This time it's time to say goodbye to Hogwarts once and for all. A significant number of the Year 7 students chose to keep a memento for themselves, and the Clevey brothers at Gryffindor were busy for this. Hogwarts is known to have the skill of taking pictures of him and his brother.

There was no graduation photo requirement at Hogwarts, but the students did it spontaneously, and this year's graduates were different from previous years.

Think of what they've been through, and they've come together to defend Hogwarts, just like the heroes of history who defended Hogwarts from the Dark Wizards!

While the really good ones were stopped by others, the experience of facing Death Eaters, Dementors, and giants really deepened their bond with Hogwarts.

The students are left with one last afternoon and evening, and they will be leaving the school early tomorrow morning. In order to seize this last time on campus, the graduates completely let go, and many of them did some quite bold things to make up for their regrets.

For example, some Gryffindor students walked together to explore the Forbidden Forest after taking photos in the common room and the not fully restored vestibule......

Some of the Ravenclaw students teamed up with some of the Gryffindor tricksters to get ready to touch the willow's head - most of them had only heard Professor Graplan's description and had not really appreciated the power of the willow. Originally, because of the 287 school rules and the fear of deducting points, it brought trouble to his college, but now that he has graduated, there is naturally no taboo.

So before the dinner, some of the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students were admitted to the school hospital. Madam Pomfrey almost lashed out.

It's better to be a good Hufflepuff baby, they don't make noise or noise, and they spontaneously organize an afternoon tea event within the academy before the dinner begins, leaving their own contact information for future contact.

The Hufflepuff students may be inconspicuous compared to the flamboyant Gryffindors and the calm and wise Ravenclaw, but they are quite united, and they understand the power of the collective.

In addition, many wild mandarin ducks choose to burrow into the grove or carve each other's names and vows somewhere in the castle. For example, movable armor on the first floor, or a wall tile in a hallway, or a handrail on a grand staircase......

As for the most unpopular Slytherin......

They didn't even take graduation photos together, and many of them hid in the common room muttering, apparently more concerned about the situation outside than about leaving school.

If it weren't for Sylna's gathering of acquaintances, Solim wouldn't have even been able to keep a photo of the event.

With Sylna as the center, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville of Gryffindor, Luna, Padma, and Lisa of Ravenclaw, Hannah, Susan, Rolf, and Elois of Hufflepuff, and the Greengrass Sisters and Draco of Slytherin, a dozen people stood on the Astronomy Tower, and asked the very reserved Mr. Creevey to take a few photos of the event.

Later, Sylna, who didn't think it was fun, drove the boys away and ran into the room with the girls and the photographer to take pictures.

Rolf...... Solim looked at the unremarkable Hufflepuff student in front of him, Rolf. Scamander, a big-headed, but unusually low-key student, as Newt Scamander's grandson, could have made a name for himself at Hogwarts under the name of his grandfather, but in fact he was as transparent as other Hufflepuffs, quite unpresenceless.

"Your grandfather...... I haven't seen him in the past few days, has he left Hogwarts?"

"He did leave, but he didn't tell me why. Rolf seemed friendly, and didn't complain about Solim's privacy issue.

"If there is anything, I can write to him. "

"Oh, I'm just asking. Solim smiled. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Professor Scamander's departure gave Solim some ideas.

Although he didn't know about the high-level meeting of the International Federation of Wizards some time ago, and he didn't get a specific battle report from the European continent, one thing he knew very well: the casualties of ordinary people would definitely not be low, and if the spread of news could be suppressed, those heads of the International Federation of Wizards would definitely not sit still.

In the current situation, it is obvious that the old method of relying on memory cancelers to plug the leak will not work, so there is no other way to do it. Scamander's departure was a reminder of how things were finally resolved in New York.

Solim had already guessed what Professor Scamander was leaving.

"I hope your grandfather has all the best on this business trip. Solim sent his best wishes. []

Now, whether it is a wizard or an ordinary person, they are actually not ready to accept each other's existence. The wizard is fine, but ordinary people are suddenly told that there is a group of magical people who can easily set off a wave of death in their city, and how can they live? Under the pressure of the ballots, it would not be surprising that those brainless politicians made brainless decisions that Solim shuddered.

Although this kind of sewing and mending work does not play a decisive role, it can be delayed now. Until wizards and ordinary people have completed the preliminary preparations, they will talk about contact.

Solim left, choosing to leave his compiled Charms materials at Hogwarts.

One is the legal spells that students can come into contact with, including the origin of spells, the evolution process, spell casting instructions, and advanced techniques, one copy is left in the library's borrowing area and Ravenclaw's small library, and the other is forbidden magical knowledge, which is not very advanced and taboo, but only slightly points out the application of emotions to high-end magic, and the impact of negative emotions on wizards. This can play a good guiding role for some talented students, at least to guide them correctly and not go astray.

This knowledge was secretly kept in the forbidden book section by him, and Solim left behind a spell that anyone who touched it would know when he returned to Hogwarts.

He couldn't have done that, but with Sirna's authority inherited from Riddle, he was able to do something about the rules. Solim paid some attention to what he left behind, and he even asked Barrow the Bloody to help take care of it.

The sun has set, and the students who have gone out on adventures and drilled the groves are returning for the final graduation dinner at Hogwarts this evening. This is the last night to the students

to participate in this kind of activity. When the sun rises tomorrow, they will say goodbye to their student careers.

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