For official institutions, the efficiency of work varies from person to person.

If a half-blood wizard or a werewolf goes to the Ministry of Magic to report that there is a transfer of benefits in the Exchange Promotion Committee, Muggles are in possession of dangerous potions, and ask the Ministry of Magic to investigate...... That will definitely be driven away, or it will not be done.

But if Solim had come forward and asked the Ministry of Magic to conduct a thorough investigation, it would have been completely different.

Bottom-up reporting is very different from top-down rectification.

The former can fool around as much as they want, as long as things don't make a big fuss, stakeholders can do whatever they want.

But as long as the latter makes up their minds, it is impossible to give these people room to operate.

Like this operation initiated by Solim:

Suspend all work on the Communication Committee, take all the wizarding commissioners away for investigation, and Wizengamot take the lead in investigating corruption.

Solim was able to do this because of his status as a Muggle advisor to the Presbyterian Order.

Power "920" really doesn't have any serious power, but it can't stop Solim from being able to talk directly to the real leaders of the wizarding world.

Just one sentence:

There were wizards who betrayed the whole wizarding interest because of Muggle bribes.

Just one sentence can make these blind guys disappear.

Wizards were bought by Muggles, and they also sold out their interests in potions. This is a crime that no one in the Presbyterian Church can tolerate.

Today Muggles can open the way to the Ministry of Magic through the Council for the Promotion of Communication, and tomorrow they can reach into the International Confederation of Wizards. What about the day after tomorrow? Do all the subordinate bodies of the Presbyterian Church have spokesmen for Muggle interests?

Solim only made a small report, but it was a big earthquake for the British wizarding world.

The Presbyterian Church moved incredibly. It is true that they cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the ministries of magic of various countries, but they can operate through the International Federation of Wizards.

The new German commissioner of the Muggle Oversight had just arrived and reported the British commissioner - citing the loss of potions approval records.

This is the time when the Potions Fair was approved to exhibit the Compound Potion.

The International Federation of Wizards, who received the report, was very efficient and immediately set up an investigation team and went to the United Kingdom. Subsequently, the members of these investigation teams received a large number of reports and evidence as soon as they arrived in the UK.

Evidence confirms that there is indeed a transfer of interest between Muggles within the British Ministry of Magic, as evidenced by the gold inventory within Gringotts.

The fact that these wizarding officials betrayed the interests of wizards for their own selfish desires immediately detonated in the media - wizarding media throughout Europe rushed to cover it.

In a coffee shop two blocks from the British Ministry of Magic, Solim and Hermione sat opposite each other.

"Amazing corruption – Scrimgeur's empire of money. "

Solim shook the Daily Prophet in his hand, revealing the bold thriller headline on it.

"How's it going? there's a mess in the ministry?" asked Solim with a smile.

"It's a mess!" Hermione scratched her hair, making them even more messy.

"Where's that secretary's office of yours?" Seelim asked, peeking out from behind the newspaper, "how are they?"

"There's no one in that office now! they're being investigated by the Wizengamot. Hermione made a bitter face, "Now that everything in the division is stuffed into me, I have to work overtime tonight, and this is the second time I've worked overtime until midnight!"

"Oh, that's my fault. Solim said, "I didn't talk to you in advance, because I didn't think you would like the feeling of being hollowed out." "

"No, I want to thank you. Hermione looked at him through gritted teeth, "Do you know what they say about me now?"

"The Selwyns' little ......," Hermione blushed.

"Little what?" said Solim put down the newspaper.

"That indecent word that starts with B! Don't say you don't know!"

"You don't care what they say...... Solim didn't take it to heart at all, shook the newspaper, and continued to read the report. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You're going to see how they do it. I don't think anyone in the ministry would dare to mess with you now, right?"

"Yes!" Hermione clenched her fists, "they're all avoiding me! Can you imagine a lap next to me in the elevator! "

"Isn't that good? Solim still has no heart or lungs, "how many people are crammed into the elevators like cans." "

"No, it's not good!" Hermione was dying, "Don't you understand? I'm isolated!"

Solim finally put down the newspaper and stopped reading the report about Scrimgeur's empire of money. []

"You're too sensitive, Hermione. Solim said, "Do you know why the Ministry of Magic is alienating you?"

"Because of what you do. "

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and what Solim does can't hide at all, involving so many departments and executives, Solim, as the key man, can't hide it at all.

Naturally, the people in the Ministry of Magic knew who was behind the new Director of the Muggle Collaboration Division, Granger. Naturally, there is a market for rumors. When it comes to gossip, wizards and Muggles are the same.....

A person who can imprison the entire wizarding committee of the Exchange Promotion Committee with a touch of a finger, a person who can make the International Federation of Wizards quickly set up an investigation team, and a person who can make the goblins of Gringotts honestly take out the internal depositor information as evidence...... Even Scrimgeour didn't have that much energy.

Director Granger, who has the backing of such a big man behind him, will naturally be alienated by insiders. After all, who in the Ministry of Magic would dare to say that their butts were clean? They hadn't yet figured out the new director, so they were naturally cautious.

"No one in the Ministry of Magic is clean - you need to remember that. Solim followed Hermione, who was still a little unable to turn.

"Even if it's Arthur, a good old man. Weasley, too, had a problem with his trouser pocket. For example, subjectively leaving legal loopholes for oneself to exploit, such as changing the structure of the house without taking the formal reporting route......"

Yes, the crooked house where the Weasleys lived was an illegal building. This is what Draco told Solim when he was in school. If you want to dig deeper, the Ministry of Magic can tear it down.

It's just that for Dumbledore's sake, no one wants to make a fuss about this kind of scraps - even Lucius didn't bother to use this method against the Weasleys in the first place.

"No one is clean, which means that those with problems don't want to be exposed to your sight. "Because there's no guarantee that they won't get your attention, because the people on the Exchange Promotion Committee are a lesson from the past," Solim said. "

Collusion with Muggles to betray wizards?

In fact, many wizards of the Ministry of Magic don't really care about this, after all, it has nothing to do with them. But if the secretary's office of the Muggle Affairs Cooperation 1.7 Division is taken down, it has something to do with them.

Who within the Ministry of Magic doesn't know that Director Granger has been hollowed out?

How long has it been? The entire secretary's office is gone.

It's not that there is no power dumping within the Ministry of Magic, it's not that there is no retaliation, but in general there are rules.

Everyone is from a pure-blood background, giving face to each other.

Generally speaking, losing the struggle kicks people into an irrelevant department to retire.

Even if you are in a hurry, retaliating afterwards is just throwing the loser into a department where trivial matters are constantly done or overtime is used to torture.

But what about Hermione?

She directly locked up an office person, and then she had to go through the trial of Wizengamot. The purebloods of the Ministry of Magic will only do this if they completely tear their faces!

Who in the Ministry of Magic would dare to mess with her now?

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