Adrian has been running a bar for so many years, and he has encountered many emergencies, such as fights caused by various reasons, unruly running into his store to sell "flour" and drugging women, or shooting incidents with a small probability......

But Adrian swears he's grown up and opened a bar for so many years, and he's never seen what is happening now.

He had rhinitis and a less sensitive sense of smell, but even so, Adrian still smelled a strong smell of blood from a mess of smells such as smoke, perfume, alcohol, fox stench, etc.

Adrian swore he would never be wrong, and that was the smell of blood.

In fact, at the same time that he smelled blood, he also saw the puddle of blood over the chaotic crowd, yes, there was more than one bloodstain.

In just a few moments, order in the bar was gone, full of screaming women running away, and men swearing loudly, picking up bottles or chairs to fight back, but more often than not, screaming and running away.

"What happened?"

Several people in the lounge area stood behind Adrian, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, and as regulars, they couldn't understand what was going on in front of them, and there had never been such a large-scale brawl in these 193 bars.

"This is not a fight, call the police!" Adrian hurriedly shouted to the guy: "Call an ambulance by the way." "

Yes, this is not a fight, Adrian has never seen a brawl that comes up and directly "moves his mouth". And he didn't think that the current scene was caused by drinking too much...... At least he'd never seen anyone who drank too much and would hold someone else's thighs and gnaw on it, and there was more than one such situation.

"It's those monsters!" Andre trembled as he tried to open the back door. He's not going to stay here, he's going to run away, he's going to stay away from here.

The bar was dimly lit, and Adrian didn't notice any difference in the ragged "people" at all.

"Damn!" Adrian felt that he couldn't watch his guests get attacked like that anymore, he had to do something.

"Stop, you scum!"

He rushed forward, ready to move away from a "violent" guy, but as soon as he approached, he was greeted by a pair of miserable white eyes and a large strong hand......

Feeling the strength of his wrist, Adrian was a little incredulous, he had been in the army, those bare-ass (CDCE) GIs usually liked to wrestle their wrists when they were fine, he was also a regular at that time, but Adrian had never met someone with such an exaggerated grip.

He felt that his bones were about to break, and Adrian believed that there might be such a powerful person in this world, but it would definitely not be the strange-looking person in front of him.

How could a guy who looks like a hemp pole and looks just over 1.7 meters tall have such strange powers!

The moment he was caught, Adrian's mind flashed through many incredible exclamations, and just as his body instinctively wanted to break free, his shoulder was clasped by another hand behind him......

Not grasping, not holding, but clasping, and with the blessing of that incredible strange force, the fingers penetrated the skin almost instantly, directly into the flesh, and even touched the bones.

Cold sweat broke out from Adrian's forehead, and his left arm lost its proper function under the severe pain. He felt that the guy who grabbed his shoulder was a few monsters, how could he be in love!

"Ho...... Ho ......"

There was a cold gasp behind his ears, and Adrian shivered in the pain. Then he felt like something had been ripped off from his arm, which was already a little numb from the severe pain.

It was a large chunk of flesh, his triceps, to be exact, plus a small patch of skin from his forearm, which had been torn off by a blue hand.


Adrian's sanity was finally shattered by fear, and he struggled to get out of this hell, but before he knew it, the Yin corpses around him had already surrounded him, and unless his jumping ability was extremely outstanding, superior to the level of humans, he could not get past the Yin corpses that had surrounded him.

Adrian, whose sternum was crushed by a huge force, fell to the ground, his eyes gradually became blank, but in the tens of seconds he remained, he became calm.

Adrian knew he was finished. Now nothing could save him, his left lung was punctured by broken bones, his right lung was pressed into mud by that hand, and even if he was now lying on the operating table in the best hospital in Paris, the most experienced surgeon was in charge, he would be dead.

"Little Andre is right, it's indeed a monster......"

The oxygen-deprived brain could no longer support Adrian's difficult act of continuing to "think", and his horizon gradually narrowed, and finally the last glimmer of light in his eyes dissipated......

"Uncle Adrian is dead!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In the recreation area, which was safe for the time being, people witnessed the whole process of Adrian's death: he was about to go over to save the poor creature who had been thrown to the ground, but he was grabbed by a hand, and then in the blink of an eye, another monster behind him grabbed the shoulder, and then a large piece of flesh was torn off, and then he was thrown to the ground, and one hand crushed his chest......

Is there any ten seconds?

People don't know, they don't have time to think about it, they only know one thing now: get out of here.

The front is already occupied by these monsters, so the back door is the only way to survive! The back door is a narrow door, which can accommodate two skinny guys to go out, but there are more than a dozen people here, who doesn't want to be the first to leave this hell?

The evil in human nature broke out in an instant, and those guys with big shoulders and round waists relied on their physical advantages to seize a favorable position in an instant, and they were pushing and shoving the door out, and the people who were driven to the outer circle were desperate to drill into the crowd, and the movement here had attracted the attention of those monsters, and a few were staggering towards this side. Standing on the outermost side at this time is equivalent to death![]

When a team of heavily armed soldiers in armored vehicles "swept through" the area, they were stunned by the hellish scene of the bar, even though they had seen many horrific scenes before:

In front of him were a field of stumps and broken tables and chairs...... This soldier has seen a lot in the last few hours, which does not surprise them, but to the recreation area in the back...... Even the most nervous soldier stood on the spot.

The back door was open, but the door was blocked, it was blocked by corpses. Every part of the doorframe was blocked, and at the bottom were two corpses trying to get under the crotches of the others......

With a few gunshots, the remaining corpses in the bar were removed. This meant that the soldiers needed to rush to the next location immediately, and the commander, who was already sitting in the car, still had a tragic picture of the back door of the bar in his mind.

The image grew clearer and clearer, as if it were going to sink deep into his memory, so that he could never forget it.

"It's a terrible night, I don't know what else we're going to encounter tonight. "

"May God bless us-".

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