"Damn! I'm going to put a curse on that little beast!"

Calvin was sitting on the roof of a house in Diagon Alley.

With two faint crisp sounds, Vanessa and Kent appeared beside him.

"Go back and take it upon you!" Vanessa gritted her back molars.

"But it's really not very rosy. "

The handsome guy Kent didn't have so much resentment towards Solim, but said it more fairly:

"Here, in Diagon Alley alone, 18 shops have been sold, and we can't be sure that Muggles bought them now—"

"But they were bought together in a week. Vanessa said, "It's rare for this to happen in the wizarding world. Wait for news from other people, and see what the original owners of those title deeds have to say. "

"Doesn't that kid have a relationship with the Ministry of Magic?

Calvin rubbed his fingers and said, "It's fast and convenient, why bother us to run for this kind of." "

"I'm afraid not. Kent said he was not optimistic.

"Why? Didn't he have a classmate who was the boss? Can't even settle this kind of thing?" Calvin was puzzled.

"I'm not talking about that. Kent shook his head, "said the owner of the 270 Florin cold drink shop, who had not come to collect the shop some time ago. Do you know what that means?"

Calvin frowned.

"You mean to say that those rich Muggles also found wizarding agents?"

"That's probably what happened. Vanessa looked in the direction of Gringotts, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

"You don't know how difficult those goblins are with long noses. Calvin snorted, "I don't think it's easy to look up the core records of the Elders without official correspondence from the Presbyterians, just by Selwyn's name?"

Calvin was right, the two young men who were sent to Gringotts did return empty-handed.

The irregularities in procedures and processes led to their failures, but their ability to do things was still worthy of recognition.

The news brought confirmed Fanatha's speculation.

Some time ago, there were indeed a large number of Galleons that belonged to Muggles in Gringotts that were taken, and then these Galleons were saved back to Gringotts by some wizards.

The goblins didn't give out the names of their customers, but they already said everything.

News kept coming back to Selwyn Castle from the outside world, and Levitsis didn't let Solim avoid it, but asked him to watch it together.

Some of the news that came back was confirmed, and some were just rumors.

The buying of 18 shops in Diagon Alley is not a big deal, or even inconsequential.

The important thing is that a private potions workshop was bought, and the premium was 100,000 Galleons. The person in charge of the follow-up investigation is just a half-blood wizard who doesn't have that much money at all.

Not only that, but there is also a family-style alchemy workshop that has also been acquired, and it has also paid tens of thousands of Galleons at a premium, and the manager is the same as the previous one, a half-blood wizard, who should not have so much money.

And that's not all.

Wizhard was also bought.

The name of the publishing house is not familiar to many wizards, but if you want to talk about the book "The Amazing Quidditch", then no one does not know - this is the enlightenment book for young wizards in Europe to understand Quidditch.

Harry had read the book more diligently than he had read the Hogwarts textbooks.

The report says that the well-known publishing house is applying for a license from the Wizengamot – and they are ready to start a newspaper!

The key is that these processes and procedures are formal, and you can't find fault with others!

The wizard who went to investigate the matter was also a man with a lot of eyes and eyes, and he even got a copy of the application, which was sandwiched into the report and sent to Levitsis's desk.

The name of the applicant has not changed, it is still Wizhard Press. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the person responsible has changed, and it has become Mills. Gambo.

A half-blood wizard who popped out of nowhere.

Then there was the security deposit, which was paid in full 60,000 Galleons - a big bribe to the Ministry of Magic (CDDH)!

As long as the application is approved, the money will go to the Ministry of Magic.

Solim's heart was half cold, and he said how could Muggles know so much about wizards' laws and regulations and hidden rules of the game?

Someone must have been giving them a trick! And this wizard must have worked in the Ministry of Magic, otherwise he wouldn't have been so clear about the inner twists and turns.

If you pull a random wizard on the street and ask him what he needs to do to start a newspaper like the Daily Prophet, it is estimated that nine out of nine wizards will not be able to type.

But now the situation is that Muggles not only know how to go through the process of the Ministry of Magic, but even know how to pay more deposits to bribe the officials of the Ministry of Magic!

The incomplete reports that came back in just one afternoon were enough to show that Muggles were not only fast-moving, but also planned.

Look what they did.

Acquired a potions workshop, a family-owned alchemy workshop, and a soon-to-be-opened newspaper......

Solim dared to say that these Muggles would be eager to become shareholders of Hogwarts if they could.

What does it mean to have a Potions Workshop?

This means that they can produce their own potions, as long as there are wizards willing to work for them.

Unless they are pure-blood wizards who live a carefree life, most wizards cannot refuse Muggles' salaries that are far beyond the average level.

Muggles have money, and they can continue to buy and enlist wizards to work for them, and even sell potions to wizards in turn!

If left unchecked, with the power of action of these vampires, they will soon take over every aspect of the wizarding world - in the form of capital.

Wizards are not monolithic, and the interests of wizards and wizards are different.

Rather than being a race, a nation, it is better to say that a wizard is an identity.

Some wizards identify with their country, while others have no sense of statehood.

Some wizards do not reject ordinary people who do not know magic, while others are extremely hostile to Muggles.

Some wizards pride themselves on the fact that they know magic, while others find it a nuisance, so they have to be careful not to be detected by Muggles.

The sorcerer's heart is not aligned, and in fact it has never been.

This leads to a situation where different wizards react and perceive differently as Muggles continue to exert their influence over the wizarding world.

Some wizards don't care who they're working for, and if Muggles give more, they'll even raise their hands in favor.

Some wizards will resist harshly, and even retaliate.

It's better to say that this situation happens to ordinary wizards, and it doesn't affect the overall situation. However, if there is a disagreement among the upper echelons of wizards, it will be a waste of valuable time in the current important window.

Levitsis has understood the importance of the matter, but has a different view of the urgency that Solim is talking about.

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