Lucius's calculations were very good, both finding an anchor for the Malfoy family to maintain their own interests and status, and paving the way for Draco's future.

A position with access to the Selwyn family's international trade is a guarantee of further entry into the circle. Because of Malfoy's relationship with Selwyn, Selwyn would not object, on the contrary, they would be happy to see another person of their own in the Ministry of Magic.

Although the Council of Elders does not interfere in the day-to-day operations of the Ministry, with Selwyn's connection, Draco's future work in the Ministry of Magic will be very easy to carry out and the opportunity to be promoted.

After the train started, Draco couldn't sit still...... This is his annual repertoire on the train. He was bound to go out and find trouble with Weasley, or rather, trouble with Weasley was his main purpose.

Unlike previous years, this time Solim also followed. He replaced Goyle and Crabbe, temporarily becoming Draco's henchmen.

The graduates' compartments were so close that they easily found Harry's compartment.

“...... 770 I tell you that this year's Aurors have more applicants than all previous years combined. It was Weasley's voice, who was bragging to Harry, "My dad said the two of us might be able to split into a group, and the leader might be Sirius." "

"Ah—that's a pity, isn't it? Weasley?"

Standing in the aisle, Solim watched with interest as Draco pulled open the box door, and said with a proud expression:

"The Ministry of Magic is going to have a lot more crappy Aurors, and I doubt you'll pass the Aurors' potions test...... After all, first-year Hogwarts students know that your potions grades ......."

"Get out, you goddamn Death Eater!"

Hogwarts was the only one who would call Draco that, just Weasley.

"Ah, I'm surprised. Draco wasn't angry, but looked at the others in the box with a treacherous expression, "Potter, did you hear what he called me? And you, Granger, did you hear that? Neville? Of course, you must have heard it too." "

Draco then turned to Weasley.

"In view of your slander and slander of my reputation, Ronald. Weasley, I hereby formally inform you of the summons from the Wizengamot. There are witnesses here!"

"Don't give perjury when the time comes, think about what you haven't started yet......

Draco looked smug.

"When the time comes, let those big guys take a good look, a reserve Auror may not have time to pass the test through the back door, and he will be fired. "

"That's a shame, right, Weasley?"

The people in the box had mixed reactions. Harry's face was calm, Hermione continued to look down at the book after glancing at Weasley, and Neville was a little confused...... Except for Ron, there was a hint of panic in his fierce expression.

Of course he knows what level he is. Weasley knew very well that if he didn't release the water and didn't rely on connections, he wouldn't want to join the Aurors in his life, he wouldn't be able to pass those harsh tests at all.

If he was really summoned by the Wizengamot and convicted of the crime, he would basically have no chance to be an Auror. He didn't want to lose his prestige job!

As the son of a Ministry of Magic official, Ron was more or less aware of some of the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Magic. If he had committed perjury on the Wizengamot, not only would he be finished, but Harry and the others would be implicated......

As long as Draco took this seriously and took it seriously, Weasley would definitely be kicked out of the Auror Reserves.

After all, he did say that, and accusing Draco of being a Death Eater was indeed slander and slander.

But in fact? (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It didn't make a splash at all. Where does the Wizengamot now have the kung fu to take care of these trivial things, and if they die, they will be punished with Galleons, and they won't even have a hearing.

Solim knew this, Draco knew this, but Ron clearly didn't. He was caught up in worries about the future because of his quick talk.

"It's like this every year, isn't it fun?" compared to Ron, Harry was much more mature.

"Interesting, of course interesting. Draco nodded earnestly, "Why would I have to come here every year?"

"You mean it's fun to be knocked down and thrown out of the hallway?" Harry silently drew his wand, "Then I can do it for you." As it happens, I also think it's fun to throw you out of here. "[]

Draco's face changed suddenly. He did suffer a lot in the past few years, mainly because there were a lot of people around Harry at that time, whether it was the Weasley twins or the Gryffindor team, they were always the first to come and help. Outnumbered, Draco couldn't take advantage of anything every time.

But now it's different, even without Goyle and Crabbe, two useless henchmen, Harry doesn't have anyone around to help, not to mention, Draco brought Solim with him this time, and he believes that he won't suffer this time.

"You can try. Draco's eyes narrowed, he wished Harry had struck first.

Draco, who was very experienced in struggle, understood that as long as this kind of thing stood up first, the final result would not be bad.

"Gentlemen," Hermione closed the book impatiently, "may I invite you out for a chat?"

If it weren't for the fact that the other boxes were too noisy, and that Hermione didn't have many friends, she wouldn't have crammed into a car with Weasley. Rather than taking advantage of the last chance to brag with her classmates, Hermione wanted to take the time to familiarize herself with the various rules of the Ministry of Magic.

"If you want a quiet environment, then why stay in the Gryffindor carriage?" Draco leaned back in the box, "We're much quieter and better here, and even the seats under us are softer. "

"It's forty steps away, and now Sylna is there alone. "

Solim's face was visible on the glass of the box.

"Ah, Solim, you're just in time!" Hermione saw Solim stand up and grabbed him and dragged him into the box.

"I happen to have some questions for you. Hermione gave Harry a kick and motioned for him to get out of the way.

Harry with his wand and Draco waiting for Harry to make a move were both a little frustrated, and Hermione completely ruined the atmosphere.

Solim shrugged at Draco.

"Well," he said, dejectedly, "I'll come back to you later." "

Harry also stumbled and put his wand back away.

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