Before, Solim thought that those ultra-conservative wizards in the United States threw Salem's madmen just to disgust people, who knew they were going to play so big.

As long as the silence in the body of the silent is not revealed, their appearance is no different from that of ordinary people. Even wizards with a mastery of magic perception could not detect the silence within them.

The only way to confirm the identity of a silent person is to let the silence in his body explode.

Would the wizards of the squad dare to do this?

They don't dare.

Because the Silent One is killed does not mean that the Silent will disappear, unless the Silent Dark Magic power is exhausted, or the Silent is infused with a large amount of magic damage, this uncontrolled magical power will cause a lot of casualties and destruction.

Squad wizards can care less about the age and gender of the mission target, but they can't afford not to think about the implications. How many of the 28 people in the "950" are silent? Are they emotionally stable? Will forcibly taking away or inflicting harm cause the silence in the body? If multiple silents appear at the same time, can they solve them in a very short time?

Until the specific situation is clarified, the elders will not act rashly.

Silence is not a dark creature, it is just a dark magic force. Once it appears, it will wreak havoc with extremely twisted malice. It's never easy to completely eradicate this kind of thing.

Wizards have never had a record of Silence, but every time Silence is present, there are very few instances of Silence ending peacefully. In the vast majority of cases, wizards are summoned to destroy them with a large amount of magic.

Many wizards have studied the magical power of Silence, and there are even those who wish to use it.

For example, Grindelwald.

For example, ultra-conservative wizards in the United States.

This time the American wizard really annoyed the Presbyterian Church. They can tolerate American wizards making small moves, but they will never accept a group of extremely unstable Silent people on their own turf.

This is strictly an act of war!

The Council of Elders is now deliberating on how to respond to this.

This is much more important than the small manoeuvres that Muggles do in the English wizarding world.

"While a group of silent people who could erupt at any time is indeed a big deal, it is not impossible for us to solve it. "

Solim says:

"Disperse crowds on a large scale, plan battle arenas, repair them with spells afterwards, and then process the memories...... There are no possible solutions. "

"Even to the extreme, throw the activated portkeys at them and take these Salem members straight off the beaten track to die. "

"There are many ways to do this, and the wizards of the task force definitely have the ability to do this, but the Elders are still delaying, and I don't think they care about the silent ones themselves. "

Levitsis nodded, agreeing with Solim's statement.

"Go on. "

"The Silent can handle it, so there's no need to rush it. The key is how to respond to the ultra-conservative wizards in the United States behind them, and I think that's something that the Presbyterian Church is discussing right now. "

Solim, who already had the key information, had a good grasp of the Presbyterian Church's thoughts.

"That's right. "

"Now there are two voices inside: one is to hold back, and when we straighten out everything here, and get on the right track, we will want to take revenge. "

"The other is to retaliate directly. "

"Revenge on all fronts—" Levitis said horribly with a blank face.

"Cut off the transnational trade associated with the ultra-conservative pure-blood families, and prohibit the entry into Europe of herbs, potions, and other raw materials and alchemical products associated with them. "

"Expelling the representatives of the Wizarding Congress from the International Confederation of Wizards, and at the same time making solemn representations to them, and demanding that the ...... of those involved be dealt with"

"There's no way they'll agree!" Solim blurted out, "those ultra-conservative pure-blood wizards are so powerful in the Magic Congress that they're in almost eighty percent of important positions. "

"Besides, even if things get bigger, to the point where they have to settle down, they will only push out a marginal character who is not painful. "

"It's just an expression of our attitude. "The real action is still going to take place in their own country," Levitsis said. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon Solim understood why Selwyn was a thousand-year-old family, and the calculation was really not ordinary.

What can the Presbyterians do if they want to get revenge on the ultra-conservative wizards - without the outbreak of the Wizard War?

First of all, let's be clear: the Wizarding Congress's sphere of influence is all of North and Central America, and the further south they go, the weaker their influence becomes. Because there are their enemies there ....

If the Council of Elders wants to retaliate against them, not importing their goods is just an economic blow, and it will have an impact on these pure-blood families, but it can't be said to be broken.

The only thing that can threaten them is to log in to the United States and fight them on all fronts. []

But will the Elders have a legitimate way to land on the territory of the Magical Congress?

Yes, it was through the Selwyn family.

Elrond's standing guard for the Selwyn family in the past few years has not gained nothing.

Selwyn now has a chamber of commerce, a shop, and a number of plantations and shares in Dragon Farms in the United States. It can give various legal identities to wizards who have landed in the Council of Elders, plus the internal relations of the Magic Congress, and can also help these European wizards who have landed to apply for a "Wand License".

Don't underestimate this thing.

A wizard with a Wand Permit is a wizard officially recognized by the Magical Congress, and without it, any use of a wand will be outlawed.

The local Aurors can arrest you.

When neither the Council of Elders nor the Magical Congress wants to go to war officially, there are some rules to follow.

And Selwyn is able to provide this series of conveniences.

As long as the Presbyterian Council decides to retaliate, then Selwyn will become the bridgehead of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and the importance is naturally self-evident.

As the Selwyn family, who have been deeply involved in the local area for several years, does the Presbyterian Church have to discuss their actions here with those who are familiar with the local area?

3.9 In order to crack down on the ultra-conservative wizarding families in the area, Selwyn will inevitably use his accumulated connections, which can be counted on the head of the Elders.

Suffice it to say, as long as the Council of Elders decides to send someone to the United States to teach these ultra-conservatives who don't know the rules a lesson, then Selwyn will definitely benefit.

When the time comes, Selwyn will be able to use the Presbyterians to expand his territory and spread the influence of his family.

This kind of trading is sure to make a profit.

Fools don't do it!

Taking advantage of the misconduct of ultra-conservatives in the United States, the European Presbyterian Church is induced to come forward to confront, and then use the Presbyterian Church to expand its influence and status in the United States.

That's what Selwyn was going to do.

This can be said to be a white woman's ticket.

Compared to this, what is the big sesame thing that Ma is doing in the country? .

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