Although Washington was the political center, the Muggles did not entertain Solim and his party there, but chose a small place - Erie, the Erie of Lake Erie in the Great Lakes.

There's Spike Island, a state park in Pennsylvania. In order to welcome Solim and his party, the Muggles deliberately closed the place to visitors.

Henry. Morgan and John. Rockefeller was the host today, as well as the Muggles' representative, who would work with the wizards to draft the relevant matters of cooperation.

The scenery is soothing, and the minimalist rooms allow people to focus on each other, rather than the ornate decorations, expensive carpets, or huge portraits of people.

In contrast, the overly extravagant palaces of England did not win the favor of Solim.

Solim, Quillian, Obista and Barbares will finalize the first phase of the collaboration today.

The Muggles also came with four people, in addition to Morgan and Rockefeller, and two secretaries. But there were still four bodyguards standing outside the door.

"Sir, can you answer me a question before we begin?" Morgan took the folder from his assistant behind him.

"If I could answer, I would know everything. "

This time, the meeting was dominated by Solim, and Quarian and the others came to express their family's attitude.

"The people who came into contact with you last time came back and said that there was some ...... at the British Potions Show The reason why our people didn't make it happen was because someone was obstructing it, right?"

"That's true," Solim nodded, "your local wizards don't want to see you have any contact with magical powers—any contact. To do this, they attacked your people, making them forget their original itinerary and erasing their memories. I think you'll find out that something is wrong. "

"Yes," Morgan said, receiving an official reply, "we found that those people had even forgotten their mission, that they had completely forgotten about the Potions Fair. The doctor's diagnosis was of an unknown cause of amnesia, and there was no means to recover it. "

Of course, the Forgetting Charm is indeed not a problem that modern medicine can solve, not to mention that for the sake of insurance, they do not necessarily use the Forgetting Charm, but directly extract the relevant memories and destroy them. "

Solim thought it would be a good reason.

"You local wizards in the United States don't want to see you come into contact with the wizarding world, and they even go so far as to take violent and irrational actions. "

Solim went on to give eye drops to the American wizard:

"The convenience of potions, I think our mutual friends in Europe have explained to you and your family in detail. Regarding the outlook for the market, I think you should also have a rough judgment. It's a good thing to do, but unfortunately, some people don't want to see that happen. "

Morgan and Chrysler glanced at each other vaguely.

They had been watching the first three potions fairs in Europe, during which they had obtained some potions samples, and after researching and communicating with their friends in Europe, they decided that these potions contained great benefits, so they prepared to participate in the fourth potions fair.

It's a pity that the wizards in the United States don't want to see this, so they send people to sabotage their trip.

Eye fever...... These capitalists in the United States are very fond of the European gang, and at the same time, the sense of crisis is driving them to catch up as soon as possible. According to the information they have gathered so far, potions will have a huge impact on their society for the foreseeable future.

They cannot afford to lag behind Europe in this regard. If they don't participate because of the obstruction of American wizards, then when European potions pour into the United States, they, the native capitalists, will have to watch others fill their money in sacks.

Therefore, the American wizards who prevent them from making money are enemies, and they are enemies that must be completely defeated.

Don't doubt the energy of these top capitals, in a country where they can manipulate Congress, they can mobilize the military, they can control public opinion...... If they want to, here they can do what they want to do

Like what...... A live-fire exercise in the eyes of the Muggle people in a barren mountain range.

Solim handed over a piece of parchment with the exact address and the scope of the exercise.

Of course, that's what the scene says.

In fact, it was the home base of the Curaus family – an extremely conservative family. They hold many important positions in the Magical Congress. The Presbyterian Church has received the news that an internal meeting of the ultra-conservatives will be held there to discuss how to defend against the onslaught of European wizards.

It's going to be a great opportunity.

Bullets really don't pose much of a threat to powerful wizards, but what about 30mm cannons, and what about high-yield aerial bombs?

Yes, under such a sudden attack, it is true that a small number of wizards will still survive, but the vast majority of wizards will die in the attack, and the remaining wizards who have been blown up will be swept away by the subsequent elders.

How to get the ultra-conservative wizards to hold a meeting, how to gather as many hostile wizards as possible, these are the business of the Presbyterian Church, and all Solim has to do is get the Muggles to agree to the military maneuver and pour fire on the designated place at the time the wizard asks.

If this plan succeeds, it will be a great blow to the ultra-conservative wizards and will greatly speed up the course of the war.

If anyone dares to stand up and accuse the Elders of colluding with Muggles to kill fellow wizards, let him see what American wizards are doing in Europe!

The wizard made a request to the Muggles, and in response, the Muggles made a request to the wizards.

"You want the craft of the Philosopher's Stone?" Solim frowned.

"Impossible!" Quarian said directly: "Not to mention that we don't have the right to promise you at all, even if we really agree and let you get the method, you can't do it!"

"If this is a temptation, then two gentlemen, you will probably be disappointed. Solim pressed his hand and motioned for Quarian to shut up.

"As Mr. Brandon said, this is non-negotiable. If you can't understand it, then let me put it another way-

Will you provide us with the manufacturing process and related information of weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and virus weapons, because of our request?"

Morgan and Kle (Qian Zhao) Lesler turned their heads and bit their ears with the secretary behind them.

Solim could tell that they weren't hoping much for the proposal, it was more of an attempt.

"Have you started testing our bottom line before we officially started working together?" Solim thought to himself, "The Muggles in Europe are at least doing this if they are going further, and these Yankees are really arrogant." "

"Do you want to teach them a lesson?" Orbista leaned over and whispered, "Just scare them." "

Solim's fingers tapped on the armrest, and a shielding spell enveloped several of them. This hand made Quarian's eyes widen, and they couldn't match the superb wandless spellcasting skills of this hand.

"There's no need. "The main thing right now is to get them to agree to the live-fire exercise, which will save us a lot of trouble, and if you really want to clean them up, you need a good time," Solim said. "

"Anyway, with the arrogance of these Yankees, sooner or later they will give you the cabinet of this opportunity. "。

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