The Council of Elders has shown its sincerity, and the Ministry of Magic will naturally accept it when it sees it, and their purpose has been achieved.

But some people are not satisfied.

One of the cardinals of the church stood up, immediately attracting the attention of the wizards in the audience.

"Wizard, are you trying to break the agreement with us?"

"Wizards don't interfere with anything about ordinary people, that's what you promised, are you going to break your promise now?"

The audience was silent, and everyone turned their attention to the four old men on the high platform who could represent the entire wizarding world at this time.

"Very interesting statement. "

It was Alexios who spoke. Mercury, a freewheeling dark wizard.

There were quite a few wizards who knew about his situation and quietly lowered their heads, for fear of attracting the attention of this madman. The five members of the church were fearless, staring straight at him.

"Are you going to deny the agreement that the wizard and we have reached?" Cardinal Ling Ran was not afraid, and just stared at Alexios.

Suddenly, with Alexios sneering, the cardinal fell back very abruptly and fell into his chair.

As soon as his ass was pressed against his chair, the cardinal stood up, his eyes fixed on Alexios.

"Hmph, don't think you've got all those gadgets that will help you. Alexios looked at the church people with disdain, "Don't you just want us to give you an explanation?"

Alexios stood up, and this move immediately made the people of the church feel like they were facing a great enemy, and they all stood up and put on a posture, ready to fight back.

The imaginary attack did not come.

"What?" Alexios sneered at the nervous church crowd, "Thought I'd do it right here?"

Many of the wizards present had snuck out their wands, ready to attack the church as soon as the fight began.

"It's not going to be a real fight, is it?" said Solim looked at Willard.

"No, at least not here. "

"Come, Fisher, you come and tell me. Alexios stared at the presiding judge with a righteous face.

"Didn't you break the agreement in 1952 first? Did we ask someone from your church for an explanation? Or do you think we don't know anything about your little moves?"

The wizards present began to whisper. Wizards who didn't know the inside story asked each other, and those who knew the inside story, such as Solim and his party, looked at the church with blank faces, trying to see what they were saying.

"We are now discussing your intents to fully intervene in ordinary people and tear up the agreement. What you said is beyond the scope of this discussion. The inquisitor named Fisher replied with a serious expression.

"Oh, don't you think it's irrelevant?" Alexios leaned forward, "The agreement needs to be observed by both parties, and the moment one party does something that violates the provisions of the agreement, the so-called agreement has been unilaterally torn up. "

"Besides, the incident in 1952 was not a trivial matter such as planting spies and looting people in the wizarding world, but a premeditated and planned major event to disrupt the order of the wizarding world. "

"Now you're running over and saying that we tore up the agreement?"

The London Fog Demon Incident of 1952 was orchestrated by the Church, which coincided with the crucial period of Elizabeth II's coronation, which directly exacerbated the distrust between wizards and Muggles, and led to further cooperation between the Anglican Church and the Crown.

All the actions of the church are aimed at deeply controlling and binding ordinary people, but they are not all smooth sailing. The history of the European continent has not been one or two anti-clerical movements, and the Church cannot interfere much in matters outside the Church now. Although they have many followers and great influence, they are already lonely compared to their peak.

Once upon a time, the Church was able to decide on the appointment and dismissal of kings on the continent, and was able to wage massive jihads...... But now, the Church is like the wizards who were backstabbed by them, by the common people they once ruled.

The huge gap in numbers, and the propaganda that has been all the way, has led to the possibility that the church will go to war with ordinary people at all. They can only choose non-violent means to influence and control the society of ordinary people, but with the rapid development of science and technology, the old ways of the church are no longer very effective.

Even if they burn another 100 Giordano now. Bruno was useless. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the church's dilemma.

But not wizards'.

This is also why the church is so anxious and out of shape when it sees that wizards are ready to fully embrace ordinary people..... Because the wizard is a relatively independent circle, and the church is a parasite that lives in the society of ordinary people.

Is it the Church's sacred duty to protect humans from werewolves, vampires, and all sorts of dark creatures?

That may be true, but that only applies a few or even a dozen centuries ago. The current church has long been concerned about werewolves and vampires.

If they do, they should be the ones who want to focus on the various bars and entertainment venues after nightfall. There are many blood slaves mixed with ordinary people, but what about the church?

The management of werewolves, vampires, and all kinds of dark creatures is now done by wizards. Take a look at the Magical Creatures Management and Control Divisions of the various ministries of magic, the Magical Accidents and Disasters Divisions, and the memory cancellers who work overtime almost every day and are tired and about to die suddenly without much pay......

When it comes to contributions and responsibilities, shamans take on more than churches.

Today's church is like a lazy man who has a lot of strength but is too lazy to work in the fields. I eat more than anyone else, and I work less than anyone else. The fields he was responsible for were deserted, and he didn't care about it, and he also pointed fingers and made irresponsible remarks about those who took the initiative to help.

This kind of thing just doesn't clean up. []

Alexios, a madman, is not used to them.

"Come on, Will, you can say something too. He turned his head to look at the other famous dark wizard present.

Wilhelm. Hereciolia glanced at 5.2 at him.

"I'm not interested in anything, if I do it with them......" Wilhelm smiled a little sinisterly, "I can accompany you." "

"Adrian?" Alexios looked at Adrian again, who was speechless. Friedrich.

"I'm just doing my job. "

"That's enough. He nodded, continuing to look at Cowys.

"What do you say, Daddy Cowyce?"

"They just came to test my true attitude. Cowyce said, "Then you can give them a clear and clear attitude? You and Little Will will watch it. "

The four bigwigs on the stage whispered, and the wizards in the audience also chatted in whispers. Only the people of the church are there like fools.

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