"What the hell are these three things, after all?" Solim was curious, it was rare to see something like this that could excite Elrond.

"I don't know about that egg," Elrond shook his head, "but since it's with these two things, it's definitely not going to be easy. "

"What is this bottle made of, you should know this, right?" Elrond asked, picking up the bottle.

"Magic crystal. Solim said, "Gilvais gave me a piece, I remember it." "

"That's right, magic crystal, hollowing out such a large piece of magic crystal, just to hold this grass, even if you don't know it, but as long as you know how precious the magic crystal is, a fool can guess that what is contained in it is not ordinary. "

"What the hell is this grass after all?" Solim felt like a cat scratching in his heart.

Elrond didn't answer the question directly, but asked Solim a question: "Do you know what is the fundamental difference between the Great Wizard and wizards like us?"

"It's magic? Indeed, the great wizards, whether it's Dumbledore you've come into contact with, or my two older brothers, their magic is much more powerful than ours. Elrond didn't wait for Solim to speak, and continued to speak to himself, "But now that you have the magic of a great wizard, can you be considered a great wizard?"

Solim shook his head, although he didn't know what the standard of judging the Great Wizard was, he knew that magic was definitely not the standard for judging the Great Wizard.

"Even if you are given a huge body of magic, without the corresponding skills and theoretical support, that huge body of magic is just an ornament. Could that be skillful?" Elrond asked again.

"Naturally not, take Transfiguration as an example, even a great wizard who is not good at Transfiguration can flexibly master the skill of secondary transformation, and I will do this, so am I a great wizard?"

"Grandpa, just say it, don't beat around the bush. "It's also a loss to Elrond, if it were a different person, Solim might start scolding now.

"Impatient. Glancing at Solim with disgust, Elrond said dissatisfiedly: "You have read a lot of books in the family, then you should know that the process of aging from the beginning of people to death is divided into several steps. "

This Solim does know that when people begin to age, it is first manifested in the body, the body functions decline, the strength gradually decreases, and when the physical body declines to a certain extent, the soul also begins to slowly age, at this time people's memory, energy and thinking ability will begin to decline.

For wizards, the aging of the body is not a big deal, there are many potions that can slow down the aging of the body, and even rejuvenate the body when it was young, but the aging wizards of the soul have nothing to do.

For Muggles, aging on the soul does not have much effect, but unlike wizards, the aging of the soul will cause the wizard's magic to fade, which is not a good thing for a wizard. The wizard starts with the magic riot, and the magic will slowly increase, and when the soul begins to age, the magic will gradually fade.

But archwizards are different from ordinary wizards, their souls also age, although the rate of aging is much slower, but their magic power will not decrease due to the aging of their souls, until the second before the death of the archwizard, their magic power is still increasing.

It's not magic, it's not spell-casting skills, it's whether the magic is still increasing after the soul begins to age, and that's the fundamental difference between a great wizard and an ordinary wizard.

"Got it?" Elrond said, "even if your magic is stronger than the Great Wizards, even if your spell-casting skills can beat those Great Wizards, even if you can press those unbeatable Great Wizards to the ground and rub them." But as long as your soul doesn't increase in mana as you age, you're still not a great wizard. "

"So this grass has something to do with this, right?" Solim looked at the bottle in Elrond's hand, and he hadn't looked away from it since he first got it.

"That's right. Elrond's eyes were still glued to the bottle, "This grass is the 'Wizard's Key'. "

"'Wizard's Key'?"

Elrond didn't look up, but he clearly knew what Solim was thinking.

"It's called the Wizard's Key, not the Great Wizard's Key. Elrond explained: "In ancient times, there was no distinction between great wizards and wizards, only wizard apprentices and wizards, according to the ancient division......" Elrond said here with a wry smile, "I am just a wizard apprentice." "

"That'...... You can take this grandfather. Solim said, "It's up to me to honor you." If you become a great wizard, you can support me. "

"Huh...... How great are you really to be a great wizard?" Elrond finally put the bottle down, "Great wizard for me...... It's not an urgent need, and I've already found a way, if nothing else, it's only been a few years, so I'll keep this for you. "

Solim hesitated for a moment, but finally asked, "Is it the Gaunt ring?"

Looking at Solim in amazement, Elrond couldn't help but ask, "How do you know this?" "

"It was Riddle who told me. It was the memory that Voldemort had sealed in his diary. Solim then told Elrond about the Chamber of Secrets and Riddle.

"To be honest, I'm a little worried, he's definitely not at ease. "Riddle is not like Voldemort, he is a man with a brain, and no one knows what he is up to. To be on the safe side, it's better to destroy his Horcruxes, grandpa, don't fight the idea of Horcruxes. "

"How do I feel after listening to your description......" Elrond said with some hesitation, "...... Is Voldemort the one who gets separated?"

"Grandpa, you feel this way too?"

"Horcruxes like that...... To be honest, no one wanted to do it at all, but he didn't just do it, he did several. If Riddle's brain was really good, he wouldn't have gone down the real path at all. "

"But he did make a lot of Horcruxes. Now we've got two, and who knows how many more. Grandpa, you'd better stop the idea of Horcruxes, forget about this. Solim pushed the bottle in front of him, "Even if you want to fight his Horcrux idea, it's best to find someone to test the water first and see if there are any hidden dangers before anything else." "

Looking at the bottle in front of him, Elrond's face twitched, "You kid is generous, do you know how hard it took me to decide to put it down?"

"You're welcome, grandpa, I've already used the magic potion, I don't need this thing for the time being, so I'll give it to you, but if you really finish the house this holiday, grandpa, you have to help me spend more time." "

"Haha, okay, then I'll take it. Elrond laughed, and finally stuffed the bottle into his arms, "You can rest assured about the house, I will definitely help you get it when the time comes." "

Deciding where the grass belonged, Solim turned his gaze to the eerie knife.

"And what is this?" Solim asked, pointing to the knife, "It gives me a weird feeling, and I want to stab people with it as soon as I see it." "

Looking at the knife, Elrond's face became serious.

"There's nothing wrong with your feelings, it's just for stabbing people. Elrond said nonsense, "It's used to hurt wizards." "

Solim looked at Elrond, waiting for his next words.

"Ordinary wizards have talisman charms to protect their bodies, if they are powerful wizards, their protection will only be better, and it is difficult for ordinary spells to break their talisman charms. But this knife is different......," Elrond carefully pinched the hilt and picked it up, "as long as it is injured by this knife, even if it is only a layer of oily skin...... The wizard can wait to die. "

"Waiting to die?"

"That's right, just wait for death, because there is no known means to heal this injury. Elrond's expression was extremely serious, "Whether it's the phoenix tears in your box or the all-purpose potion, as long as you are scratched by it, the potions that Gilvais gave you will not be able to save you, and I don't know if the Horcrux can prevent this kind of damage, because there is no precedent at all." "

"So powerful?" Solim opened his mouth, "and how does it work?toxin? or curse?"

Elrond looked at his grandson with satisfaction, his favorite thing was Solim, he was always eager to find out the essence of things.

"Curse. Elrond clutched the bony hilt, and while looking at the gray blade and the green blade, he said to Solim, "I have seen this thing once, and that was the time when I saw with my own eyes an elf stabbed by it, a male elf who had just reached adulthood, and died after only an hour. Elves with long lifespans are like this, how long do you say a wizard can last if he is injured by it?"

Grunt, Solim swallowed a mouthful of spit, "You can take this scourge grandpa too, I'm afraid I'll be scratched by it at any time." "

"Oh, then you're not afraid I'll be scratched?" Elrond said angrily, "or do you wish I had been scratched by it?"

"Hmph, you can keep your stuff well. Maybe sometime later, I'll be able to save your life. "

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