What is the essence of a Horcrux? It is the soul stored in it, and without a soul, the so-called Horcrux is nothing more than an object. Solim was well aware of the Horcrux's function, but he was unclear about the deeper details of the Horcrux, such as the deep relationship between the Horcrux and the wizard.

Human strength comes from muscles, that is, the body, and by exercising the body, the muscles can be strengthened, thus increasing strength. The magic of a wizard comes from the soul, but the soul is different from the body in that it cannot be exercised. The soul will only grow slowly over time, and then the soul will gradually age as the person ages, but the aging of the soul is much slower than that of the body. A strong soul is extremely important for a wizard, a strong soul means having more magic than others, it means resistance to soul magic and strength when performing soul magic, and the stronger the soul is, the less likely the soul is to age.

A strong soul is so important to a wizard that it is natural for wizards to study in this area. Unfortunately, although many powerful soul curses or soul-specific magic have been invented since ancient times, wizards have never had a clue how to continue to strengthen their souls when their souls tend to stabilize in adulthood. Thanks to a great deal of research on the soul, the wizards learned a little about the nature of the soul.

First of all, the first point is that the soul is non-renewable, which is the same as the body, it is not a big deal to cut a little skin, it can be completely healed, but if you cut off the arm, it will not grow back, but you can reconnect the severed arm, provided that the arm is still intact. The same goes for souls, minor injuries don't matter, but severe soul damage is irreversible, and the cut soul can indeed be reintegrated into the original soul, but the soul that is later integrated must also be intact.

That's what makes Riddle's Horcruxes so appealing: the souls in his Horcruxes are intact.

Historically, most of the wizards who would choose to make Horcruxes were cursed by their souls, and in order to survive, the geckos cut off their tails and split their souls contaminated by the curse. But Riddle is different, he didn't suffer any curse on his soul when he made the Horcruxes, which means that the souls he split out were good.

This intact, unconscious soul is a coveted healing elixir for sorcerers whose souls have been severely wounded. Even if the soul is not traumatized, wizards can use Riddle's Horcruxes to strengthen their souls.

The diary is one of Voldemort's most special horcruxes, this horcrux has its own subjective consciousness, Voldemort not only sealed part of his soul, but also stripped away part of his own memories by the way. Other Horcruxes are simply sealed souls, and do not have this subjective consciousness. Those ordinary Horcruxes were just tools that Voldemort used to prevent death, and had no other properties.

A horcrux that can restore damage to the soul of a wizard and increase the power of the soul - and more than one, which will make many wizards flock to it.

"According to what you say," Solim scratched his chin, he really didn't know about these things, but he didn't think Riddle lied to him, "a lot of people will want to get their hands on your Horcruxes, and if they wanted to, they should have done so long ago." To put it mildly, you were indeed powerful at your peak, but you also know that there are few wizards in Europe who are stronger than you, but not nothing. Even I know a few, and you know better than I do. "

"They couldn't find it. Riddle said conceitedly, "I'm the first to be made, but I know very well that the other one I'll definitely hide the other Horcruxes." Coercion and temptation don't work for me, I'm not dead, and even if those wizards do kill me, I'll return, and I'll take revenge at that time, which is what they don't want to see. "

Solim nodded, kind of accepting Riddle's statement. There are indeed wizards who are more powerful than Voldemort, but what effect can those wizards have on Voldemort? Threaten him? Voldemort will not eat this at all, with the Horcrux in hand, even if Voldemort is killed, he can start all over again, and the family that did it against him will suffer Voldemort's revenge in the future, which is why the elders will ignore Voldemort: even if they can kill Voldemort, who will go? And everyone knows that Voldemort can't be killed until all the Horcruxes are destroyed, so even if he kills Voldemort once, he won't retaliate when he comes back? A wizard who is qualified to clash with Voldemort head-on doesn't have to think about it to know that it must be a great wizard, which of these great wizards is not the ruler of the family? Who would want to take this risk? Regarding Voldemort, an uncontrollable wizard who likes to do things, it's not that no one proposes to kill him, but the risks are not willing to be taken by any family, they all pass the buck to each other, and over time there is a tacit understanding, Voldemort will do things if he wants, anyway, he will only do it in the UK, as long as it does not affect the core interests, the Presbyterian Council will let him go.

"And what do you want from me?" asked Solim again. The Horcrux is Voldemort's life, and it's also Riddle's life, what does he want to exchange for this kind of thing?

"You and I are not ordinary wizards," Riddle said, "we all know that this world is not as simple as it seems, and there are many things in this world that ordinary wizards cannot touch or understand in their lifetimes. The Selwyns are a very old family, and it has endured, and there must be a lot of forbidden and transcendent things that exist, and I want you to share them with me, and in return, I can help you divert the attention of the Richie family. It even got the Richie family into trouble. "

"I am an illegitimate child. Solim frowned, he felt that Riddle's purpose was definitely not like this, and the desire for forbidden knowledge was in line with his character, but Solim was not stupid enough to believe his words.

"I don't have much status in the Selwyn family, and I even have to sneak into the family library. Solim shook his head, "I can't help you with that." "

Solim's return obviously did not surprise Riddle, "It's okay, I'm sure there will be opportunities in the future." "

With that, Riddle's figure gradually disappeared into thin air.

Solim picked up the journal with a frown, he just realized that Riddle might be gathering strength. His activities need to be supported by power, whether it is the blood of wizards, or the life force like in the original books, or the magic provided by Dumbledore, these are the powers that Riddle relies on to act, and Solim does not think that he will use this power every time. Because if Solim had been in Riddle's situation, he would have done the same. Gathering strength can play a key role when needed. But for now, Solim won't have anything to do with Riddle anytime soon, and he'll give the journal to Dumbledore soon. With Dumbledore's temperament, Riddle probably stayed in the Headmaster's office all the time.

After putting away the diary, Solim took out the map of the living spots, the headmaster's room must be very lively now, Solim has never seen so many names appear in the headmaster's room: Dumbledore, the headmaster, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Fudge, the minister of the Ministry of Magic, Lucius Malfoy, and the three who have just come out of the secret room. So many names were piled together in the principal's office, and some names even overlapped.

Solim began to walk to the eighth floor, the headmaster's office was on that floor, and during the time he walked from the second floor to the eighth floor, Solim believed that Dumbledore could send away a large number of people, and when everyone was almost gone, he handed over the diary to Dumbledore, and this year's affairs were considered to be a happy ending.

Compared to Solim's ease, there was a lot of noise in the headmaster's room. Harry and Ron were both severely counted down by Professor McGonagall, frantically taunted by Professor Snape, and then Fudge played a round on the side, Lucius watched coldly, not knowing what he was thinking, Hermione had just been taken away by Madam Pomfrey for a check-up, and Dumbledore was sitting in a high-backed chair watching the farce in front of him.

Solim leaned around the corner not far from the headmaster's office, looking at the names on the map, waiting for them to leave one by one. Due to Solim's relationship, Dobby's role is not very much, and they don't know that the diary actually flows out of Malfoy's house, so Dobby is still a Malfoy family elf. Finally, when everyone was gone, Solim could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When Solim threw the real journal onto Dumbledore's desk and was about to turn away, Dumbledore stopped him.

"The Chamber of Secrets is over, and you're doing a good job. Dumbledore crossed his hands on the table, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"No, if you really want to say it...... "Solim scratched his chin, "the Basque school and you don't care, I'll take care of it then." "

"Are you going to take it away from Hogwarts?"

"Of course, he was a waste at school, and he was sinned. Solim turned, "I'll leave first if it's okay, the exam is coming soon, and I have to go back to review." "

Solim wanted to leave, but Dumbledore didn't let him go.

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