Solim also knew that the that his cheap old man did in his early years was quite unpopular, and when he saw that Mr. Clermont asked himself directly, he didn't shirk it, thought about it, and said:

"It's easy to get Muggles to give up, and there are many ways to do it. But the key is whether we can get the matter settled once and for all and get the Muggles to give up this unrealistic fantasy - that's what that means, right?"

"That's right," Mr. Clermont nodded, "after all, this is a critical time, and it would be to our detriment if we used magic or something like magic on them, and it would be easy for the church or the rats in the shadows to get hold of them. "

"It is not wise to deny the existence of the Philosopher's Stone outright. Solim said: "I don't know about other countries, but I know about the UK. "

"They have a Wizarding Affairs Authority, which collects information about wizards and is consciously courting Muggle-born wizards. I think there are probably similar institutions in other countries, and Muggles probably already know about some of the well-known things in the wizarding world, after all, the Philosopher's Stone is not a secret, and the representative works of Master Nicolame 23, even Muggle-born wizards have potions and alchemists, and it is not difficult to know this. "

The people in the conference hall suddenly began to make noise.

"How dare they!"

"Those damn mudbloods! I said you couldn't let your guard down on them!"

"We should act now!"

"Let their government directly abolish this department, or suspend all cooperation!"

The wizards in attendance blew up. At the end of the day, pure-blood wizards can accept limited cooperation with Muggles, but the dominance must be in the hands of wizards. Muggles could only know what the wizard allowed them to know, and it was unacceptable to want to explore other secrets.

As for Muggle wizards...... It can only be said that pure-blood wizards and they have never been able to pee in the same pot. The Ministry of Magic only admits a small number of Muggle-born wizards, and most wizards still have to make a living in Muggle society - there are not many places left for them in the wizarding world.

"Silence!" Mr. Clermont patted the table, "You mean, it's very likely that the Muggles have confirmed the existence of the Philosopher's Stone, do you mean that?"

Nodding, Solim affirmed: "This is not a difficult thing to inquire about, a few years ago, Master Lemay sent a piece of the Philosopher's Stone to Hogwarts for safekeeping, but it was not difficult to inquire about the special institutions of Muggles. "

Mr. Clermont pondered for a moment, and accepted the statement. As a member of the Thirteen Families, and having been sent by the family to manage the Muggle Affairs Authority, he knew that there was something for this kind of intelligence unit that specifically targeted the wizarding world.

"What do you think, how do you think we can solve the problem at hand?"

"We don't really have a choice. Solim replied, "Or rather, the people who did it didn't give us a choice." "

"If we take drastic measures – such as using the Oblivion Charm to purge the people involved. Then I dare say that soon this matter will be exposed. Those ordinary people who don't know magic are very taboo for us to use magic to control them, and then let those who are hiding behind them stir up, let alone cooperate between wizards and Muggles, it would be good if it didn't cause conflict. "

"So what do you mean, we're going to compromise with the mudbloods, or even curry favor with them?"

Solim looked at him with a very unfriendly looking wizard staring at him, his triangular eyes making people feel uncomfortable.

"Contanel. Felipe, Muggle Military Oversight Council. As for his inclinations...... You already know. "

Willard whispered to Solim who had challenged him.

"Is the background hard?"

Solim asked, looking at Felipe.

"It's not a big deal for a small Spanish family, as long as you don't pull out your wand here. "

Although Solim himself is a pure-blood wizard, he has always disliked Felipe's fart skills, and he still looks down on this and that.

"Very interesting, it seems to you that just not taking drastic measures against Muggles is a compromise?" Solim squinted at him, his tone frivolous, "I don't expect you to understand the difference between softness and compromise, but I ask you not to interject as I explain the solution to Mr. Clermont, unless you really have a better solution than boring babbling that is neither nutritious nor realistic." "

It could be seen that English was not Felipe's native language, and he was stunned for a moment before he understood what Solim had just said. Then, feeling insulted, he stood up in a rage.


But before he could say anything, Clermont took control. Anyone can see that Clermont's tendencies are already obvious. Felipe sat back down trembling, but his triangular eyes were still staring at Solim.

For this kind of guy who obviously has a bad brain, Solim lacks patience at all. In the Wizarding Affairs Bureau, he Solim is indeed not a big man, but he has the big leader of the liaison office in Lesotho above him, and the director of Clermont at the top, these are real blood relatives. Of the two thirteen families, Felipe is a broken family and has a broken brain, and he has a conflict with people like Solim. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Actually, this problem is easy to solve," Solim continued, "and we made it clear to Muggle 793 directly - the Philosopher's Stone is not on the list, unlike those low-grade potions or alchemy items. "

After thinking about it, Solim added:

"Hmm...... At least not yet. "

"Not at the moment, to appease them?" Clermont looked at Solim.

"Part of it, but more of it is to stimulate them. Solim showed a malicious smile, "Don't refuse, don't take the initiative, don't promise, give them a thought, if obedient...... I mean, if it's really good, it's not impossible to make us feel satisfied, to single out a limited one or two of them, and to give them what they want the most – the extension of their lives. At least it's easier than a head-on confrontation. "[]

"If the Council of Elders can agree to this plan, what will happen to the rest of the powerful and high-ranking Muggles when the first lifespan comes along?"

"They're going to lean on us in all respects – leave no stone unturned. As long as we can guarantee their prosperity and wealth, they will sell everything they can to get the longevity we promise. "

"There is no need for the Imperius Curse, no coercion, just give them a reward that they can't refuse, and those Muggles in high positions will be the best agents to help us manage the Muggle world. "。

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