The vault that Brad gave Sirius was filled with the necessities of Hogwarts to keep the castle running, which was previously provided by the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, but for some well-known reasons, the current Hogwarts Board of Directors can be said to be falling apart, and those who have a Death Eater background are running and dying, and the remaining few cannot afford their share.

As a result, many holes in Hogwarts' defenses have not been filled. Solim knew about this a year ago, when he ...... Not only then, but also now, Dumbledore has been worrying about it.

Hogwarts is a behemoth that needs to consume all kinds of resources to maintain, but it has no financial resources of its own - all its funds are raised through the board of directors, but now that the board of directors is paralyzed, no matter how powerful, how big his face, and how well-connected Dumbledore is, it is impossible to ask non-board members to pay a large sum of Galleons and alchemy materials to supply Hogwarts.

That's not hundreds of Galleons, it's not thousands of Galleons...... That's hundreds of thousands of galleons plus all kinds of strictly controlled materials, and the average wizarding family almost doesn't have this ability even if they want to set up with Dumbledore.

Before the war began, it was relatively good, at least it could be maintained, but with Voldemort's attack on Hogwarts, after consuming a lot of mana and being paralyzed by various ancient defensive magic, Hogwarts has become precarious743.

The destroyed alchemy circles need to be repaired with materials, all kinds of magic needed to be replenished to maintain Hogwarts, and even the professors' salaries were now paid for by the Ministry of Magic...... If Dumbledore can't help Hogwarts find enough supplies to sustain it this holiday, he won't even be able to sustain the anti-apparition and anti-apparition charms in the castle next semester.

Brad can be said to have given Dumbledore and Hogwarts a big gift, although it is impossible to completely close the hole in Hogwarts at once, but the urgent need is to solve it.

It's a big favor.

Even Sirius, a super loser, was shocked by Brad's big deal, but he didn't feel happy about it, but asked cautiously:

"I believe there is no gratuitous help in this world," Sirius closed the lid and pushed it aside, "what do you want from us?"

"No, no, no—" Brad waved his hand, "not what I want from you, but what you want from me." "

"Instead of resting at home in the middle of the night, I come to this place, and I still fight under the banner of (CDDB) looking for the prison of the Rich family......" Brad looked at the circle of people, "I want to ask you, do you really know what you are doing, or do you people who are asking you to come here tonight tell you a clear goal?"

"I've said it before," Solim said, "we're here to find that secret cell, where many of the previously missing people are said to have been held by the Rich family......"

"Close?" said Brad, smiling meaningfully, "That's what your family told you?"

"Big mistake, that's not a detention. Maybe you think they're trying to find the people who are locked up, to save them?" Brad seemed to think it was funny, laughed for a while, then took a breath, and then said, "I kind of get it, you don't know what kind of place you're looking for. "

"You went to the Lying Arena some time ago—"

"That's right, it's the one from Stefano," Brad looked at Solim with interest, "I heard you broke his favorite toy and killed one of his apprentices?"

"You mean...... Kucchoch?" Solim remembered that Kucchoch's name was Stanfano.

"That's right, that's the guy. "

"But what does he have to do with all this?" Solim wondered why Brad had suddenly turned the subject to the madman.

"Of course, there is!"

"You know, right? What the people out there say about that guy in Stefano, they gave him a nickname. "

Brad looked at Solim, as if encouraging him to say the nickname.


"Haha, that's it!"

Somehow, Brad laughed uncontrollably. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then do you know why he is called a madman?"

It is said that there is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

There's a reason why Ku Zhuoqi is considered a madman. One second he may be talking to you pleasantly, but the next you may be angry with him - you may think that you are not doing anything wrong or saying something wrong, but this is not the case in the eyes of Ku Zhuoqi, a madman.

You may be incorrectly expressed because of an action or a certain word, or it may just be that he simply wants to kill you at that moment...... In short, it's a dangerous madman who can do it anytime, anywhere.

No one can judge his actions. []

"Yes, you're right. Brad nodded, "That's why he's called a madman." "

"But do you know why he became like this?" Brad asked again, "No one is born crazy, and if he was, he wouldn't have made it that far." "

"You mean ......"

Solim thought back to what he had heard about Ku Zhuoqi.

It is said that he had been using the arena in Gaudis Square to gather emotions, and that Schweitz, who died at the hands of Solim, was his apprentice, a wizard full of anger, who controlled his anger through alchemy arrays impregnated in his skin, and reminiscent of the accounts of emotions seen in the pyramids and stone tablets of that labyrinth......

Solim had reason to believe that Brad was implying that the Rich family was doing the same thing by mentioning Kucrock.

“...... That dungeon, is it a place to collect emotions?"

"It doesn't look like you're hopeless. With that, Brad glanced at the others, "Look at them, they don't understand what I'm saying." "

"Now that you know what that dungeon does, do you still think that the old guys in your house really let you find someone in that dungeon?"

Brad looked at Solim.

Shaking his head, Solim knew it was impossible.

If the dungeon of the Richie family is really a place to collect negative emotions, then there is no need to rescue the people who are imprisoned inside. It's not that they're dead, it's that there's no value in saving people - there's a great probability that those people are dead, and what can a decent person who has been destroyed physically and mentally from the inside out?

Like a person who has been kissed by a Dementor, any wizard knows that such a person is no longer worth saving.

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