The efficiency of the Ministry of Magic and the British government was incredibly fast.

In less than a week, the Ministry of Magic had put together the framework of the Muggle Collaboration Division. Not surprisingly, Hermione was the first director. A number of offices and related bodies involved in Muggle matters have been merged or abolished, such as the Muggle Mediation Committee of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, and the Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Objects, which were merged into the Muggle Affairs Cooperation Division.

Fortunately, Arthur was promoted before that, otherwise it would have been embarrassing to work under Hermione, a newly graduated witch.

The International Confederation of Wizards' mission to the British Ministry of Magic has not yet arrived on the Muggle Affairs Oversight Board, but the Committee for the Promotion of Communication between the Ministry of Magic and Muggles has already submitted and approved the list. This efficiency is nothing short of miraculous in a place like the International Federation of Wizards.

Not only that, but a working group of wizards, Muggles, and goblins has signed an agreement, and the exchange rate of 1 Galleon to 5 pounds has been announced. Solim didn't know much about the economy or anything, but he intuitively thought that wizards might lose financially. It's true that ordinary people can't play magic, but the economy is a clean thing, and those capitalists can suffer?

Of course, this is to rule out the use of tactics by the Witch 107th Division against Muggles. Wizard-Muggle interactions inevitably led to many cases involving the Imperius Curse, which Solim believed was bound to happen.

A wizard who is not very good at mixing can easily get a lot of benefits from a rich Muggle as long as he has a decent Imperius Charm, and then he can go to Gringotts with pounds to exchange for Galleons. In the future, the strikers and Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will definitely be busy.

The Great Age of Muggle and Wizarding Merge was indeed a time of opportunity, but it was also a time of chaos, even more so than the time of Grindelwald.

What's going on now?

Wizards with connections are looking for cooperation with Muggles, such as the patent holder of fast-acting hair growth potions, who don't know what path they have taken to get their products on the first batch of potions cooperation lists. I have to say that this is a very wise choice, as soon as the Muggles start selling, they will wait to count the money.

On the surface, it seems that the Ministry of Magic chose them, but secretly I don't know how filthy and unbearable they are. In the face of great interests, it is the same whether it is a wizarding capitalist or a (cdcb) Muggle capitalist - do everything.

It's still just the stage of experimentation and exploration, and many people or families with more backgrounds haven't ended up yet, and when they think the time is right, then the real bloody storm will happen.

The Presbyterian Church's policy has always been not to interfere with the Ministries of Magic in the open, and it will not have unnecessary interaction with Muggles under the implementation of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act, but with the advent of integration, this policy will inevitably be broken.

It's just a matter of time.

Large-scale magic leaks and Muggles' increasingly advanced communications technology made the International Wizarding Secrecy Act increasingly difficult to enforce.

This is not a development that Solim is familiar with, and all he can do now is wait and see. Anyway, when the sky falls, there is a tall man on top, even if there is any mess in the follow-up, it is not his turn to worry about it.

That's right, with the closing of the conference and the follow-up reports from various European countries, the vast majority of the wizarding people have become aware of the changes that are taking place in the wizarding world, which has also given rise to a lot of small chaos.

People in Germany have already gathered to protest against the Ministry of Magic. As the most heavily influenced part of Grindelwald, the wizarding population here is mostly less friendly to Muggles.

They considered Muggles who could not do magic to be lowly, and they disdained any interaction with the Muggle community, and if there was to be such an intersection, then wizards should be in the position of masters - this was the common belief of many people.

In contrast to the somewhat violent reaction of the German wizards, the arrogance peculiar to the French is vividly reflected. It is said that they have not yet formed a committee with the Muggle government, and although Muggle officials have contacted them several times, each time they have prevaricated on the grounds that they are still discussing and that they are still selecting commissioners.

Only the UK is making decent progress. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is mainly due to the fact that the original pure-blood diehards have become quite languishing as Voldemort and the Death Eaters have been severely hit. Many pure-blood families have even gone extinct, such as Lestrange......

Without the obstruction of these original stubborn pure-blood forces, the British Ministry of Magic is quite efficient. Even if there were a few guys in the Wizengamot who hadn't been cleaned up, they wouldn't be able to make any waves.

Scrimgeour now unites Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, and thanks to the immense influence of Dumbledore and Harry Potter, he is now firmly in the position of the Ministry of Magic, not to mention that he has essentially solved the funding problem of the Ministry. Now you don't have to worry about starving if you don't get paid your salary next week, and your approval rating can naturally be maintained at a high level.

The Ministry of Magic is busy, and it is said that some key departments have added shifts for a week...... Compared to the Ministry of Magic, which is in full swing, Solim's side seems a little deserted.

The general direction of the wizarding world now is to merge with Muggle society, and naturally it will not go to the neck of the Ministry of Magic at the beginning. Aside from a few meetings, Solim hadn't been given a job for a long time - Willard had taken care of everything in the department, leaving him not a single task, even though the other people in their office were busy all over the UK and had nothing to do with Solim. []

Solim wasn't dissatisfied. What's the point of running around every day for Muggle and Ministry of Magic meetings? It's just a matter of recording and overseeing it, and this kind of work can be done by just one person. He prefers to report and sneak home to study magic or how to make a villain.

The pressure on the family was mounting, and even after returning to Selwyn Castle after the assembly, Cadmus summoned Solim with a question about offspring. Although it was only a casual remark, Solim couldn't help but pay attention to it.

It may also be for this reason that Willard didn't give Solim a chance to work at all, and didn't see him running home at all.

Just as Solim had climbed out of his soft bed, ready to tidy up and study the dark arts, a letter with a phoenix feather appeared in front of him in the firelight.

Solim's eyes narrowed. The people who could communicate with him in this way could be counted on one hand, and they were all the people he had given him ash feathers, including Hermione.

"Something must have happened, right?"

Solim opened the letter in his bedroom bare-chested and with his back to Elena.

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