Solim had seen this so-called Fourth Salem when he went to the United States. They gathered across the street from the Woolworth Building, the seat of the Magical Congress of the United States, and hyped up the so-called wizarding threat.

Of course, Solim later learned that there was someone behind this so-called fourth Salem.


It's a wizard.

To be precise, it was the ultra-conservative pure-blood group in the United States that used the Salem movement as a white glove to fight their political opponents in the Magic Congress.

The preceding sentence is irrelevant, the key is the latter one:



Pure-blood family group.

Solim had already learned the conservatism of American wizards. Ordinary wizards in the United States can be called ultraconservatives in the United Kingdom, and ultraconservatives among American wizards can be imagined.

That's a bunch of garbage that refuses to progress, refuses to change, eats the old, is narrow-minded and vindictive, and should be punished immediately if caught!

Or rather, the garbage.

In the United States, this ultra-conservative pure-blood family is hugely powerful. They usually hold important positions in the Magical Congress, such as members of the Legislative Council, and they will only marry pure-blood families who are also ultra-conservative 23, and despise and suppress all outsiders.

For example, Selwyn.

At that time, the Selwyn family crossed the ocean in the United States and made a lot of trouble, and won the breeding farm of Ruiam cattle that made everyone covet it in one fell swoop. Since then, these ultra-conservatives have been pitted against Selwyn.

Solim's grandfather, Elrond, was put in the United States by the family for what purpose......? Well, this sentence is suspicious of gilding Elrond.

In fact, it is Elrond who has been suffering from the suppression of extreme pure-blood forces in the United States. Although Selwyn initially co-opted a group of people, the effect was not too good. After all, how can Selwyn compete with these pure-blood family groups that have been operating in the United States for a long time?

Elrond, as the Bridgehead of the Selwyn family in the United States, has always been suppressed by these ultra-conservatives. If it weren't for a few legizable allies, Solim's wand license might not have been able to be made in the first place.

Don't think of the Magical Congress of the United States as the British Ministry of Magic, the two are not on the same level at all.

The Magic Congress is a synthesis of the Presbyterian Church of Europe and the Ministry of Magic. Otherwise, why couldn't Selwyn overpower an opponent of the Ministry of Magic?

These ultra-conservative pure-blood wizards have an insurmountable, non-negotiable bottom line: absolute contact with non-magical No-Majs.

But what is Europe doing now?

They're actually scrapping the Wizarding Secrecy Act! they're even talking to Muggles! they're even selling them potions!

What is this? Is it the end of the world?

Ultra-conservatives in the United States look at the behavior of European wizards now, no less than European wizards see that American wizards have produced more than a dozen Dark Lords, and these Dark Lords are leading their men to systematically slaughter Muggles.



So American wizards don't even bother to negotiate...... In fact, it was still negotiated, and at the International Federation of Wizards, the representative of the United States had raised this issue more than once, and demanded that Europe immediately stop any contact with Muggles.

It is a pity that, with all the good news about herbs and potions, the representatives of various countries with relevant interests took the American representative as air.

Dealing with it, he turned his head and did what he should do.

What are you kidding! Stop all communication with Muggles?

If interests come first, it is understandable why European wizards ignore American wizards.

You want me to give up so much interest with a word, so I let you die, do you die?

Having finally figured out what European wizards were thinking, ultra-conservatives in the United States have also given up on the unrealistic idea of using words to stop this from happening.

And then...... Salem groups land in the UK.

As for why it is the UK? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Who calls you the most active, efficient and effective in Europe?

Of course, this is only a superficial reason.

The deeper reason was that there had been a massive Dementor attack in London, and although the International Confederation of Wizards and Wizards had taken the necessary action to cleanse a large number of Muggle memories, the huge casualties and vague memories were still a breakthrough. If the people of London could be reminded of what it was like back then, then the bilateral exchange between wizards and Muggles would inevitably take a major hit.

Also, ultraconservatives in the United States have always believed that the Selwyns are from England and that this is Selwyn's home base...... This can only be described as a wonderful misunderstanding.

Europe's long-standing top pure-blood families have no idea of a country. They don't identify with the country in which they live, even though they speak the same official language as Muggles. []

The wizards of the Selwyns don't even have a British ID card, but they can't stand the fact that American wizards will identify you as British.

Oh, Solim has? That's fine.

It is predictable that the lunatics of Salem will spread their own set of wizarding threat theories in the streets of London, and use various methods to pull up a large number of people to gain momentum, until they attract the attention of the media, and they will use the media as a medium to spread the wizarding threat theory rapidly.

The point is, the wizards have no choice but to watch them do things everywhere.

Because the members of the Salem movement were all Muggles, and many of them were even half-aged. What do you call the official Council of Elders and the Ministry of Magic?

The Presbyterian Church and the Ministry of Magic are official institutions, and the official body does things according to the rules. It's not that you can catch whoever you want, and you can kill whoever you want. Voldemort's ponies didn't say they were so mad when they occupied the Ministry of Magic.

Besides, even if the Ministry of Magic intervenes and sends thugs to arrest these Salem lunatics.

What about the crime?

You're guilty of a crime when the Ministry of Magic sends out a hitter to arrest someone.

Muggle propaganda about wizards and wizards?

Don't be stupid, there is no such thing in the wizarding laws of all of Europe.

Don't say no, even if there is, what's the matter with a wizard arresting Muggles?

Since the separation of wizards and Muggles, there has been no precedent for official wizards to arrest Muggles.

The ultra-conservatives in the United States throwing their white gloves into Britain can really disgust people, and they are quite disgusting. But the land's head snake is not unable to deal with this situation.

You have white gloves, and I don't have black gloves.

What the official has to deal with is not only on the table, but also in private, and it is not necessarily resolved openly every time.

Besides, for most problems, violence is always the best solution. The difference is how violent you are and how long that violence can last.

Solim is sure that these Salem lunatics will soon disappear from the streets of London.

Disappear silently.

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