in carrying it out?

What if some departments don't cooperate with the Muggle government when it comes to the wizards? What if the wizards do not take measures when the time comes? Will there be serious repercussions if the tactics are too aggressive?

From the formulation of guidelines and policies to the specific guidelines for action, this kind of complicated workload is enough to plunge Europeans, who are generally not highly administrative, into a long period of chaos and strife.

After listening to Solim's babbling tirade, not only Dumbledore, but even the headmasters hanging on the wall were a little desperate.

"That...... Solim. Dumbledore touched his beard, only to accidentally pull off several of them, "What questions about Muggles you were talking about...... Is it really going to happen?"

Dumbledore did know some about Muggles and their society, even better than most wizards, but how could he compare to Solim?

"Headmaster, it's not a question of whether it will happen. Solim said: "I just cited a trivial question, and the actual situation is only more complicated than that." You may never understand that it's a group of people who start to panic when they have a knife on their neck. "

"But unfortunately, for now you can only deal with them. "

Solim looked at Dumbledore with sympathy. He was worried that Dumbledore would die suddenly in the heavy work ahead.

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