Solim didn't have to worry about the furniture in the house, Elrond had brought everything he could use. Now all Solim has to do is release the little ones in his box.

The shelf where the ashes would settle was placed by Solim next to the fireplace on the left, and the place was just right for it. Solim also prepared a small nest for Luna and placed it by the other fireplace, so that they would not be kept from making a fuss. Silna's Telles has always been a loner, and when she gets cold, she either goes to find Silna or pesters Luna. Silna's pet was left to her to deal with.

Solim wasn't going to put the contents of the box home right now, as he was still at Hogwarts most of the time, and he could empty the box after he graduated.

When they were almost done, it was time for lunch. The house-elves had already prepared a hearty lunch, and the house-elves were a few of them that were often summoned by Solim. Zim and Lara, exactly one boy and one girl, or one male and one female. They have served the Selwyns for generations, and after Elrond became the Grand Wizard, they were brought here from Selwyn Castle, and the two house-elves belonged to Solim alone.

Without the house-elves, it would have been a bit difficult for Solim to get something to eat. After all, there are no shops here on Fair Island, and if you count the house in Solim on the entire island, you can count all the buildings on one hand, and it is not easy to get food in such a deserted place.

At the dinner table, Elrond admonished Solim about Animagus, such as not giving him venom in his Animagus form, and said something that Solim himself didn't quite know.

"Your Animagus form is a snake, so you should know you're going to shed your skin one day. Keep it and don't lose it. "Elrond is a spell solver, but he has always had a soft spot for collecting these materials, especially rare ones.

Solim had been mentally prepared for the molting of his skin, after all, his Animagus was a snake. Solim would often take shapeshifts to see if he was going to molt. Because molting is a nuisance, it would be disgusting if Solim happened to have molting just when he needed to use his Animagus.

"Grandpa, do you know a good wandsmith?" Solim began to prepare for his new wand.

"What?, going to get a new wand?" Solim's thoughts in his heart couldn't be hidden from Elrond, he had an adult phoenix in his hand, how could he not have an idea according to Solim's temperament.

"Yes, Ollivander's dragon staff is easy to use, but in some ways it still doesn't fit well. The phoenix wand doesn't have those problems, but I don't know much about wands, and the last time I bought a wand for my sister, I asked Ollivander if he accepted the customization, but unfortunately he refused. "

Solim has some regrets, Ollivander can be trusted, whether it is craftsmanship or character, but people are that kind of character and do not agree to customize.

"Okay, I've got that in mind. I'll help you go back and ask if any old guy is free. Elrond replied and proceeded with his lunch.

In the afternoon, the three grandparents came to the Orvis Manor with the portkey. Elrond doesn't know how many portkeys he has on him, and even Solim has made a set of the house he has just built.

The Portkey's movement mechanism is not the same as that of the Phantom Shift, so moving with the Portkey will not have any effect on the Wizard, and the Phantom Shift may cause the Wizard to split, but the Portkey has never heard of splitting.

Gilves was still the same, with a stinky face. Because of the Basque snake molt, although Gilves got half of the snake molt, he was also knocked off a lot of things by Elrond, and this old man felt that he had suffered a loss, so he naturally would not give Elrond a good face.

"You old thing, what are you doing here!"

This is purely what Gilvais said in order to chill Elrond in front of the two juniors, and he has already said hello, will Gilvais not know what they are doing this time?

"How dare you be rude to a great wizard?" Elrond is still pretending to be now, you don't know who is cold.

Elrond's words directly distorted Gilves's nose. The two of them, one is a spell solver specializing in magic patterns and spell theory, and the other is an apothecary specializing in herbs and potions, and both of them are not very inclined to combat. Elrond became a great wizard after being sublimated at the soul level, and he had already shown off to his old friend, and at that time, the villain's appearance made Gilvais angry, and this time he ridiculed himself in front of the juniors, can this be endured?

"If it weren't for your grandson, you wouldn't know where to hide by now!" Gilves glared at Solim, then poked his finger into Elrond's nose.

Solim and Sylna laughed and cried as they watched the two old men who had not yet grown up expose each other's shortcomings, and slipped away together to find an excuse. The two siblings at Orvis Manor are very familiar with each other, and they also know the specific places where the Basque Country is active. The two of them were going to take Basque with them first, and when the two old men were comfortable arguing, they would naturally come to them.

After Solim and Sylna left, the two old men had no reason to continue arguing. If there were no juniors present, these two old men would not be able to quarrel a few words, all because they couldn't wipe face in front of the juniors, so they refused to bow their heads. Seeing that the brother and sister had left, the two old guys stopped arguing.

"Old thing, he found out. Elrond looked in the direction Solim had left, and said without a clue.

Gilves frowned when he heard this.

"It doesn't make sense, how could he find out ......"

"His Animagus is a snake, and Sylna is a parseltongue. Elrond sighed, "He's so smart, and he's got a lot of miscellaneous books, how could he not guess?"

"You didn't tell him?" asked Gilves.

Seeing Elrond shake his head, Gilves spoke: "I don't agree with your approach to this matter, you should tell him, it's better to know from you than from someone else, and your grandson has a lot of eyes and won't do stupid things." It's also good to tell him early on that he's prepared. "

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