"Damn! you deserve pus-covered rotten sores!"

This is the first sentence released in Calvin's gramophone spell, which fully expresses the anger of the person concerned.

"Have you forgotten that we're on a mission!"

This is the second sentence, which points out that Solim's actions are very inappropriate, and may even cause some bad ~ changes in the mission.

"I'll definitely put a curse on you when I go back!

Calvin stressed his anger again, and Solim touched his nose in embarrassment, he felt that he would have to stay away from the bald head next time, but on second thought, it didn't work, Calvin was a curse master, and face-to-face battles were never their forte, secretly making bad people - it was their style.

Calvin's voice in the gramophone pauses for a few seconds, as if someone is talking to him.

"Well, according to your description, that's really a marker, and it's a passive marker. You must have touched something, and if you want me to say, it should be a good thing that your bodyguard did. "

Solim tilted his head and glanced at Carlos, the guy who had come up and resorted to violence without saying a word, which had led to all this. Of course, Solim didn't blame Carlos. Now that Richie's people have evacuated the underworld, even if they leave a few eyeliners, they will definitely not be powerful wizards - they are currently short of manpower, and they will definitely not put their precious high-end power here.

What's in the underworld now?werewolves and vampires and wizards who are out of the way?How good can these guys be? Even if you meet a few wanted criminals from the Ministry of Magic, it's a send-off for Sirius, Lupin, and Tonks.

Yes, Solim and the others already know that there is a vampire alchemist hiding somewhere here, but since he can stay, he must negotiate with the Selwyns, otherwise there is no reason to leave a dangerous person behind after driving Richie out in the first place.

It stands to reason that the current underground world should be safe for Solim and his party, and even if they encounter some twists and turns, they will not be in danger of their lives.

But now? It's just that I saw a house full of magic traces on the side of the road, and I was about to go in and take a look, and I made a difficult curse - maybe Carlos knocked on the door a little louder, but the wizarding world has always relied on reason, but now it seems that the other party's reason seems to be more convincing.

"Don't leave anything to chance!" Calvin said as he got into shape, "None of the cursers who can use this method are easy to mess with!"

"What's the cursed guy to mess with?" Sirius thought Calvin was talking nonsense.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Tonks was more direct, pointing out the point.

Fortunately, this is a gramophone spell and not a telephone, otherwise Calvin's bald head would have to give these two blind guys some hard work.

Wizards use owls to deliver information over long distances, but Ash plays the role of an owl here, but Solim and Calvin use a more advanced technique like a gramophone.

If the wizard himself is capable enough, he has the luxury of using the Patronus Charm.

As for the high-end alchemy items that are hard to come by, such as the double-sided mirror...... This is not a mobile phone, you can buy it in a store. The two-way mirror didn't even have Solim, a wizard from Selwyn, so you know how precious it is.

"Of course," Calvin changed his words and said, "Now you don't have to worry, you see, from the time you caused trouble, to the temptation, to the detection of clues, there has been no reaction for such a long time, which means that the other party is either still observing you, or recognizes your identity, and is not ready to do anything to you, you can just leave ......"

Solim exchanged glances, feeling that Calvin made sense, and the tense strings in his heart relaxed slightly, but Calvin immediately killed a carbine:

"Probably...... I mean, there's another possibility," Calvin's tone became playful, "that the curser is moving his spellcasting materials, and he's even doing it right now...... He's going to give you a hard one. "

The heartstrings that had just been relaxed in everyone's hearts tightened again.

"I want to hit him!" Tonks gritted his teeth, "Dark wizard! This guy is definitely a true dark wizard!"

"You can't beat him. Calvin added a sentence next to him.

"But......" Calvin paused, and Solim took a deep breath, his fists clenched and relaxed.

"Even if you are really haunted by a terrible curse, you will not be able to die for a while. "

This is true.

The Curse has never been known for its instantaneous lethality, it has taken the route of a long stream. Slowly, little by little, it will torture you until you die miserably in the end.

"If it's really bad, go back and your family will help you deal with it. "

"My advice to you is to give your name and let the other party come out and talk. Let's see if your Selwyn's face is big enough, unless the other party is a secret hand left by the Rich family, otherwise you will most likely be fine. "

This is the end of Calvin's voice in the gramophone spell.

None of Solim spoke.

The secret hand of the Richie family? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, this is possible, although the Rich family has been driven away, but who knows if they will arrange a few people to lurk here when they evacuate? You know, the Rich family has been entrenched here for decades, which can be described as deep-rooted, even if they are prepared in advance, there will inevitably be some corners and corners that they will not have time to take care of, and it is very possible to leave a few people to deal with the aftermath.

No matter how bad it is, it is not a loss to use some means to reduce the number of Selwyn family.

But that's only the worst-case scenario.

Solim thinks that this place is so unusual, could it have something to do with that Master Brad? It's not impossible for a guy who combines the identities of an alchemist, a first-generation vampire, and a great wizard to have such a method. []

Solim made his guess public.

"You said there have been a lot of cases of missing people here, no one alive or dead," Solim snapped his fingers, "but what if these unlucky ghosts were targeted by a vampire alchemist?"

"He's a first-generation vampire, although he doesn't have a clan, but as an alchemist, I think that Master Brad will most likely have a pool of blood, then he needs a lot of blood to feed, and there is nothing else in the underworld, werewolves and crappy wizards grab a lot of ......"

"He's not only a vampire but also an alchemist, and the corpses were apparently disposed of as experimental material. "

Solim stretched out his hands.

"What do you think of me?"

"Not good? It's just nonsense!"

An unfamiliar voice interjected... Six....

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