Harry found himself in the air for more than a minute, watching the game and not even trying to find the Snitch. Startled, he swooped down and began to circle the pitch again, searching wide-eyed, trying not to pay attention to the terrible situation on the pitch.

"—Warrington again," Lee yelled, "passed to Poussey, Pusse got past Spinnet, Angelina, you can catch him—you can't—but Fred Weasley played a nice Bludger, no, George Weasley, ahem, whatever, one of them anyway." Warrington lost the Quaffle, and so did Katie Bell – uh. Now it's Monty who got the Quaffle, and Slytherin's captain Montey got the Quaffle and is rushing towards the front, Gryffindor come on, stop him!"

Harry walked from behind the Slytherin goal, forcing himself not to look at Ron's side. As he passed the Slytherin goalkeeper, he heard Bleitch shouting at him, "Hey, don't go, Scarhead! I'm dying of boredom!"

Harry ignored him, and the Slytherin goalkeepers hadn't moved much since the game started, as the Quaffle had been in Gryffindor's half all the time, and they had little chance to attack the Slytherin goal.

"—Psy dodged Arya again, headed straight for the goal, and pounced on it, Ron!"

Harry didn't have to look to know what was happening: groans of pain from the Gryffindors, screams and applause from the Slytherins. Without looking, Ron must have missed the ball again, or more accurately, he watched the ball go in again.

Harry's motivation for finding the Snitch now had an element of trepidation. He just wanted to find it quickly and end this nightmare game. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't found the Snitch before Slytherin had taken a 150-point lead.

—Katie of Gryffindor. Bale dribbled past Pouse, dodged Monty again, good figure, Katie, she passed the ball to John, Angelina. John caught the Quaffle, shook off Warrington, and rushed to the goal, cheering on Angelina—Gryffindor scored!Sixty to ten, Slytherin led sixty-ten, but it didn't matter, Gryffindor got back to form, and they started scoring!

Harry was a little relieved, only fifty points behind, it wasn't a big deal, as long as he found the snitch as soon as possible-

Suddenly, Harry felt like he was seeing something, and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something shiny, and before Harry could even see what the shiny thing was, his body moved on its own - he began to swoop, chasing after the little shiny thing.

"Oh-Harry, he's moving, did he spot the Golden Snitch?" Lee Jordan suddenly spotted Harry's movements, "Oh my God! He's riding a firebolt like a bolt of lightning! The Slytherin Seeker hasn't even figured out what's going on! Look at his movements! Harry has his hand! No doubt! He's found the Snitch!"

Lee Jordan's loud voice startled the Slytherin players who were cheering in front of the Gryffindor goal, and they hurriedly sent three men to surround Harry, but it was too late - they were riding the Halo 2001 that Draco had given him earlier, and although it was also a good broomstick, it was a bit difficult to talk about compared to the fire ballista arrows.

Harry's fingers gripped the tiny, struggling Golden Snitch - it's over, it's all over. He flicked his broom into the air, clutching the ball in his hand, and Gryffindor supporters cheered loudly. They were saved, and despite Ron's goal, no one would remember if Gryffindor won.

A Bludger hit Harry's back as he flew off his broomstick, thankfully only five or six feet off the ground. He heard Mrs. Hooch's shrill whistle, and the stands were in an uproar, mixed with boos, laughter, and angry shouts, and with a tom, Harry fell to the ground.

"Are you alright?" was Angelina's voice, and she jumped off her broom and gathered around Harry. The Gryffindor team members also came to Harry's side.

"Of course. Harry gritted his teeth, grabbing her hand and letting Angelina pull him up. Lady Hooch rushed towards one of the Slytherins above him, unable to see who it was from his vantage point.

"It's that thug, Crabbe!" Angelina said angrily, "and as soon as he saw you caught the Snitch, he threw the Bludger at you - but we won, Harry, we won!"

Harry heard a sneer from behind him, and he turned around with difficulty—he had just been hit a little hard by Bludger. He found that a group of Slytherin men had surrounded them. Monty's face was extremely ugly, and the rest of the Slytherin players were similar, they had the advantage, but Gryffindor had won, and they were all mad!

"Yes, yes. Warrington looked at Harry with his broomstick, "Pretty proud, aren't you?

"Shut up!" Angelina yelled at him.

"Let them be proud," Psy said with a grin, "Weasley's shit will be like this bear in the next game anyway, you just won one game." "

Right in the bull's-eye.

Gryffindor won, but they have to admit that Ron's performance can't be described as bad. To put it mildly, even tying a monkey to a broom is more effective than him. And what will Gryffindor do against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in the future?

"You're sour!" Angelina's face lost her joy at winning the game, and she said to her teammates, "Ignore them! "

The Gryffindor players were surrounded by Slytherins, and some of the sensitive students already had a premonition that something was wrong. Hermione was struggling through the crowd as she tried to get to the Gryffindors, but the crowd prevented her from moving.

At this time, many Gryffindor students rushed here to celebrate the victory with the team, but when they saw their house members surrounded by Slytherins, a verbal conflict was inevitable.

"You two, give me a little cover-" Solim Cat was between Sylna and Draco, a small protruding piece from the hem of his wizard's robe, his wand. He's going to make these students, whose brains are already heating up—more impulsive.

The Obedience Charm is a pretty nasty spell. It's not as compulsory as the Imperius Curse, it can't go against the wishes of the person who is under the spell, and the obedience spell will only show its effect if the person who is under the spell wants to do something, but is suppressed by reason or other reasons.

The Gryffindors and Slytherins tried to punch each other in the face, but reason told them it would be risky, but under the influence of the Obedience Charm, they obeyed their desire and rushed over and raised their fists......

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