The next day's Spell Written Test started as scheduled. The professor in charge of the invigilation is still the familiar Gersdal. Professor March, and another well-known Professor Tofodi went to proctor the fifth grader.

Professor Marchbon was clearly impressed by Solim, and had been staring at him since she entered the exam room. Solim believed that if the rules hadn't allowed it, the examiner would have moved a chair to sit next to him and watch him answer the questions.

It's like Professor Flitwick, the deputy examiner.

During the entire written test, Professor Flitwick stood on tiptoe at Solim's desk and watched all his answers, but fortunately Solim had a solid theoretical knowledge and wrote quite quickly, otherwise Professor Flitwick might not have been able to hold on to his toes for long.

Not surprisingly, Solim was the first to turn in. He didn't even check the roll once, highlighting a self-confidence. In fact, both Solim and Professor Flitwick, who had been standing by the side, thought that the answer on the parchment deserved an "excellent".

Although the N.E.W.T. has a certain level of Charms theory, it is also within the normal range, and these things are not difficult for Solim, who has already stepped into the ranks of "high-end" wizards with half a foot.

The afternoon spellcasting exam wasn't as easy as the fifth-year one, with no tricks like turning cups upside down, instead blasting spells and powerful repair spells.

Students are required to cast a precise blast spell to break a specially built wall to score the level of damage, and then use a powerful repair charm to restore the broken wall to its original state.

This is obviously a screening to bring those students who have a real talent for spellcasting into the eyes of the Ministry, and given the current situation, students who can excel in the Charms exam will surely receive an offer from the Ministry.

When it was Solim's turn, the examiners all looked at him, and they all wanted to see the famous Selwyn's outstanding performance.

Solim pulled out his wand and pointed it at the wall that had been built for the exam, and after a modest tremor, the entire wall fell apart, except for the sound of the broken wall smashing on the ground, Solim's blasting spell was not as loud as the other students.

Conversely, Solim's Demolition Charm is quiet, quiet enough to make one wonder if it's a Demolition Charm.

"Very outstanding results... Professor Tofodi was the first to speak, but then he changed his tone and said, "But, Mr. Selwyn, what we are going to test is the use of the Demolition Charm......"

As he spoke, Professor Tofodi glanced at the shattered wall on the ground again.

"—The Crushing Charm is out of the ordinary. Of course, you can do it all over again, and I don't think anyone will have a problem. "

"This is indeed the Demolition Charm, Brandon. Professor Marchband narrowed her eyes, she had just been watching Solim cast a spell, and with her eyes she could tell if Solim was playing a trick or not.

"Extremely subtle spell casting skills. Professor Marchband looked at Solim. His wrinkled face was full of admiration, "It's very rare, it cleverly eliminates the loud sound of the explosion, and also increases the power of the spell...... Unfortunately, an excellent review doesn't seem to match it. "

"Now please restore the walls. Professor Marchie raised his arm.

With a wave of his wand, the shattered walls on the ground, large and small, and even shattered slag, were rapidly restored under the influence of Solim's spell, and in less than two seconds, the entire wall was restored to its original state.

"Beautiful!" Professor Tofodi couldn't help but applaud, "silent spell casting, precise restoration...... Perfect, nothing more to improve on – excellent, there's no doubt about it. "

Since all the examiners came to see the excitement, the other students had to stand there and wait, and they witnessed Solim's amazing performance the whole time. Hermione wasn't surprised at all, but Ron, squinting at Solim's back, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Alright, let's all go back. Professor Marchband waved his hand and drove the examiners back who were watching the excitement.

"Solim...... Can I call you that?" Professor Tofodi asked in a whisper as he saw the others leave.

"Of course, Professor. Solim smiled.

"Don't call me Professor, hundreds of people call me that every day, you can call me Brandon like Gersdal. "

Professor Tofodi was obviously closing the distance between them, but Solim was a little curious, what was his purpose in doing this?

"You're about to graduate, so it's not a very presumptuous question. Professor Tofodi cleared his throat and said, "I want to ask, do you plan to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation?"

Solim suddenly felt a burst of laughter, was the old professor confused? He was a Selwyn, and he was trying to win over a member of the Thirteen Families of the Council of Elders to join the Ministry of Magic? It was like a director on the board of directors of Airbus who had his son assigned to work in a spare parts factory.

"I know you're a Selwyn," the old professor also noticed a strange look on Solim's face, and he explained, "But the current situation requires internal stability, if a Selwyn joins the Ministry of Magic...... This will have a great effect on bringing people together. "

"You're an adult," Professor Marchband chimed in, "Wezengamot welcomes new blood, and it won't have any negative impact on your own life plans. "

"You just have to look at the law from time to time. Professor Tofodi added, "The addition of a Selwyn to the Wizengamot means that the Ministry of Magic will not be abandoned, which is an important matter for the Ministry of Magic, which is currently in flux. "[]

Solim reached out and pointed to his chest.

"Wizengamot, I, a wizard who just graduated?"

"We've talked to Albus. "Professor Marchband didn't rush and moved Dumbledore out," he agreed. "

Approval and "no objection" are two different things...... Solim didn't believe the principal would approve a recent graduate to enter the Wizengamot.

...... No, it is possible that he agrees.

Solim realized what he was missing.

Dumbledore is still the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, and if he becomes a member of the Wizengamot, he is still in his sights...... For the members of the Wizengamot, it is necessary to meet every once in a while to discuss various issues. In some major cases, the Wizengamot also needs to hold court hearings.

In a sense, this body, which combines the functions of parliament and court, is quite busy and important, especially in times of instability.

Solim soon realized that if he had full control of the Wizengamot, he would have control of the Ministry of Magic, as the appointment of the Minister would require the approval of the Wizengamot, as would the other positions in the Ministry. If you really want to participate in Ogel's exciting plans, Britain seems to be a very good "testing ground".

He's starting to get interested in the Wizengamot.

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