There's a rat on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest that's now running frantically.

He didn't know where to go, and it was obviously a dead end to the depths of the Forbidden Forest. Because I don't know why, not long after I hid in the Forbidden Forest, I began to encounter snake attacks, and at first it was okay, just some small snakes, and I was able to escape. But just a few minutes ago, a snake that was a big creature even from a human point of view attacked him, and if it weren't for his extremely keen perception of danger, he might have been injured by this time. These snakes are encountered by themselves almost every two or three minutes or so.

Peter didn't want to change back into human form, but he didn't dare.

What had happened in Hagrid's hut a few hours earlier had almost scared the hell out of him.

You can call Peter cowardly, you can call him mean, but Peter was never a fool, at least not when it came to foreseeing danger.

Snape was clearly coming for himself, Peter knew that.

But there's a question: how did Snape know? Well, even if Snape somehow knew about the events, how did he find himself?

Soon Peter came up with something, an object he was familiar with—a map of the living spots.

After learning that Black had escaped from prison, Peter was working on the idea of a live map, and he sneaked into Filch's cabin, but found nothing—much to Peter's chagrin. The map was taken away by Filch, but it's not here now, so what does that mean?

Peter could only pray that no one would use it, and that it would not fall into the hands of Lupin or Blake. Peter's prayers seemed to work, and no one noticed him except the two times Black broke into the castle. But Snape found the door today, which left Peter with a head break and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Peter's ability is not outstanding, his combat ability is not as good as his former "friends", and his talent is not comparable, but on the contrary, Peter's ability to save himself and act in a crisis is very strong.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have escaped from Blake's hands and put the black cauldron on his head in the first place. Peter knew that he could never go deeper into the Forbidden Forest, and the deeper he went, the more dangerous it became. Peter and his "friends" frequented the Forbidden Forest when he was a student, and he knew the Forbidden Forest well.

But if you don't go deep into the Forbidden Forest, how can you get rid of these snakes that will come out without knowing it? It's too risky to turn into a human form, he doesn't have a wand now, and it's too risky to meet someone. Peter knew that he couldn't stay in the Forbidden Forest for long, or he would have no chance of surviving as a rat, and it was full of rats' predators: snakes, birds, and even goblins. The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it becomes, and you don't have a chance right now.

But can you get out?" Peter asked himself.

Peter has already determined in his heart that he is exposed to the live point map, as the "nominal" producer of the live point map, he is also very aware of the limit of the live point map, his current position happens to be undetectable by the live point map, but once he walks out of the Forbidden Forest, he will immediately show it on the live point map. What he would face at that time, Peter was too lazy to think.

But even if he wanted to escape, if he wanted to run out of Hogwarts, he would have to get out of the Forbidden Forest first, and then he would have to pass through the Dementors outside the school, and Peter couldn't guarantee that he would not encounter Black on the way. As soon as he meets Blake, he will be torn to shreds in the next second, and Peter knows this very well.

Is it so difficult that you have no hope at all in such a desperate situation...... But in any case, Peter still knew that he could not stay in the Forbidden Forest for long, and he had to go out early and night.

But even if you escape from Hogwarts, even if you pass through the Dementors' blockade......

Dementor ...... Dementor ......

Peter's eyes lit up, his mind burned, and his courage swelled up—just as he had been on that Muggle street eleven years earlier.

The Dementors had come to Blake, if they had lured him out with themselves...... The Dementors will take care of him, but here's a problem: how do you get Black to know where he is, or how do you find Blake to put it another way.

Just as Blake knew Peter, Peter knew Blake as well.

Without being able to enter the castle, Peter knew a lot of hideouts, and Hogsmeade had plenty of places to hide, but there were Dementor patrols there after sunset, so Hogsmeade was not safe for a wanted criminal. It doesn't matter, Peter knows a better place, a hideout that makes more "sense" to Blake: the Screaming Shack.

No matter how bizarre and terrifying the legends about the Screaming Shack were from the outside world, Peter would not feel anything, because he knew that the legends were false, and no one knew what the Screaming Shack was all about better than the few people involved.

If Blake had a hiding place, the Screaming Shack was definitely his first choice. Peter was convinced of this, and the entrance to Hogsmeade had been magically sealed by Dumbledore - it was inevitable that someone would enter the Screaming Shack from Hogsmeade while Lupin was in a werewolf state...... Well, that's certainly not what Dumbledore wanted. So there was no way to get into the Screaming Shack from Hogsmeade, but Peter knew exactly how to get in, when he was a student - of course, Peter would accompany his "friends" to the Screaming Shack once a month after fifth grade, and Peter was all too familiar with it.

Peter decided to take a risk - after all, he had no other way but to take risks now, didn't he?

No matter how unbearable Peter was, he was also the Gryffindor that the Sorting Hat recognized, and adventures were no strangers to Peter. Whether it was the adventures of his "friends" as a student, or the adventures of joining Voldemort after graduation, or even the adventures of facing Blake after the affair was revealed, Peter did not hesitate to do these things, and he learned them from his "friends".

Potter and Black were like that, as soon as they decided they wanted to do something exciting, they would act on it immediately, never thinking about what was going on or what was going on.

As Peter approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a hissing sound alerted him. Peter didn't understand, but he knew what it was.

For he had heard something similar from his master, or rather—language. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - receive

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