Mrak really knows Muggles. At least when it comes to mechanical and assembly line production, his insights can be called the benchmark in the wizarding world.

Starting from scratch, the alchemist elaborated on the concept and specific implementation of the assembly line, and even described the difficulties and solutions he encountered in trying to use the assembly line in alchemy.

There is no doubt that Mlak's words have caused a great shock to the old-fashioned wizards in this room, who are stubborn, who refuse to progress, and who are still basking in the glory of the old days of wizards.

"Using alchemy to produce potions automatically?"

"It only takes a very small number of wizards to produce a large number of potions of the same type from start to finish?"


For pure-blood wizards who had never been exposed to Muggle modernization, the science and technology that had never been mastered by Muggles who had never been in their eyes was more like magic.

Solim felt that this was the time to help, at least to make these old antiques whose minds were so solidified realize how extraordinary the Muggles they looked down upon.

"They can produce tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of products of the same type in a day, and you only need to see it with your own eyes to understand how far we are from them. "

"Yes, young Mr. Selwyn is right. Mrak nodded at Solim, agreeing with him, "I've seen those Muggle assembly lines, and they only need to put raw materials into the machine, and the finished or semi-finished products will be produced automatically, with very little human intervention. "

"The time you made the big bang?" Cowyce looked at him with some curiosity.

"No, it's not, you're talking about the last time I visited a chemical plant, it was an explosion. "The visit to the car factory was a sighting caused by the disability of the illusion spell, and I was so fascinated that I didn't even know that the spell had failed," Mrak said disapprerovingly. Of course, these little things have already been taken care of. "

"Professor Mercury, what is your opinion?"

Conservatives seem to have put their last hope in Cuthbert. Mercury, but they seem to have forgotten that the half-blood wizard is not the same as them.

"I agree with Mr. Selwyn's approach. Cuthbert was standing next to Mercury Sr., who had been brought by his family.

"Even if we can use magic or alchemy to accomplish certain steps, the question of experience still depends on Muggles. If you need a working group, I'd like to join. "

Pure-blood wizards are all conservatives, and these old antiques who share the same room with Solim are conservatives among conservatives, and it is not easy to get these pure-blood wizards who are pure-bloods and Muggles are junk minds to accept the fact that they need to learn from Muggles.

"What are the specifics of this working group, can Professor Mercury talk about it?"

"It is my expectation that the Alchemists, Potions Masters, Spell Breakers, and Magicians will all need to be involved, and their opinions will speed up our ability to absorb the knowledge and transform it into the means of our wizards. "

Wizarding is actually a concept that distinguishes ordinary people who do not have magical abilities, and it can be subdivided. It's like the various occupations of ordinary people.

Alchemists are the culmination of the various knowledge of wizards, and they must understand and integrate the various knowledge of wizards. Behind each of their works is the essence of these knowledge collisions.

The Spell Solver can be thought of as a living dictionary of spells. Compared to ordinary wizards who learn spells one by one, spell solvers use the most fundamental logic of spells to create new spells and modify existing spells. If there's something you need to do with a spell, look for a spell solver.

As for the Demonic Scholars, they are masters of magic. They possess a knowledge of magic far beyond the comprehension of ordinary wizards. From the mana supply of the seal to the mana supply of an alchemy circle, or the stability of the compound defense spell, all of these are inseparable from the support of the Demon Pattern Scholar.

The wizards of these three classes can be said to be the most knowledgeable among wizards.

Cuthbert. Mercury was clearly not here to fool around, he had already prepared a draft and reported on the working group's plans one by one.

"In view of the current situation, where do you think it is better to target?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After realizing that the assembly line of potions was imperative, the wizards present began to make up their minds.....

No matter how much they looked down on Muggles, it would be more good than bad for them to be able to increase potion production, and no one would be at odds with it. However, the working group is very particular about where to conduct research and follow-up experiments.

The so-called step by step, step by step. As long as the first Potions production line can be established, the benefits and indicative effects involved in the area will be incomparable. The wizard bosses present were not willing to give up.

But no matter how much they quarreled, they could not match a sentence from Cadmus:

"Where else can you choose but the UK?"

In all of Europe, only the British and Muggle governments have been most productive, with the Ministry of Magic having established a Division of Cooperation on Muggle Affairs, their first list of potions having been submitted, an internal showcase to be held in the near future, a committee they have formed with Muggles, and the International Confederation of Wizards and Wizards going through the approval process.

In the meantime, what are the ministries of magic doing in the rest of Europe?

They're still!

The arrogant French were still babbling about their Muggle Cooperation, the old-fashioned Germans were still squabbling over Grindelwald's Saints running for minister, and the other Ministries were stalling or stumbling over other factors.

At this time, there is only one option in the UK.

There was no opposition left after the purge, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters had left the country. The pure-blood forces were severely hit by 5.7...... There is no better soil than in the UK.

The Glandon family, with their scales and wands emblazoned on the wall behind them, immediately agreed.

Solim had come into contact with them, one of Elrond's elder brothers, the Wandsmith: Faszil. Qulandon comes from this family. They owned numerous islands in the Atlantic, and that was their territory, which Solim had passed through during his last engagement.

Seeing that someone made a statement, the remaining wizards had nothing to do even if they had ideas. They knew very well that even delaying time would not change anything, and that the other Ministries of Magic could not compare to the British Ministries of Magic, and their progress was much worse.

Solim didn't feel any relief from the end of the meeting, because he knew he was busy with what was going to come.

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