The habitual thinking of wizards and wizards made them unaware of the problems that arise from in-depth communication with Muggle society. Because they are all pure-blood wizards, coming from various ancient pure-blood families, their circle is very small, which causes them to see things backwards behind the times.

But Solim was different, his insight and foresight were very different from those of these pure-blood wizards. It's not that pure-blood wizards are fools, it's just that they really don't know much about Muggle society, and they can't understand the root causes of many problems, so how can they deal with this series of problems?

It is foreseeable that in the future, half-blood wizards or Muggle wizards will be heavily involved in the communication between the two societies - there is no way to do this, even if the pure-blood wizards who are above the top do not want to see this, but they have no understanding of Muggle society and have to give in and let the half-blood and Muggle wizards who are more familiar with both sides participate in the distribution of benefits.

This goes on for a while. It wasn't until the next generation of pure-blood families took the initiative to learn all about Muggles that things gradually improved—for pure-blood families.

There is currently no solution to the problem that wizards' potion production cannot keep up with the needs of Muggle society. Unless the wizard can greatly improve the cultivation process and boiling process in a short period of time, so that the raw materials and production rate are guaranteed, any method will be a palliative rather than a cure.

"What we need to do now, and what we urgently need to do, is 150 to promote industrial transformation and upgrading - that's what Muggles say, and I suggest you find some books on it. They're much better than we are in that regard. "

"Hmph, nonsense!"

"Let's go read a book about mudbloods? it's ridiculous!"

Hearing Solim's remarks, many wizards who were deeply affected by the bloodline theory were extremely dissatisfied.

"Silence!" Mr. Clermont stood up, glanced at his subordinates below, and said in a threatening tone, "Let me emphasize that the priority now is to solve the problem, and if anyone is messing around, don't blame me for expelling him." "

"You mean, as long as we do this to promote industrial upgrading, we can solve the current difficulties?" Clermont looked at Solim.

"If we can actually do it, yes. Solim is very sure of that.

"So how do we do it?"

"First of all, I want to make it clear that this is a systematic project, and it is not something that can be effective in the short term. "If you try to find a way to supply Muggle society with a lot of potions in the short term, there's nothing I can do about it. "

"And I need to make it clear that this will probably end up with Muggles to upgrade the potion production industry, which they are quite experienced. "

Clermont had spoken first, and now no one had interjected, otherwise a single word of cooperating with Muggles would have been enough to make some pure-blood wizards start to make a fuss.

There is no concept of assembly line on the wizard's side, but to increase the production capacity of potions, assembly line work is essential. Wizards will still have to learn from Muggles and use their experience to shorten the development time.

Both the alchemist and the potions master need to give their advice after visiting and learning about the assembly line operation, and they will use their relevant knowledge to help build the first potions assembly line.

But even with the assembly line, it still doesn't work, Solim doesn't have the information of European herb dealers in his hands, and he really doesn't know the situation of herbal raw materials, but he is sure of one thing. That is, once the potion assembly line is successfully established, it will definitely not be available at the current level of herbal medicine production - this is a certainty.

At that time, European herbal medicine suppliers will also need enclosures to grow herbs, and there will be a lot of enclosures. Otherwise, there is no guarantee of the demand for potions in both societies. What social problems will be caused at that time is not for Solim to manage.

But fortunately, there is a traceless stretching charm on the wizard's side, so it won't leave people without a place to live.

The massive rise in herb cultivation and potion production will inevitably create a large number of jobs, and the field of herbs and potions will also be vigorously developed, which can absorb half-blood and Muggle wizards that wizarding societies could not carry before.

For Muggles who don't understand magic, herbs and potions that can be seen and touched are the easiest things to accept magic. The assets and wealth of pure-blood families are generally based on these two, and the development of the herb industry and the potions industry is in the interests of pure-blood wizards, so there is no need to worry about being hindered by politics (cdec).

Wizards and Muggles are on their honeymoon right now, at least in England. The high-ranking officials and aristocrats who have regrown their hair, as well as the prime minister, who have already seen their hope of re-election, will not refuse the small and reasonable demands from the wizard.

"They're going to worry more about potions than we are, because it's about their wealth and votes, and they're going to go out of their way to help us on this issue - while there may be some demands that some people find unacceptable, I don't think it will affect the big picture. "

Clermont's heart finally relaxed, for he was sure that Solim's solution would solve his current predicament, even if it would take some time.

Muggles couldn't be better if they were willing to help, and while the wizards here did not know much about Muggles, they were all too familiar with the exchange of benefits.

"You mean they're going to get involved in potion production?" Clermont frowned. If Muggles had such a great need for potions, wizards should have them in their hands.

"There is also the cultivation of herbs. Solim added: "They're going to do both, whether we're against it or not." "

"How can we stop it?"

"Why stop it?" Solim asked curiously, "This is the general trend, even if it can be stopped for a while, but these technologies and knowledge will eventually be in the hands of Muggles." "

Solim looked at the ugly-faced pure-blood wizards in the chamber and felt out of place with them. Can't they see something so obvious?

When wizards choose to engage and communicate deeply with Muggles, and choose to step forward from the corners of history, they are destined to have something that cannot be saved.

What do Muggle magnates do when they benefit from the exclusive domain of Potions, wizards? Naturally, they deepen their ties with each other, potions, herbalists, alchemists, they will do everything they can to deepen their ties with such wizards, whether they are tied up or whatever. But there is one thing they will definitely do: that is, let their offspring find a wizard to marry.

They will definitely do it.

Half-blood wizards, Muggle wizards, and even down-and-out pure-blood wizards, the Muggle elite are sure to find wizard marriages. It's a 10,000 percent thing.

If the offspring does not have magical abilities, then there is no need to say more. But what if their descendants could become wizards? What would happen then?

The descendants of Muggle magnates and wizards, who will take possession of the resources of both groups. Learn magic, then go into a certain area to help your Muggle family reap more benefits, and then a special group emerges: an intermediate group between wizarding and Muggle society.

This is not a half-blood wizard or a Muggle wizard like a rootless pinch, but a true root in Muggle society and their descendants who wield magical powers!

The wizards in the chamber were momentarily shaken by Solim's words, and even the pure-blood wizards who liked to sing the opposite lineage theory were speechless for a while.

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