It can be seen that Ferencze's status among the centaurs is not very high. To put it mildly, it is a low status.

It is difficult to fit in with the outliers in thought or action, and Ferencze's thoughts and actions are clearly more like wizards than centaurs. Outliers from this group are generally excluded, especially for sapient beings.

Centaurs look a lot like horses, that's why they're called centaurs – that's nonsense, of course. But there is still a difference between horses and horses, otherwise they would not be distinguished by two nouns. For horses, carrying things is a normal thing, since ancient times when horses were domesticated by humans, the main role of horses is to transport supplies or for people to ride. In the eyes of the horse people, if they behave in the same way as those domesticated by humans, it is a kind of self-depravity.

Ferencze's act of carrying Harry out of the Forbidden Forest was seen by the other centaurs as a form of self-depravity and an insult to the identity of the centaurs, as if they had to run around with humans just like the domesticated horses.

Presumably, Ferenze did not have a very good life among the tribe of the centaurs. Because Solim saw hoof prints on his chest, and several. The equipment on Ferenze looked very shabby compared to the other centaurs, and it was clear that the other centaurs did not treat him as a warrior.

"The Adversary appeared in the Forbidden Forest and attacked the unicorn. Ferencze looked at Harry, "That's when I met these foals. "

"And he was carrying him around the woods like a mule!" "It was the centaur again, and Solim knew that he was either Bane or Ronan, and Solim and Ferenze had only known the names of the four centaurs, and one had just learned.

In Solim's opinion, these centaurs all look the same, and the facial features are very inconspicuous, and the feature that can make Solim distinguish at a glance is probably the length of these centaurs' faces, such as Ferenze, his horse face is particularly long.

"So, they are indeed students at that school?" Grote, as the leader, did not show the same contempt for Ferenze as the other centaurs did - at least not on the surface.

"That's right, I can promise like the ancestors. Ferenze looked at Solim again and said, "And this little wizard in front of us is the one who once caused the riot in the lair of the eight-eyed giant spider. "

Hearing Ferenze's words, Grlot looked at the centaur to the side and asked, "Bane, you were there at the time, are you sure it's this foal?"

"That's right, it's him, we shot a 'pony' on the outskirts of the Eight-Eyed Spider's lair, and saved him and another student. "

Solim was now finally able to determine the centaur's name.

The conversation in the mouths of the centaurs also aroused the curiosity of several people behind Solim, especially Hermione. According to the centaurs, Solim once visited the nest of the Eight-Eyed Spider and caused a riot. Solim had never told them about it.

"Since you are all students of that school, you should understand that the Forbidden Forest is not accessible to you, this is not your human garden, there are dangers lurking everywhere here, and I will let Ferenze take you out of the Forbidden Forest. "Grote finally made the decision to send Solim and them out of the Forbidden Forest.

That wasn't what Solim wanted, but it didn't matter, Solim had always been good at convincing.

"Wait a minute, please. Solim stopped the centaur leader as he was about to turn around, "Hogwarts is hosting a Triwizard Tournament recently, you should have heard about it, right?"

Of course, the horses knew about it, and holding a third race in the Forbidden Forest would not be possible without the horses, and it would never have been possible to do so without communicating with the horses, and although the horses finally agreed to the wizards to hold the race in their Forbidden Forest, Solim thought that the negotiation process would definitely not make the horses happy. Whether Solim's judgment is right or wrong only depends on how the horses react after hearing this.

If these horsemen go to help the farmer uncle to clear the land, the effect must be very good. Because the ground had been torn apart by the centaurs with their hooves, it was clear from their movements how much excitement Solim's triwizard tournament had brought to them.

"We agreed to this, it doesn't mean that you humans can humiliate us again and again!" Grote thrust the wooden spear in his hand into the dirt.

"So let's make a deal. In the face of the increasingly irritable large group of centaurs, Solim did not panic in the slightest. The few men behind him were already nervous, and Draco hid behind Neville.

Without waiting for the centaur leader to speak, Solim took the lead and said, "I know that the third event of the Triwizard Tournament is a humiliation for you centaurs, and I don't think the Ministry of Magic will have a good attitude when they come to negotiate with you. You don't want us to disturb the peace of the Forbidden Forest, and in the same way, we so-called 'warriors' don't really want to enter the Forbidden Forest. "

"What do you want to say?" Grote looked at Solim.

"The third project requires the Warriors to explore the Forbidden Forest and find the map they are hiding in the Forbidden Forest within the allotted time, but the Forbidden Forest is too big, if the Warriors - there are seven Warriors, including me and Harry," Solim leaned and pointed to Harry behind him, "The Warriors are not familiar with the Forbidden Forest at all, and in the process they will definitely have an undesirable effect on the environment of the Forbidden Forest and the creatures in the Forbidden Forest." So...... Centaurs familiar with the Forbidden Forest will be able to find out where those things are in a fraction of the time, and once the map is found, the third project will be over in no time—and the calm you centaurs have hoped for will return. "

"Do you want us centaurs to do things for you? huh, find you a map of what those men are going to put in the Forbidden Forest?" Grote's pony face showed no emotion, which was in stark contrast to the normal centaurs behind him.

"It would be great if I could. Solim laughed and said, "If you can give me all the maps one second after the game starts, then the game will end immediately." So that no one disturbs your living environment. "

"We centaurs never do things for wizards!" the centaurs began to get agitated again.

"You just said a deal. Grout raised his hand, and the rest of the centaurs immediately fell silent, "It was you wizards who disturbed our peace, and you asked us to do things for you, and then give us back the peace that belonged to us in the first place?"

"Of course not. Solim moved his neck, his neck was already a little sore from the fact that he had been tilting his head like this.

"I wouldn't call that kind of thing a deal. Solim pointed to the wooden spear that Grote had stuck in the ground and said, "I mean this by the deal - I can provide you with weapons, weapons made of steel. "

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