Not everyone has ever seen the Dark Mark before, especially for students who are not yet minors. The black ominous mark on Karkaroff's left arm gives a sense of the malice it contains.

"I think some of you might have guessed, yes—this is the Dark Mark mark, the way Voldemort used to mark his Death Eaters. "

As you can imagine, the pot exploded directly in the auditorium, and many students even stood on stools to see more clearly.

"Now this mark is more active than ever. Dumbledore continued, "This means that Voldemort has now regained his magical powers—and I think you can all understand what a restored Voldemort would make to the wizarding world. "

The Dark Mark was a symbol of the Death Eaters, and the students were looking at Karkaroff with some inexplicability.

"Professor Karkaroff had already decided to dissociate himself from Voldemort and the Death Eaters more than a decade ago. Dumbledore said, "So don't worry, and he's already gladly accepted to be a professor at Hogwarts next term......"

This was not only an ordinary student, but even Solim showed a look of surprise. But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be an inexplicable thing, Karkaroff has decided to stay at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore has agreed to him, which Solim knows, since Karkaroff chooses to stay at Hogwarts, he needs to have a plausible identity, and the professor is a good choice.

"In view of the grave situation we will face in the future, I think it is necessary to let you know about Voldemort and the methods of his minions. Dumbledore said, "The purpose of the Triwizard Tournament is to enhance and promote mutual understanding within the wizarding world. Given what's happening now – given Voldemort's resurrection – this connection is more important than ever. "

"Voldemort was very clever at creating conflict and playing with people's hearts - especially in this situation, and those who did not want to submit to him needed to be united, and if we began to divide within ourselves and start to distrust each other, then Voldemort's rule over the wizarding world would no longer be an alarmist. "

"This semester is coming to an end, and perhaps during this holiday you will receive a lot of news from the outside world, some of which are true and some of which are false, and it is up to you to judge for yourself. "

"Every guest in this auditorium," said Dumbledore, his gaze resting on Durmstrand's classmates, "is welcome whenever he wishes to return." I'll say it to all of you again - given Voldemort's resurrection, we will only be strong if we are united, and if we are divided, we will be vulnerable. Voldemort was clever at creating conflict and hostility. We can only fight it to the end if we show the same unbreakable friendship and trust. As long as we have the same goal and open our hearts, differences in habits and languages will not be an obstacle. "

The Great Hall slowly began to boil from the silence, the shock and fear in the hearts of the students needed this catharsis, especially for the students of the wizarding family, they had already known about the bad deeds of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and very few of the people they targeted could escape, and they were unwilling to believe the truth of what Dumbledore said, because if what Dumbledore said was true, then their lives would be turned upside down.

The students weren't all panicked about Voldemort's return to wizarding, and many of the Slytherin students were secretly exchanging glances, and the excitement contained in them Solim was clearly visible.

As the hardest hit area of the bloodline theory, Slytherin has always been faintly ostracized by other houses because of this, but the Slytherin students don't care, and the news of Voldemort's return this time makes these little wizards who have been affected by Voldemort since childhood extremely excited.

Listening to Dumbledore's words about "unity", Solim wanted to laugh a little, and sometimes Solim didn't know what Dumbledore really thought.

More than ten years ago, Voldemort failed, and his power in the wizarding world was almost uprooted, and Hogwarts has always been Dumbledore's territory, and in his Dumbledore's territory, Voldemort's influence is still huge - especially in Slytherin.

The composition of Slytherin students is complex – far more complex than in other houses. There are students with Death Eater backgrounds like Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe, and Nott, there are students like Greengrass who remained neutral in the last wizarding war, and there are people like Zabini who are pure-bloods but have nothing to do with Voldemort, and half-blood wizards who are rare but do exist in Slytherin. The background of the students in Slytherin House determines that they will not be united, in fact, the phenomenon of fighting and factioning in Slytherin is also one of the most serious houses in Hogwarts, except that Solim never participates in it, or rather, he is a "gang" himself, he does not provoke others, and people within Slytherin never provoke him.

Voldemort had disappeared for more than a decade, but the mental cancer he had left behind was still in Slytherin, but Dumbledore never did anything about it—not even trying. During the period of Voldemort's disappearance, Dumbledore could have minimized Voldemort's influence, and he could have normalized Slytherin "as much as possible", and a "normalized" Slytherin would naturally be of great help to the unity of Hogwarts - the vague ostracism of Slytherin students from the other three houses is nothing new.

Dumbledore said he wanted everyone to be united, but he turned a blind eye to the rift between the students on his turf and the House.

"Words and deeds are inconsistent, words and deeds are inconsistent. Solim shook his head, he felt that Dumbledore was not really suitable as a headmaster, and he had no work to build the minds and minds of the students.

At the end of the day, the students were still discussing what Dumbledore had just announced. It can be seen that this matter will spread as quickly as possible, and presumably Dumbledore's remarks will be reported soon.

"Reina, come with me, I have something to tell you. Solim stopped Reina, who was about to return to Beauxbatons, "Draco, you go back to the rest room first, I'll talk to you later." "

Seeing Solim leaving with Reyna on her arm, Sylna thought for a moment and said to Draco, who was standing still, "You go first, I'll take a look." "

"This ...... Not well......" Draco thought Solim and Reyna were ready to confirm their relationship, "Didn't you bother them now?

"Congratulations!" Sylna gave Draco a blank look, "When are you going to open your brain?"

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