The streets were shrouded in a fog with visibility of less than 30 meters, and no one knew when it appeared, as if they were already in the fog.

It was like a dream, and Carlos's attack caused them to wake up, and when they opened their eyes, they realized that they had been in a thick fog all along, but they had not even noticed it before.

"What's going on!"

Sirius was shocked, Lupin's mouth was open, and he looked around with sharp eyes, and Tonks also changed his appearance, becoming a gloomy old lady......

This sudden change made everyone nervous instantly.

Solim pulled out his wand as well, but his face was a little strange, not as shocked as Sirius, not as cautious as Lupin, but with a strange expression of bewilderment. Generally speaking, when encountering an unexpected situation for which you are not prepared, you may show fear, confusion, and shock at that moment...... But it's rare to find someone as puzzled as Solim.

Solim was indeed a little puzzled, and the reason was because of the fairy glasses.

The goblin glasses23 saw the same scene as before: there was no fog, only empty streets and dilapidated houses around them, but the eye without goblin glasses saw a thick fog all around......

It stands to reason that the sudden appearance of such a thick fog must be caused by some kind of magic, and then it must leave traces of magic, but the fairy glasses tell Solim - there is no trace of magic, and everything around is normal.

The two eyes saw diametrically opposed scenes, and the paradox was such that Solim didn't even know which eye to rely on for the information.

"Wait a minute!" called out Solim to Sirius, who was about to enter the cabin with Carlos.

"The fog in front of us may not exist. "

"Huh?" Lupin asked, "what did you find?"

Solim didn't say much, just handed him the goblin glasses.

"Be careful, I can feel a malice. Carlos returned to Solim's side, "And with the ill-intentioned sights around, we might be in trouble." "

"Isn't that expected?" replied, Solim replied, then looked at Lupin, "What do you think it could be?

"I don't know," Lupin thoughtfully returned his glasses to Solim, "but I think it's possible." "

"You know, I'm a werewolf, we both have smart noses, but I don't smell a trace of moisture out of this big fog, I don't have that slimy and uncomfortable feeling. "

"Something's coming!" Sirius stood guard at the outermost part of the crowd as he began to warn when he noticed something.

Dense figures appeared through the fog into the streets, numb, ragged, and mutilated, and Solim's glassless eye saw the man in front of him limping towards them, missing the sole of his foot......

But the other eye, the one with the goblin glasses, saw nothing. There was nothing in front of them, no fog, no figures, nothing, just as they had been when they first arrived.

"Something is wrong!" Solim exclaimed, "There's nothing in the glasses! "

The scene before him was beyond Solim's knowledge, and nothing he knew could explain the current phenomenon.

"I'll give it a try. Sirius said as he threw out a flame spell that swept several figures in.

Several figures fell to the ground after being charred, but those behind them ignored them, stepping over their charred bodies and continuing to lean towards them.

Solim closed his eyes and began to adjust his mind, ready to try it with Occlumency to see if any spell was affecting him.

Sirius began to rejoice, and the slow-moving figures didn't really threaten them anyway, whether they were real or hallucinatory.

"No?" Solim opened his eyes with some regret, and he activated the Occlumency Technique, but did not get the slightest feedback.

"Shut up your brain?" Carlos kept some of his attention on Solim, noticing his actions, "I've tried, but nothing happens, it shouldn't be a charm charm or something." "

"Reach out to those people. Solim said: "Whether it's an illusion or not, just look at it." "

"It's a way to do it. Lupin had been observing the figures before, and judging by their tattered flesh and ragged clothes, the smell should not be good, but Lupin did not smell anything unusual. If he closed his eyes, he wouldn't even know that there were so many figures in front of him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'll try it, I'm a werewolf, and I'm okay with recovery. Lupin took the initiative to ask for help, as a werewolf, he has a unique advantage over the weak wizard in terms of recovery and carrying blows.

Sirius and Tonks watched Lupin's movements with their wands in hand, and everyone was a wizard who had seen a big scene, and he wouldn't start chirping at the slightest temptation.

I saw Lupin walk in front of a figure at the front and take the initiative to let himself be grabbed by a dark palm......

Solim's eyes widened in disbelief, and he saw through the goblin glasses that the moment Lupin was caught, a trace of magic that he had never seen before appeared, and it appeared on Lupin's arm very abruptly. From the perspective of the fairy glasses, there was nothing in front of Lupin, let alone any figures, and he couldn't even see the hair, but just like that, traces of magic appeared on Lupin's arm the moment he was caught...... 213 Lupin sensed that something was wrong, and he quickly broke free, severing his grip with a precise cutting spell. []

"Are you alright, Remus?" Tonks hurried to Lupin's side, only to nearly trip.

"I don't know—" Lupin said as he picked out a few fingers from his arm with his wand, "and it is true that I felt traces of magic the moment I was caught, but it didn't seem to be the means of attack. "

"It doesn't make sense. Carlos frowned, scanning the swaying figures in front of him.

"If you close your eyes, you won't be aware of them, and I've tried several probing spells, but nothing happens. They're like...... It's like an illusion on our part. "

Carlos felt that he was well-informed, but today, in this underground world, it was once again an eye-opener, which reminded him of when he was a rookie......

"Moon Face?" Sirius cleared the approaching figure and turned to look at Lupin.

"It doesn't feel anything. Lupin looked at his grabbed arm, "But there are traces of magic, it's just that I don't know what that means yet." "

As if specifically to echo Lupin's words, more figures came out of the surrounding fog, surrounding Solim and his party.

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