If the information given by Noether is true and accurate, then it will be an important piece of information that can determine the current situation.

There are a total of 4 locations where the corpses are hidden, including the number of corpses, the size of the wizards stationed, and the general distribution of the outposts...... The importance of this information can be understood even by the layman.

But only if this information is true and valid, and not a decoy deliberately spilled by some people from these Death Eaters.

It's not that Solim looks down on those Death Eaters, but how can their magical abilities compare to the second generation of vampires and the wizards of the Rich family?

Counting on these Death Eaters to make small moves right under their noses?

Solim was not so optimistic. Before using this information, the first thing to do is to confirm the authenticity and timeliness of its "680".

If the information is deliberately leaked, then rashly going to encircle and suppress may not end very well.

Solim wasn't a Death Eater, but he also knew that there were factions within the Death Eaters, and not all of these pure-blood wizards were of the same mind. In this case, would someone have revealed the matter to Voldemort himself, or could this information have been deliberately guided by Voldemort?

Solim hadn't forgotten that there was a dangerous figure among the Death Eaters who was still alive.

Barty Jr. Crouch.

This little madman may not be very outstanding in terms of combat effectiveness, but I have to say that his brain is really useful, and it is not difficult for him to devise such a conspiracy.

"I hope you understand, this kind of thing—" Solim said, shaking the parchment in his hand, "it's only valuable if it's authentic." If it was a trap that was deliberately released to lure the Ministry of Magic......"

"No, it was given to me by my father. He was determined to get out of the Death Eaters. Theodore was nervous, and he knew unusually well that if something went wrong with their intelligence and made Solim think they were just bait for a trap, then his family was really finished.

"Perhaps. Solim was noncommittal, "Maybe your father really wanted to leave that person, but can you guarantee that everyone thinks that way?"

"There is only one of you who is still serving that person......

Solim didn't go any further, and judging by Theodore's expression, he understood what he meant.

Can Theodore guarantee that all the people on his father's side are okay, and that everyone is bent on leaving the Death Eaters and free from Voldemort's control?

He didn't dare.

Betrayal is a science, especially for pure-blood families, wealth, status, power...... All of this can be achieved through a means called "betrayal".

If...... It's just that if there is a wizard who does not take a firm position, or even has a special purpose in the first place, joins their group, the forgiveness, wealth, and status promised by Voldemort...... Even in the face of advanced knowledge of the dark arts, would he still be bent on breaking away from the Death Eaters?

Such conditions may not be a priority for families that still have children and heirs, but for those families who have died and only one male remains, it is a guarantee that as long as they can survive this war, then his family will be able to rise again.

The premise is that Voldemort can win.

There was no shortage of gamblers in this world, and Theodore could not guarantee that their team would be "pure", nor could his father guarantee that unless he poured the elixir on each of them, or emptied the brains of each of them with the Guardian Mind, no one could guarantee that their team would not be mixed with other dissidents.

"Look—" Solim spread his hands, "you have doubts about it yourself, so you can't blame me for having the same attitude." "

Solim's hand pressed down.

"Listen to me, Theodore. Solim took a sip of the canyon water, and said, "I can feel your sincerity and your anxiety. I'm sure you and your father did want to distance themselves from them, but I'll say that if your father's initial expectation was to take a group of people out of that person's grasp, then I can only say that you are thinking too simply. "

Solim flicked his left arm with his fingers.

"You're not going to forget what they had on their arms, are you?"

"But, Malfoy......" Theodore glanced at Draco sitting next to him.

"yes, Malfoy. Solim nodded, "They were able to get their wish because they made an important choice, and that choice was risky, but they still did it....."

"But what about you?" Solim asked rhetorically, "You just came and told me: Solim, we need your and your family's help, and for this we can provide a message that is most likely a trap." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, no, no, Mr. Nott. "

Solim felt that there should be a cat in his arms at this time, but unfortunately, his Luna stayed with Elena on the estate on the island of Neasto.

Suppressing the thought that popped into his head, he continued:

"You just provided a copy of what is most likely a trap, and then you wanted to get Selwyn's help?"

"I don't see your sincerity, Theodore. You should really be glad that I'm not the impatient and impulsive kind of person, otherwise your behavior would probably be interpreted as a conspiracy to lure him into a trap. "[]

"No, I can't do that!"

Theodore gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind. He raised his head and said strugglingly: "My father handed me a secret letter through some secret channel - it is our house-elf, and no one will intercept it. "


"My father...... My father said that if he couldn't, he could use himself as bait to find out if they had prepared a trap in advance. "

"Great father. So what does he want from me?"

"Let me survive 1.5. Theodore bit his lip.

Draco's eyes widened as he wanted to say something, looked at Solim, and then chose to hold back.

"One life for another. Solim sniffed, "It's old-school style. "

"We don't have anything left, all that's left is the name of a pure-blood family. Theodore looked miserable, "At that man's order, we emptied the family's coffers and sold what was left of the property to support his war, and all we got in exchange was death and despair. "

"Let's go back and wait for news," Solim folded the parchment and put it in his arms, and stood up.

"Take it easy, there's hope, although it may be a little tough, but like you said, you don't have anything to lose now. "。

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