It's the end of the semester, and for most students it means exams, but for the Warriors it's something to be thankful for. They don't have to waste time trying to revise because they don't have exams at all.

The warriors who don't have to take the exam have more time to prepare for the final game, but in fact, no matter how other warriors prepare, the script has already been written, they are just dispensable supporting roles, and Solim is only a supporting role, at most a more important supporting role.

The labyrinth has been built, and at the entrance of the labyrinth there are spectators from all over the world, and this time the warrior's family has arrived, and Harry is standing in the arena with Solim at this time and introducing Solim:

"That's Ron's family. Harry waved his arms in one direction in the stands, "Mr. Weasley and Ms. Weasley, they came to see me this morning, but ...... Ron's mom seemed to have some opinion of Hermione because of Skeeter's report. "

"Do you understand the power of the fishing wheel now? Even people you know can be affected by the fishing boat. "Solim, Harry, and Reyna are now open - they're a group, and the other warriors are standing there alone, just the three of them, and they're still chattering.

Solim had already met Reina's parents before entering the arena, and to be honest, the scene was a bit awkward. Reyna praised Solim for the help he had given her, and Mrs. Roderick seemed to be very pleased with Solim, and pulled Solim to talk about his daily routines, and here was the embarrassment: what did Solim have to talk about? Tell them about the gloomy basement of Selwyn Castle, or the terrifying atmosphere around the castle, or his harsh elders?

There was really nothing to talk about, but Mr. Roderick was a nice man, with a sharp mind, and he quickly sensed Solim's embarrassment and pulled the subject away. After all, he is a prolific wizard, and he still has eyesight. Unless intentionally, the middle class of these wizarding worlds is rarely unpleasant.

"Alright, everybody, come here. Bagman raised his hands absent-mindedly and motioned for the warriors to lean over.

"This is the last event, as I told you before, what you have to do is get to the end of the maze and get the trophy. And unlike before—" Bagman glanced at Solim's men, "there could only be one winner this time. "

"We will patrol outside the labyrinth. At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice came in, "If you are in trouble and want to be rescued, shoot red sparks into the sky, and we will have someone to help you, do you understand?"

A patrol of McGonagall, Hagrid, Flitwick, and Moody will help the Warriors in trouble—in fact, to pick up the losers. Moody gave Solim a look as he left, and Solim nodded knowingly.

Hagrid leaned over and said something to Harry, but Solim didn't hear it, it was too noisy.

Warriors will enter the maze in order of score. Solim was naturally number one, tied for second place by Harry and Reina. Regardless of whether the referees of other schools were willing or not, in the third Forbidden Forest event, only Solim and three people took back the box, and the other empty-handed warriors naturally did not get any points.

"Mr. Selwyn," Dumbledore and a few referees stood in front of the warriors, "when ...... heard"


"......" Dumbledore opened his mouth, "...... The sound of the salute, well, you can get in. "

Solim glanced back at the audience and entered the entrance to the labyrinth first.

The entrance was sealed and completely cut off from the outside world, even though Solim was only separated from the outside world by a wall. The contrast between the dim and oppressive interior of the labyrinth and the bustle just outside makes it difficult for ordinary people to adapt to this change of environment immediately, but this is no problem for Solim.

Pulling out the live point map, Solim found that it was exactly what he had guessed, and that the live point map was completely invalid here. The interior of the maze is not "Hogwarts range" as recognized by the Living Point map, even though it is built on the grounds of a Quidditch pitch. Fortunately, Solim was well prepared, pulled out a coin and tapped it with his wand. Although the method is a little old, it just works.

Harry and Reina were lined up behind Solim, presumably already in at this time, but this time instead of Solim waiting for them to come and find them, they took the initiative to find someone. Before the game began, Solim had already told them not to move around after entering the maze and just follow the guidance of the coin.

However, things were a bit unexpected, and the feeling coming from the coin was very faint, which either indicated that the warriors were far away from each other, or that there was some kind of interference within the labyrinth, or both.

Solim's spell level was quite good, and the coin in his hand was cast by him with two transformation spells, Harry's one represented the cold feeling, and Reina's one felt hot. Solim was Harry's one that he had activated first, and he had to determine Harry's location first. As for Reyna, Solim just let her coin react, telling her the general direction.

The walls inside the labyrinth were made of plants, and they were so high that Solim could only see a very small fraction of the sky when he looked up.

The silent, oppressive labyrinth made Solim feel like he was back at Selwyn Castle, and for others this atmosphere might be a psychological obstacle to overcome, but it didn't affect Solim at all, after all, the environment here was still a little less interesting than Selwyn Castle.

The cold coin in his hand clearly pointed out where Harry was, but Solim could only honestly feel the wall. Solim had already tried, and the plants that made up the walls of the labyrinth regenerated at an astonishing rate, and they also had a certain ability to resist spells, and ordinary flames could not hurt these plants at all. Even if Solim used the Flame Blink, even if the wall did be burned open by the fire, the wall would heal with incredible resilience before Solim could get inside, and if he forced his way through the breach, Solim estimated that he would be trapped in the wall by the plants.

Aside from the walls of plants in the labyrinth, there was nothing else to stop him in his tracks. Whether it's the Boggart, who is immobilized in the form of a Dementor, or some smaller Fire Crab, it won't be difficult for Solim to deal with these magical creatures.

In the dim environment in the labyrinth, Solim did not use the fluorescent spell for lighting, one is too low-grade, and the other reason is that the fluorescent spell is to be maintained all the time, which means that when you want to use the wand in an emergency, you must first disarm the fluorescent spell, this extremely passive spell is obviously not within Solim's choice.

The lighting used by Solim is very advanced - summoning a Patronus.

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