The British government moved quickly. Knowing that a group of wizard terrorists might target themselves, who are important members of the government, the usual procrastinating permanent secretaries and cabinet ministers immediately went into action......

They're in a meeting.

Yes, a meeting. It's natural for a government agency to have a meeting to discuss when it comes to a problem, but they seem to have a bit of a lot of meetings.

At the first meeting, the Prime Minister summoned all the Cabinet Ministers and their Permanent Under-Secretary, in Director Richard. Hanoby, a special adviser with the Queen's edict, was accompanied by these muddled fellows to get a good idea of the current situation...... It took almost a day.

The main thing is that things have broken through the cognitive scope of these aristocratic lords, and in order to adjust their worldview, Hanobi has to explain some things about the wizarding world to them "four-nine-seven".

When they finally accepted the talk of "wizards" and "the imminent attack of the city by the living dead", the Prime Minister and Hanoby duly informed them of the wizards' intention to intervene, including protection and advice.

The second meeting was not so harmonious.

First of all, there is a lot of noise about the protection of important cabinet ministers and related military personnel. Some of the lower ministers were not satisfied with this result, and they asked the prime minister for more manpower from the wizards to protect them. As for the permanent under-secretaries, they are resentful of the involvement of wizards in the management of the government, and in the eyes of these powerful creatures, the involvement of wizards is not good, which obviously reduces the authority and influence of their civil servants.

Quarrel, quarrel, quarrel all the time......

And that's just the UK, those countries on the European continent, one counts as one, and they all look like the UK. Quarrel over the names on the protection list, the deployment of the quarrel army, the appointment of commanders, and even the number of officials in charge of liaison with wizards.

In terms of the smell of interests, these politicians are good hands, and the big capital behind them has been frantically collecting any information related to wizards during this time.

The International Wizarding Secrecy Act has been broken to some extent, but ordinary people are not yet aware of it.

Just when the countries and wizards were busy, the dark wizards made another big deal.

Due to the actions of the Aurors, the place where they hid the corpses was discovered, but the bastards had apparently planned for a long time, or rather, it was a trap in the first place.

The corpse was hidden in a valley in Germany, just off the highway, and the dark wizards did not take action against the nearby villages and towns in order to hide it, but even so, it was discovered by an elite Auror team. They found the staff at the gas station who had been controlled by the Imperius Curse, and deduced that the corpse was hiding nearby.

But just as they approached to reconnoiter and call for reinforcements, the Aurors were attacked. They were using the same old methods as the Aurors, but the Dark Wizards were keeping up with the times - they didn't use any detection magic or defensive spells, but used surveillance to find the Aurors' whereabouts.

The Auror team, who thought they had not been discovered, were ambushed by enemies who were far outnumbered by them, so naturally they could not take advantage of it, and in the end, only one Auror escaped with injuries, and the rest were all folded there.

For the Ministry of Magic, which has a scarce number of Aurors, the loss of an elite Auror squad is outright bad news! Even the British Ministry of Magic, which has the largest number of Aurors, only has five elite squads. For example, the strength of the Aurors of the German Ministry of Magic is not comparable to that of the British Ministry of Magic, and the casualties this time are directly broken, after all, other Aurors are also burdened with important tasks.

The German Ministry of Magic, which could not spare manpower for a while, could only turn to the International Confederation of Wizards and wizards to borrow this channel to find reinforcements, but now which country's Ministry of Magic still has surplus manpower? Even if there is, it will do everything possible to find excuses, at this time, any person in power will be worried about the loss of their own vitality due to aiding others, and what if there is a problem in their own country?

One of the hiding places of the Yin Corps had been exposed, but there were not enough people to watch them move, and there was nothing more ridiculous than this, but it just happened.

The German Minister of Magic, unable to resist the pressure from the outside world, had to order the suspension of other missions, and gathered the Aurors and Strikers to prepare to take the valley - although smart people know that doing more harm than good, it will only allow the dark wizards to take advantage of the loopholes, but there is no way, for political creatures, the first thing they have to ensure is their own status

As Minister of Magic, he must take a stand and act when something big happens. If he is indifferent to a hidden place of the Yin corpse that has been exposed, his political enemies will not let go of this opportunity. Even though he knew it was a good idea to summon the Aurors and strikers, he had to do something to keep the others in their mouths.

So the situation in Germany got out of hand.

Elsewhere, in the absence of Aurors and striker patrols, the number of missing and dead in Germany skyrocketed, and two towns were even attacked by Dementors, and a large number of ordinary people were taken from their souls......

No one knows how much the population of these two towns will increase the number of Dementors, but the Dark Wizard is clearly purposeful in breeding Dementors. Once they attacked, it would surely be accompanied by an overwhelming army of Dementors. The tragedy of the events in London will be repeated.

The whole of Europe is in a mess. Despite media restrictions imposed by governments, the situation has intensified, with all kinds of gossip flying around, and some people with bad intentions fueling the flames, panic and riots have been frequent, and large-scale protests have erupted in many countries. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the surface, the situation seems to be spiraling out of control, but in reality, only a few people know that the vampires and the people of the Rich family have fought the elders no less than five times, and they have won and lost each other. The vampires are obviously not 0.5 petty this time, they have shown their real skills, this is a desperate determination, they have given up the base camp that they have been operating for a long time, destroyed the blood pool that the clan has painstakingly maintained, and completely hid in the crowd. This caused great trouble for the wizards who captured them.

Wizards also have to worry about the effects on ordinary people, but vampires don't. They are eager to cause chaos and exhaust the Elders and the Ministry of Magic.

For a time, the Daily Prophet was full of reports on the chaotic situation abroad, and there were some "minor problems" in the country, but they only occupied a small space. But even so, it still made most of the wizarding people feel the atmosphere of the coming war.

It was in this special atmosphere that Hogwarts exam week finally arrived.

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