"Speaking of Blake. Rosmerta stood behind the bar, looking at Fudge with her hands folded, "Minister, I have to tell you about the Dementors, they roam here every evening, they scare away all my guests!"

"Oh, dear, there's no way around it. Fudge looked aggrieved, "I don't like them either, no one likes them, but you have to know that it's necessary - I've just met a few more, and they're very annoyed with Dumbledore." "

"That's because they broke into the stadium first! Professor McGonagall looked sideways at Fudge, who was a head taller than Fudge even though he was sitting. "If they do enter the castle, we won't be able to teach. "

"That's right," said Professor Fliwick, who was still a little too tall for him, even when he was sitting in a high chair. "The headmaster was so angry when they broke into the field that day that I hadn't seen that look on his face in a long time. But the headmaster is merciful, if it were me......"

"Philius. Professor McGonagall reminded Professor Flitwick.

"I still can't imagine it......" Rosmerta said, shaking his glass, "...... He's going to get together with that group. I mean, if you had told me he was going to be like this, I'd have said you drank too much. "

"You don't know more than half of the truth. My dear. Fudge bluntly said that mentioning Blake would make Fudge's mood particularly bad. "You probably don't know the worst things he's ever done, and if you know the bad things he's done, you're going to have trouble sleeping. "

"Oh, worst, what do you mean?" asked Rosmerta curiously. "Do you mean something worse than killing those poor Muggles?"

"Okay, let's stop discussing these things in front of the students. Professor McGonagall slammed the cup into the bar with a slight force.

"It's okay, Professor McGonagall. Solim smiled at Professor McGonagall, then looked at Fudge.

"Mr. Minister, to be honest, I'm curious. Did you check Blake's wand with a flashback charm?" "If the Ministry of Magic had checked Blake's wand at the time, it should have known that the tragedy on that street had nothing to do with Blake.

"Oh?" Fudge clearly didn't understand what Solim meant.

"I mean, when you caught him on that Muggle street, were you sure that the spell that caused that tragedy was cast by Black's wand?"

Fudge was stunned for a moment, he was indeed the first to arrive at the scene, but at that time he was only a senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic. However, he really didn't know if the Ministry of Magic had examined Blake's wand, but after seeing Blake, everyone agreed that he was the murderer, and he did not file a request for appeal, Crouch did not try him, and Blake himself did not raise any objections.

"What does it matter, child," said Fudge kindly, "I think everybody knows that Black is the murderer, after all, I was the first to arrive at the scene, and I still remember the scene: the ruined scene—it was definitely the work of a powerful black magic, and the poor Muggles didn't even know what was going on." The ground was littered with blood and Muggle corpses, and Black was standing there laughing maniacally. We arrested him right away. "

"Didn't he resist?"

"Oh, I don't think even if he resisted, it wouldn't help. "A lot of the Aurors were there: Kingsley, Dallux, and Rufus, and of course, he wasn't the director of the Aurors' office at the time. That's right...... By the way, Alastor is here shortly after, and you don't think there's a dark wizard who can escape in his hands, do you?"

Alastor Moody, who had not yet retired from the Auror Division, had only retired after the Death Eater trial. It has to be said that Mad Eye is an extremely legendary Auror, and he captured most of the people in Azkaban. Voldemort was no small wizard, but few of these powerful wizards escaped Moody's capture. Although Moody's himself paid some price for this.

"But as far as I know. Solim looked at the professors, and they were all looking at Solim. "It seems that Blake was thrown into Azkaban without any trial after his arrest, and if I remember correctly, it was Barty Crouch who was the presiding judge at the time, why didn't the Ministry of Magic try him?"

Fudge's face was surprised, he had never thought that a student could know so many things, and although these things were not secrets, they should not be known by a single student. But considering the student's last name, Fudge was a little hesitant.

"Kid, Blake is too dangerous. Fudge shook his head, "Barty may have his thoughts." I didn't have much to say in the trial of the Death Eaters, and many of the members of the Wizengamot couldn't say anything, and Barty looked at the Death Eaters as dead, and no one could unblock the joints, and the whole wizarding world watched. "

"Tried the Lestranges, and even their own sons, who attacked the Aurors, and Blake ...... Well, according to the Ministry of Magic, it is the slaughter of Muggles, and it is easy to see who is in danger. Solim took a sip of his drink.

"Slaughter Muggles?" Fudge shook his head, "No, no, no, like I did to Rosmerta, you wouldn't be able to sleep if you knew all the bad things Black had done." And I don't think Blake, who did those things, needs to be judged. "

"So what is it?" said Miss Rosmerta, looking at Fudge.

"Minister, are you referring to the rumors that Blake had betrayed the Potters?" Solim glanced at the tree, which had just shaken.

"Oh my God, kid, how do you know this?" Fudge looked at Solim in surprise, but quickly looked at his last name, if he could, Fudge wanted to have a good relationship with this student, in fact, Fudge was willing to have a good relationship with anyone as long as he didn't threaten his power—if you were useful to him.

Solim shrugged.

Glancing at Solim, Fudge turned his gaze to the still charming Rosmerta, "That person at the time - of course, you know who I'm talking about, that person is looking for the Potters, this is something that many people don't know, but Dumbledore has a lot of eyeliner - very capable eyeliner, they told Dumbledore about it, and Dumbledore told the Potters to hide." He told them that the best thing to do was the spell—the Spell of Faithful Courage. "

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