Snape limped in front of Solim, his eyes still looking in the direction Evans had left, and after a while he turned to Solim and said, "You get Lupin back." "

This meant that he would be in charge of bringing Blake back to the castle, and Solim smiled and said, "I'd better take Blake." Professor, I can still watch a dog. "

Then he pointed to Lupin, who still maintained the image of a werewolf, and said, "If Professor Lupin wakes up halfway, I won't be able to restrain him—even though he's tied up now." "

This is why Solim dared to talk to Snape like this, and if he was a different student, even if he dared to talk to Snape like this, he would inevitably be cleaned up. Solim was well aware of the sharp contradiction between Snape and Blake, and he was really afraid that Snape would not be able to think of Blake for a while, and the result would be the end of the calf. Solim didn't want to see that.

Snape stared at Solim for a long time, as if to consider whether to give the student a little color. But in the end, he still gave a soft "um", which was kind of a promise to Solim.

There was silence on the way back to the castle, neither Snape nor Solim spoke, and although there was a lot to say between them, they seemed to be waiting for each other to speak.

"That person ......"


The two of them finally couldn't help but choose to speak. However, the choice of time is a little awkward.

"Evans wasn't called by me, he's always around here. "Solim naturally can't embarrass Snape, so he can only speak first," Evans has always had tasks at Hogwarts, including spying on various professors and outstanding students, as well as some unexpected events, but he is only an observer and recorder - this is what he said. He's made an exception this time, but the result is not bad. "

Solim said that Snape was the first to participate in the capture of Evans, and Evans made an exception to participate in the Hogwarts incident, so who made him make an exception? Snape is not a beginner who is ignorant of the world, although his social circle is small, but it does not mean that he does not understand Solim's words. It's nothing more than that Solim wants to sell him a favor, and Snape doesn't have anything bad to accept about this, after all, if it weren't for Solim, he wouldn't have seen Lily again in twelve years, which Snape always remembered.

"Yes. "

Snape didn't seem to say anything, but Solim knew that Snape had accepted the favor.

Hogwarts was a complete sensation, and the whole castle seemed to be shaking. The students run around, announcing to each other that Blake has been captured by Professor Snape single-handedly. Of course, Solim had already slipped back into the Slytherin common room before that, and he needed to take a good shower and change into clean clothes. Because Dumbledore was going to look for him later, and Lupin was sent to the isolation ward of the school hospital, where he was not seen by any of the students - after all, his current image was not suitable for the students who liked to be surprised, otherwise the students would have fled the school in a swarm.

Also in the school hospital was the Gryffindor trio, but soon Harry and Hermione, who were not injured, were taken away from Madam Pomfrey by Dumbledore, which made Madam Pomfrey extremely dissatisfied, in her professional opinion, although Harry and Hermione had no external injuries, it was obvious that the two of them needed enough rest to replenish their energy after extreme stress. But this wasn't the first time Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey had had a disagreement.

What made Madam Pomfrey most angry was that the headmaster actually took Peter and Blake away first, and Blake didn't forget it, although he was not lightly injured, but it can still be said in the past, but Peter was cut off an arm and a calf, and the other two hands and feet that looked a little deformed also suffered serious deformation injuries, it stands to reason that such a patient should be transferred to St. Mungo immediately, but Dumbledore only let Madam Pomfrey carry out the simplest treatment, just make sure he is sane.

This seemed unreasonable to Madam Pomfrey, who didn't care what bad things Peter had done, as long as she came to the school hospital to be her patients, and her task was to cure them. Dumbledore, on the other hand, took Peter while he was still seriously injured, which was not the same as having the mischievous students discharged from the hospital early. Madam Pomfrey almost got into a fight with Dumbledore for this.

Blake was caught, and two apprentices, Oro, who had been sent from the Ministry of Magic to help with Hogwarts' defense, immediately contacted the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge rushed to Hogwarts at the speed of a funeral, he didn't even have time to tie his favorite tie, but the fact was a blow to the ecstatic Fudge - Peter Pedirus, who had long been presumed dead, was captured.

Peter's death is a well-established fact in the wizarding world, and the Ministry of Magic posthumously awarded him a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin. Now that Peter is still alive, it is difficult to say what happened back then. How does this make Fudge explain to the people of the wizarding world?

Fudge was standing in Dumbledore's Headmistress office with his bodyguard, Kingsley Shackle, along with Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, a lightly groomed Black, Harry Potter, and Peter, who was secured to a chair.

Most of the people in the headmaster's room frowned and looked at Peter and Blake who had broken their hands and feet, although Blake had escaped from prison, but he didn't look like an escaped prisoner now: he looked neatly long hair, although his face was yellow and thin, he looked very good, and he had changed into clean clothes, and the most uncomfortable thing for Fudge was that Blake was not tied up, whether there was any hidden reason or not, but now Blake's identity was an escapee, and he didn't take any measures against such a felon, which made Fudge very dissatisfied with Dumbledore。

"Dumbledore, when are we going to wait, why don't you let me take Blake away?" Fudge's face was a little gloomy instead of his usual warm smile. He knew very well what would happen to himself as a minister if Black's affairs were not taken care of, and Fudge definitely didn't want to see that.

"Don't worry, Connelly, the last man will be here soon. Dumbledore still sat calmly in the high-backed chair behind his desk, not looking at Fudge, but staring at Peter, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's time to come, who are you waiting for?Are the Wizengamot all the members of the Wizengamot still reporters for the Daily Prophet?" Fudge was venting his nervousness, he really didn't know what was going to happen next, and if it would affect his position as minister.

The sound of the spiral staircase activating came from outside the door, and the eyes of a room were fixed on the door.

"I'm sorry guys, the Slytherin common room is a bit far from the Headmaster's office. It took a while to get here. "

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