There will be a dance party at the Christmas dinner, so you can imagine how pleasantly surprised the students will be with the news. Especially the girls, they were so excited. The hallway often looked at the boys passing by in twos and threes, and then giggled and didn't know what they were laughing at—really, not only Solim, but almost all the boys didn't know what they were laughing at. Their expressions were like saying that someone had a note on the back of your school robe saying "I'm a fool."

The news of the prom got most people excited. Hogwarts rarely hosts such large events, which is why Quidditch matches are so popular. But for some warriors, the news brought nothing but annoyance.

Let's be honest - Solim really thinks those girls should be thankful for themselves. None of them would want to dance with someone as gloomy as Richie or Lamston, and that would not be a good experience.

Although it's December, spring in the castle seems to have arrived early. There are bursts of hormones everywhere, and men and women are in and out of pairs, making Hogwarts look like a blind date.

For warriors, there will be no shortage of invitations from dance partners at all. Solim had already turned down eight girls this morning, including three seventh-graders.

When she returned to her dorm room in the evening, Silna had just come out of the shower.

"You haven't chosen your dance partner yet?"

"I don't know how to dance at all—" Solim snapped at the thought of it.

"That's easy, I'll teach you. "

Sylna can jump, it turns out that there is an etiquette class in Selwyn Castle. A lineage like Sylna's will be nurtured by the family. Underage wizards who have not yet gone to school learn the history of pure-blood wizards under the guidance of their teachers: the crest of all wizarding families, famous figures from history and events related to them, and how to interact with people of different statuses, and it is in this environment that discrimination against Muggles is gradually instilled in the minds of these little ones.

"Ahh "

"Wouldn't that be a pity?" said Sylna, glancing at her brother, "I have a lot of friends who are asking me about you, and they seem to want to be your dance partner." "

"We'll talk about that then. Solim felt that he should have rested now, and that he had a good day.

"Seriously, I think you should...... Anyway, you should communicate with others more. Don't spend your time on potions or spells. In fact, there are a lot of girls in school who are interested in you. "

"So what can it be?"

Solim wasn't unclear about what Sylna meant.

"If you look at the Triwizard Tournament, Rich and Lambston aren't going to give up. Do you think I can be as heartless and stupid as Potter, and why is my social circle so small? Have you ever thought about it?"

After thinking for a while, Sylna said uncertainly, "Are you afraid of causing others?"

"Unless I reconcile with the Richie family completely, or the Richie family completely falls, they will keep an eye on me, and if I show a flaw, they will catch it. You can imagine if I had a girlfriend, or if I had a very good friend, then the Rich family could use them to make a fuss. So I think I'm in this state not only for others, but also for myself. They only focus on me alone, instead of thinking about how to use the people around me to coerce me. "

"But this time you seem to have them off again. Sylna was referring to the two warriors, Rich and Lymston, and although she didn't know exactly how her brother did it, Sylna knew that her brother had already done it as soon as she heard about the disappearance of these two men.

"It's adding fuel to the fire—" Solim threw himself on his bed.

"Two of the people who came to Hogwarts to watch the game this time were named Rich and Lemston, and the two of them asked our grandfather to give—" Solim gestured with his hand to the top of his neck.

What Solim said was something that Sylna didn't know at all.


"Yesterday or today. Solim rolled over, "Professor Snape told me that two people died in Hogsmeade, and Dumbledore wanted to talk to me, because the dead man wanted to talk to me, needless to say, definitely Richie and Limston's people." "

"Rich and Lemston are going crazy this time. Sylna shook her head, "Forget it, if you're going to the prom, I'll teach you how to dance tomorrow, and if you decide to drink the poison, then I'll leave it unt." "


Solim had a headache about the prom, and so did Harry. He hadn't had any of it, but he did, and Mrs. Weasley had prepared for him—new, decent dresses. It looks much better than Ron's pile of rags.

At Christmas, students are allowed to go home or stay on campus. Of course, Harry himself always stayed at the school for Christmas, because if he didn't, he would have to go back to Privet Road, but the number of people who stayed in school was always very small.

This year was different, all the students from the fourth grade onwards seemed to be staying, and it seemed to Harry that they were all very obsessed with the upcoming prom - at least all the girls, and he was suddenly surprised to find that Hogwarts had so many girls that he hadn't even noticed before. The girls were eating, laughing and whispering in the hallways, the girls were squealing and laughing whenever a boy walked by, and the girls were excitedly exchanging ideas and talking about what to wear on Christmas night.

Harry and Solim are still a little different: Harry has a dance partner he wants to invite - a fifth-year Ravenclaw girl, but alas, it's a ...... They already have boyfriends.

"Have you figured out who to invite, or rather, who to accept?" Ron asked Harry, who had seen countless times during this time, as Harry's buddy, had invited Harry to be his dance partner, which made him ...... a little Some jealousy.

Harry and Solim had been messing around for a long time, and Solim's mantra came as soon as he opened his mouth: "I'll talk about it then-"

This sentence is often a panacea answer.

But no matter what you say, no matter how it drags on, time is unstoppable. This means that there are things that cannot be avoided forever.

Solim finally accepted Reina's invitation, and news of the Warriors of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons becoming dance partners quickly spread throughout the school.

Harry and Ron still don't have a dance partner.

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