The topic of house-elves was over, and while Solim was interested in Kreacher, it was clear that neither Sirius nor Harry wanted to waste their time discussing a house-elf.

"Tell me about you. Sirius looked at his godson, "What did Solim say?"

Faced with the person he trusted the most, Harry no longer held back, and told Sirius exactly what had happened to him at that time.

Sirius's face turned ugly for a moment. As a well-informed adult wizard, he certainly guessed what was going on. But to be on the safe side, he asked Solim anyway.

"What did Dumbledore say then?"

Retracting his gaze from staring at the tapestry, Solim said, "Occlumency—the Headmaster is going to have Professor Snape teach Harry. "

Solim responded to Sirius from the side, after all, it is better not to say some things too clearly, after all, the parties are still here, and Solim tries not to irritate Harry, who is now sensitive.

But Solim also had bad moments, and the words "Snape" were enough to give Harry a serious irritation.

"What!Snape?" Sure enough, Harry's eyes widened, "Professor Dumbledore is going to have him teach me Occlumency?"

Because of Solim's relationship, Harry had already heard of the name of Occlumency, and he didn't need to introduce Solim further about Occlumency.

"Or else, you're going to let Dumbledore teach you personally?" Solim glanced at Harry, who was full of resistance.

"Dumbledore is really ready to make snot ...... Snape is going to teach Harry?" Sirius also looked awkward, in his opinion, Dumbledore's decision was to send Harry to the door to torture Snape, as the godfather, he already knew Harry's "treatment" in Potions class.

"Although in my opinion, Occlumency can't eliminate this kind of thing at the root, it still works. Solim said to Harry, "If you don't want to be 'Harry.'" Riddle' or 'Tom. Potter's words, it's better to take it seriously. "

"I'll talk to Dumbledore later. Sirius obviously didn't want to put Harry in Snape's hands, and it seemed to him that as long as Harry got to Snape, it was certain that Harry would be tortured.

"Whatever you want. Shrugging, Solim wasn't optimistic about letting Harry go to Snape to learn Occlumency, not that Snape and Harry couldn't get along, but Solim understood that Harry couldn't resist Voldemort's prying eyes at all.

Occlumency is used to resist the prying eyes and invasion of the "outside world". Harry's condition simply did not fit the protective scope of Occlumency. Voldemort's soul fragments had been entangled with Harry since he was a child, which meant that Harry was unable to stop Voldemort's invasion of him in the first place.

But having said that, Occlumency had some effect, and while it didn't completely prevent Voldemort's invasion, it could at least help Harry see the illusion and reality. The premise is that Harry studies hard, but as things stand...... Enough to choke.

"I remember you've been through this a few times - I mean Mr. Weasley. Solim looked at Harry, "You thought it was a very useful ability at the time, and I introduced you to Occlumency, and made it clear to you that this connection between you and the Dark Lord is most likely mutual—"

Sirius and Harry were silent.

"—You call me a crow's mouth, or I have foresight. Anyway, I said that the Dark Lord had realized this, and it was his attempt to be in the Headmaster's Office just now. "

Solim's ears twitched, his eyes glancing at the closed door, and without saying a word, he took out his wand and waved it at the door, "Those two guys really don't give up—"

"Alright, let's move on. Solim withdrew his wand and continued to look at Harry, "I told you that once the Dark Lord realizes the connection between you, he will most likely invade your brain in reverse. Now he's tried, and it's proven to be doable. Then Harry needs to be extra careful - if you see anything or a scene in your dreams in the future, it will most likely be fake, and it will most likely be a deliberate illusion that the Dark Lord has deliberately shown you. "

"Then I'll just ignore it, right?"

"Ignore it?" Solim looked sideways at Harry, "Are you serious?"

"You still don't seem to understand why the Dark Lord would find out about this connection between you. Solim said, "You saw things in your dreams that you shouldn't have seen, and have you ever wondered why you found all this from the perspective of a snake?"

"You mean—Voldemort's mind was possessed of the serpent at the time?" Sirius reacted quickly, but he also questioned, "...... Is it possible? If a wizard possesses his mind to another human being, I believe it, but to possess his mind to a beast—I have never seen such a record, nor have I heard of such a thing. At least I didn't. "

"Then what do you think the Dark Lord did in the Albanian jungle in the first place?" Solim asked rhetorically, "It's not a gathering place for humans, and the serpent is obviously not ordinary. "

Sirius didn't know, but Solim knew - Voldemort's serpent named Nagini wasn't a beast at all, but a human who had been turned into a beast by the Blood Curse. If Newt. If Scamander were here, he would have reacted to the name Nagini.

"The Dark Lord was on that snake at the time, and you were there, and he must have discovered your presence at that time. Instead of dwelling too much on Sirius' academic issues, Solim continued to say to Harry, "You say you can ignore the 'illusions', but here's a problem - how can you tell if a dream scene is real or false?"

Harry's mouth was open, and he found that he really didn't seem to have the means to tell.

"You found out about Mr. Weasley, you saw him attacked, and you thought it was true—of course, it was true this time, and you did save his life. But what if tomorrow you dream that Sirius is attacked? Can you tell if it's true or not?"

Harry couldn't help but glance at his godfather, "I can contact Sirius!"

"How?" Solim immediately retorted, "Write a letter, or through a fireplace?" You don't know that Hogwarts' communications are now being monitored, right?"

"That'...... Then I can find the professor!" Harry thought of the professor.

"But I want to warn you, Dumbledore can't stay at Hogwarts forever, he spends a lot of time outside of school, does Professor McGonagall have the means to contact you?" asked Sirius.

"Nope. Sirius shook his head, "Dumbledore has always been the one who contacted me directly, or Madeye. For those of us who have been on assignments outside the field, Professor McGonagall may be a little slower. "

"You see—there's no way to know if it's true or not. Solim said to Harry, "And if the Dark Lord really wants to seduce you, he'll have all the preparations." "

Solim looked at Harry seriously and said, "So, if one day, Dumbledore is not at school, and you see some vision, such as Sirius being attacked or something, I hope you can calm down and not be impulsive." "

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