"If you hand in something like this in the O.W.Ls exam, this grade I give you is what you will get. Snape sneered, walking briskly through the class and handing back the homework, "It should give you a clear idea of what to expect on the exam." "

Snape walked to the front of the room and turned to face his classmates.

"The homework was terrible except for a few people who met my expectations. The overall level is even more of a mess. If it's an exam, most of you won't fail. I hope you'll work a little bit more on this week's paper on different types of antidotes, or I'll have to shut up the stupid ones with 'D'. "

Harry didn't look at Snape, but he knew that Snape was staring at him right now—Harry was used to it, and whenever it involved criticism or sarcasm, Snape would have his eyes on him.

Solim was now taking Potions classes entirely to save face for Snape, and with his current knowledge of Potions and practical experience, he didn't need to take Potions classes anymore. For Solim, who spends a lot of time preparing potions every week, Snape doesn't learn much in his classes now, and his Potions class now is more like a review.

Umbridge didn't come to Snape's Potions class to be an eyesore, and she was also a professor to do it. However, she was in the fourth-year Charms class today, and according to Sylna's description, Umbridge was extremely rude to Professor Flitwick, asking insulting questions in front of the whole class, and everyone knew that Professor Flitwick was of fairy blood, but that didn't stop the students from liking Professor Flitwick. The humorous and affable Professor Flitwick was distracted by Umbridge's pedigree questions in his own class.

The Ravenclaw students were furious when they heard the news, and Professor Flitwick was the dean of their house, and he was insulted in public—Umbridge's questions about pedigree were definitely insulting. The Ravenclaw students, who had kept a low profile, were even ready to retaliate, but they eventually exercised restraint with the appeasement of the older students.

In Solim's opinion, Professor Flitwick is also old, and if Umbridge dared to say anything about his height when he was younger, it would definitely be a dwarf curse - in his early years, as the champion of the All England Duel Tournament, Professor Flitwick could easily knock Umbridge over even if he put his wand in his nostrils.

In fifth-grade Charms class, the students expected that Professor Flitwick would continue to ask them to review the content of the Copying Charm, but instead of asking the students to do so, Professor Flitwick was going to teach them a new spell - a spell that was not in the textbook: the Dwarf Charm.

This spell was famous in the early years, and anyone who dared to make fun of Filius to his face. Wizards of Flitwick's height or pedigree would be hit by this spell and then stay for a while in St. Mungo's Spell Damage Unit, which even still has a dwarf curse healing unit.

This spell was invented by Professor Flitwick himself, and there is no other semicolon for this one. The students were thrilled by this, and anyone who wasn't a fool could understand what Professor Fliwick meant. It's a pity that this spell is not easy, Professor Flitwick gave an in-depth explanation of the spell he invented in class, from the most basic combination of magic patterns to the later simplification of spells, but unfortunately, only one and a half students in the class can understand it: one is Solim, and half is Hermione.

Not even Solim could have learned the spell in just one lesson. The Gnome Charm is a typical compound spell, and its spell structure is very difficult to learn due to the involvement of Transfiguration - if the spell were simple, St. Mungo's department would not have reserved for the treatment of this spell.

After class, Solim stayed behind and found Professor Flitwick.

"Haha, I knew you couldn't help it. With a wave of his wand, Professor Flitwick flew a large roll of parchment from his desk directly into Solim's hand.

"Take it and see it. The details of the dwarf spell are all on it - this is something I have specially reorganized, and I can't find the original information. "

Solim hugged a large bundle of parchment and asked, "Professor, is it really okay? I mean—if something does happen, can you take yourself out?" "

"Hmph, if someone falls under this spell, what does it have to do with me?" Professor Fliwick said, waving his little short hand, "I did explain the principles of this spell and the final simplified spell in class, but who of you can learn it? The difficulty of this spell is not comparable to the spells in the Standard Spells. "

"That's just as well. Solim nodded, the spells in the Standard Spell were only the most basic spells, and compared to the complex compound spells like the Gnome Spell, the difficulty was not at all an order of magnitude.

"By the time Hagrid returns, your life should be better. "

"Hah, hopefully. Professor Flitwick laughed, then reminded, "Don't experiment with students when practicing this spell, and I'll be okay if something goes wrong during the spell." "

Solim returned with a large bundle of parchment and studied it in his bedroom, even having lunch delivered by the house-elves.

It's not that Solim attaches so much importance to the dwarf spell is not that the spell is special, but that Solim has long had the idea of inventing his own charm. The knowledge involved in inventing a new spell, as well as some of the problems involved in the actual invention process, are not something that a minor wizard like Solim can solve. Solim has a reserve of relevant theoretical knowledge, his collection of books is more than that of some ordinary wizarding families, and the collection of books from the Selwyn family can ensure that Solim can obtain enough theoretical foundation in terms of quality and rarity, but the specific process of inventing a spell, Solim has never been exposed to it.

The thing that Professor Flitwick gave him was a complete record of the initial construction of the spell, the combination of the magic patterns, and the simplification of the spell in the later stages, which was of great help to Solim, and only this valuable thing would make Solim start studying without even eating.

If it weren't for Sylna's return to pick up his books for the afternoon, Solim would have forgotten that he still had classes in the afternoon. Although he was willing to skip class, thinking that it was the woman Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Solim felt that it was better to be honest. It's not that I'm afraid of Umbridge, but there's no need to give her a handle.

After thinking about it, while there was still time, Solim decided to do something about it, and he couldn't waste his time in Umbridge's class anyway. Find Slinka's copy of The Theory of Magical Defense and spread it out on the table.

"Clearing. Solim used a simple little spell often used by a clerk in the Ministry of Magic office to erase all the original handwriting from the textbook, leaving only blank pages.

"Next," Solim said, placing the blank Defence of Magic Theory next to the pile of parchment given to him by Professor Flitwick, "copy it quickly." "

The quill made of ash tail feathers began to flutter wildly, filling the blank pages of the book with swiftness.

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