The procession had a considerable impact on the French Ministry of Magic and was a great headache for them. These people did not violate the local wizarding laws, so the Ministry of Magic could not do anything about them, but now the Muggle leaders are coming one after another, and being seen in such an unbearable way is not only a shame for the French wizards, but also a loss for all European wizards.

It is conceivable that if they don't handle this well, they will be ridiculed for years to come - especially the British, who will certainly not let go of such a good opportunity!

In order not to be so embarrassed, the French Ministry of Magic urgently sent a large group of officers and strikers in an attempt to disperse the crowd. As the main road was blocked by crowds, Solim and his party had to stand still and wait.

But no one was upset, especially the British officials, who immediately gloated and watched the show when they learned that the French wizards were marching. Perhaps the appearance of French wizards at this time made them feel that wizards and ordinary people still have something in common.

This kind of self-soothing is really effective, and it allows ordinary people and wizards to quickly remove the barrier. The British officials were no longer nervous, and instead watched the good show that the French had put on them.

Solim was in the mood to watch the excitement at first, but he soon spotted an unusually outstanding and familiar figure on the side of the street: her long tawny hair and tall figure made her stand out. 390

"Reina......" Solim unconsciously whispered her name.

Vanessa, who was on the side, keenly captured the woman's name.

"Do you know?" said as he searched the crowd for women of the right age.

Soon, she saw the tall Regina at the door of a perfume shop.

"Roderick's perfume chain ......" Vanetha glanced at the store's sign, "Well, I have an impression of this brand, it's a very famous brand, so you came here to buy perfume? For whom? Your new wife?"

Soon Vanessa overturned her judgment because there was something wrong with Solim's expression......

"Oh, I see. "

Vanessa looked at her nephew playfully with a look of "I see through you".

"Don't worry," he said, patting Solim on the back with a big grin, "I won't talk nonsense." "

"What. Solim couldn't help but laugh, and quickly explained: "Miss Roderick once participated in the Triwizard Tournament, and I was a Hogwarts warrior at the time, so of course I will know her. "

"Oh?" Vanessa turned to look at Ken (CDCA) and the big bald head and asked, "Do you two still have an impression of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"How can you be impressed? Calvin shrugged, "Can you remember the names of the lions or elephants in the circus?"

Calvin's words were a bit underwhelming, and if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat him, Solim would have to give him some color.

Vanessa was in the mood for it, as if she had decided that there was a story between Solim and the French girl, and that the fire of gossip from women was burning. With Solim in her hand, she directed Kent and Calvin to clear the way ahead.

"No," Solim panicked, "shouldn't we bring them into the venue now?

"Hey, isn't this road blocked?" Vanessa bit her lower lip excitedly, her eyes shining, "It's just a matter of a few words anyway! "

Solim tried to use the illusion to escape, only to remember that due to security issues, the French Ministry of Magic cast an anti-illusion spell here. He didn't have the skills to use his magic to break through this blockade.

So...... He was taken to Reyna by Vanessa.

The Roderick family is actually quite famous. Their perfumes are known throughout Europe and are bought by almost all the wives of pure-blood families.

You know, Roderick has more than two dozen perfume patents, and has branches in almost all of Europe on Wizard's Street - except Diagon Alley, where they just have a counter in collaboration with the Extraordinary Ready-to-Wear Store. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In short, the Rodericks are rich, very rich. They have their own herb gardens, estates and properties all over Europe, and they are even shareholders in Beauxbatons.

Even during Lucius's best period, the Malfoys were far from Roderick. This is a very important family in the French wizarding world.

And now the most orthodox heir of this family - Reina. Miss Roderick was standing outside the store, looking at the marchers and the Ministry of Magic personnel who were about to drive them away.

Of course, she is irritable, and she has already started the family business three years after graduating, but the recent situation has caused their turnover to plummet.

Not only that, but recently the European Herbal Medicine Association didn't know what was going on, and even started to conduct inspections twice in three days. This week alone, the family's herb garden has been inspected three times, and they will be stopped by people from the Ministry of Magic to inspect the goods during transportation...... This is not against them Roderick's family, but for the whole of Europe. The censorship and transportation of herbs and potions has become more and more stringent, and some categories of herbs have even been banned altogether. []

Regina didn't know why, but she knew — the big one was coming. The last time the situation was so tense was said to have been in the years when Grindelwald and his henchmen were active in Europe, and now?

The Dark Lord of England returns to Germany and gathers a bunch of Grindelwald fans, mad vampires and werewolves...... Truth be told, even if the whole of Europe were to fight tomorrow, Rewena wouldn't be surprised.

Roderick had already started to transfer assets to the United States some time ago, and Reina knew that if it weren't for the bad situation, his grandfather wouldn't have done it.

Sighing, Reina was ready to go back to the shop behind her, although there had been no customers for 3 whole days, it was better than watching these angry guys outside.

As soon as she turned around, she saw two men who did not fit in with the marching crowd. A big bald head with a shiny head, and a handsome blonde guy who is too handsome.

At first, Reina thought that the Ministry of Magic had sent someone over again, but then she saw a woman with a unique temperament in the middle of the two wizards, as well as ...... Solim she was tugging on.

That's right, even after three years, she still recognizes the man she met at Hogwarts: the warrior who saved her from the horrors of Ukraine's iron belly.

It's just that this warrior doesn't look very brave.

He was being pulled by the collar by a woman, and he looked awkward through the crowd until he came to her.

"Hi Solim. She greeted her cordially.

At this moment, the noisy procession strangely disappeared from Reina's sight, and all she could see at the moment was the person standing in front of her.

"Uh...... Hi Reina. "。

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