It wasn't until dinner that Derek, who still hadn't returned, finally made Devina realize that something was wrong. Derek never returned, not once.

Cheedo has left, and there is only one house-elf in the house except for Divina, and Divina can't order Lara to do anything.

She had to figure it out on her own.

The clever werewolf lady sent a message to Solim with a phoenix quill, and then went out to find her brother. Of course, she didn't forget to bring her wand.

"My brother didn't come back, I'm going out to find him now. "

Solim dropped the note on the table and looked at the three people opposite.

"Are you sure they're going to be okay?"

"No one can give you a perfect guarantee. Kent said gently, "We have dealt with the knights of the church, and there are only two kinds of people: one is a madman who looks like an ordinary person, and the other is a madman, and there are no normal people at all. "

"Native werewolves, although they are rare, but they are not impossible to find, if you really want to use them, go to those horns and look for them, you can find them after all. Calvin yawned and said, "Those two little cubs are nothing more than bait, as long as those knights do their job, their mission is done." Two werewolves for a team of knights23, where can I find this kind of deal?"

In the hours since he got off work, Solim had already filled up some knowledge about the church in the family library. He knew Calvin was right.

The knights of the Church were not knights in the traditional sense, but the personal armies of the bishops. Their recruitment, training, and equipping were supported by the various bishops.

Knights are usually raised from an early age, and the Church favors children who have been unfortunate in their childhood, and who have suffered major accidents, and under the deliberate guidance of the Church, these children with inherent defects in character will become more extreme and paranoid, and this extreme and paranoia is the source of the strength of these knights.

Knights possess magic-like powers, some of the elite have magical powers themselves, and the Church equips them with a variety of targeted weapons, whether it's witch hunting or dealing with dark creatures.

In one-on-one situations, the vast majority of knights are unable to defeat a trained wizard, but they never go it alone, but work in small squads. With skillful coordination and the help of tools, they can often defeat wizards who are stronger than them.

Kent has a say in this. These three can be said to have seen the vast majority of the forces in this world, and they have also clashed with the members of the church in the past.

"Don't underestimate those godly knights," Kent couldn't help but remind, although he knew that Solim had never underestimated his opponents, "It's true that they are not your opponents one-on-one, but once you fall into their encirclement, and fight them when they are ready, it will definitely be a hard battle, and it is even very likely to be killed by them." "

"I know this may be a bit one-sided," Solim said, "but as far as I know, the vast majority of so-called knights don't have too much magical power, and even if they do, they are relatively simple, and they are not as varied as wizards. "

"That's relative," explained Kent, "don't underestimate the knights' methods, some of them have a tough defense that even I find difficult. "

"On top of that, you'll have to be extra careful with the hunters among them, judging by their equipment. Kent emphasized, "This kind of person will hide in the shadows and deal you a fatal blow while you concentrate on other people." "

The vast majority of knights were able to achieve their power by relying on the objects given to them by the Church, such as crosses, such as holy weapons. These artifacts can be thought of as a special wand that can only have a single effect: such as healing injuries and defending against attacks.

Solim thought he could be able to catch such an enemy alone, but the knights often went out in groups, and they fought as a whole, some of them were responsible for defending off attacks, and some of them were responsible for attracting attention head-on, so that their companions hiding in the shadows could deliver a fatal blow.

Solim had never faced such a well-trained team, and suddenly encountering a team of knights might be like Kent said: instead of taking advantage of it, he would put himself in it.

"This time the church has no advantage," Vanessa, who was half-lying on the sofa, opened her eyes, "they lost two holy weapons that must be retrieved, and they didn't have any bargaining chips in their hands, and now they are probably about to die." "

Vanessa sat up as she spoke, brushing her hair.

"Unless they're going to come to the door and grab it, it's going to be a negotiation in the end. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What about the strength of us and theirs?" was Solim's primary concern, "if they do come over, will we be able to withstand it?"

Vanessa gave him a strange look.

"Don't think of the church as powerful......"

Perhaps noticing the strange eyes of Kent and Calvin looking at her, Vanessa changed her tone and said, "Well, if you look at the overall strength, the entire church can indeed subvert us, but they won't do it, and they can't do it. "

"First of all, you have to be clear that just because the Church controls Muggles by faith doesn't mean they believe in that thing. In a tone that is what she said, "They have factions within themselves, just like the Council of Elders. "[]

So Solim understands.

To put it bluntly, the top of the church are also human beings, and they will also have entanglement of interests, as well as internal contradictions, and it is not worth making a fuss about stumbling each other or adding to the blockade of different factions.

The whole church is united, and it is true that the Selwyns alone are no rivals, but Selwyn is not alone. If that happens, the Council of Elders will be Selwyn's strongest backing.

"But there's one caveat. "

Kent 117 reminded: "With the gradual repeal of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act, and with the gradual contact between wizards and Muggles, we are bound to touch the interests of the Church - but let's not forget how the Church broke away from wizarding in the first place." "

"That's right," Calvin agreed, "the power of the Church is deeply ingrained in Muggle society, and it's not surprising that wizards are in a hurry to see that wizards are interested in merging with Muggles." What happened to this kid is very illustrative - the Church does not want to see wizards and Muggles in full contact, and even if they did, they would not have rushed to Buckingham Palace to make trouble. "

"In three days, they expect to make a move. Vanessa was a little indifferent, "What the hell are we doing with this? It's not our turn to make decisions, let those sinister old men do their work, we just have to fight." "

"So we're not going to do anything now?" Solim wasn't an impatient, but he didn't like to waste time. In his opinion, it was a waste of the Kent trio's combat power to sit like this.

"Aren't we waiting for news?" Vanessa yawned and shrank back into the couch.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed. Kent said, "They will go and seek out people who are related to you, so as to find out about you, and we both know that." "

But what you don't know is whether there are a few bishops or even inquisitors standing behind the knights on the surface. Calvin looked at Solim with a smile, "So you'll have to be a little patient and let someone settle the situation first." "。

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