"Are you really going to do that?" said Solim looked at Sirius in shock.

"I don't care about that anyway. Sirius said heavily, "What I owe Harry, take it as compensation." I only think of the bad past when I see those things, and besides, as his godfather, it's normal for me to leave him something. "

Sirius was going to transfer the contents of the Black family's vault to his own, and then give his vault to Harry. Personal coffers can be inherited and traded, but family coffers cannot, and if Sirius dies, the contents of the Black family coffers will never be available again.

"I'm going to wait until the situation gets better. Sirius unknowingly set up a flag for himself, "When Harry gets married, I'm going to ......"

Solim didn't listen, "When things get better?" Hell knows if you're still around then, and "when Harry gets married", you're still thinking a long way off. Maybe this kid will kill you.

Originally, Solim was ready to go with the flow, he had been reminded of what he should have been reminded, and he had been warned of what he should have been warned, and when the time came, it would be up to luck for Sirius to die or live.

But after coming out of the vault, Solim changed his mind a little, how long had he been in it? he had managed to get so many things, and it was only a small area, and there was still a large part of the vault that he hadn't seen yet, and who knew how many good things were still eating dust in it?

It's a waste, it's a waste.

As soon as Sirius died, the Black family treasury could no longer be opened, even if he had a key, unless Sirius found a woman to have a child now, otherwise the Black family's treasury would belong to Gringotts when he died.

Bellatrix and Narcissa are married, Tonks' mother has been removed from the family, and Sirius's uncle, who is still alive, is married to Harfang. Cedreira of Longbottom. Blake is also not eligible to inherit the Blake family coffers.

If you really want to count it, there are not many wizards in the wizarding world who have Blake's blood, but they are either removed from the family or married, unless Sirius gets a child now, otherwise the Black family's coffer inheritance is really a problem.

The rotten ship also has three pound nails, and although the Black family has declined, what is left behind is still very attractive to Solim. Generally speaking, an ancient pure-blood family will inevitably consciously collect and accumulate some things: wands, magic books, alchemical items, precious materials, etc., these are the essential differences between wizarding families and ordinary wizarding families.

It would be unimaginable, if not impossible, for an ordinary wizarding family to accumulate these things. When the Weasley family was divided into food, it was the big family that rushed up to bite it, and it basically didn't leave a chance for ordinary wizards to exploit loopholes.

Although Solim was born in Selwyn, he didn't count what he said about the family, and Selwyn was flourishing, not like Malfoy or Orvis at all, the family was a single seedling, and he could completely inherit the wealth of the entire family in the future.

So Solim can only rely on himself, and he can get some benefits. Magic doesn't mean that you have talent, and if you have talent, you're blind if you don't have resources. Solim had drunk all the motivational potions in order to practice spellcasting, and now some low-level mana recovery potions no longer worked for him. To achieve this, a lot of Galleons are indispensable. Ordinary families simply can't afford this kind of expense, so ordinary families have a talented little wizard, and it's useless if the resources can't keep up.

Behind Solim stood Elrond, and without Elrond's support, Solim would not have reached the level he is today. But what about the path of magic in the future? How long can Elrond help? So sooner or later, Solim will have to rely on himself.

That's why Solim couldn't walk when he saw the Black family vault. If Sirius had hung up before handing over his fortune to Harry, Solim might have been.

Sirius wasn't kidding, he had really decided to give the property to Harry. Solim also changed his mind, he wouldn't let Sirius be pitted to death by Harry, at least until he scavenged enough good.

Solim said goodbye to Sirius at the Gringotts doorway. He was going to see where 13 Diagon Lane and 15 Diagon Lane were, after all, no one usually paid attention to the house numbers of these shops.

Gringotts is No. 8, and the shops on both sides of Gringotts are vacant, Solim glanced at the shop next to it, it says No. 7, which is close to the direction of the Leaky Cauldron, that is, the No. 13 and No. 15 that Solim wants to find have to continue to walk down.

Passing by the second-hand robes shop, Solim knew that he had found a place, and that there was something wrong with it—between 13 and 15, of course, was 14, and 14 was Ollivanders' wand shop.

Solim glanced diagonally across the street at the scrap shop, where several masked wizards sat staring at him, and Solim continued down pretending to be fine. If he was not mistaken, those men must have been the Death Eaters in Diagon Alley, was it a coincidence that they were staring at the Ollivanders wand shop, or was Voldemort already aware of something, just waiting for an opportune opportunity to take Ollivander away?

What shit, Solim scolded inwardly, although he wore a hood, but in the case of sparse traffic, he was still very conspicuous. After turning into an alley where no one is around, Solim decisively summons the Ash and lets it take him back to his home on Fair Island.

The phoenix's manifestation doesn't make a lot of noise like a wizard's apparition apparition, so Silna and Draco, who are slumped on the sofa, don't react except for the Basque who spits out the letter and expresses it.

"What's the matter with you guys?" Solim pulled his hood down, "Why are you listless?"

Hearing Solim's voice, both Sylna and Draco just turned their heads to look at him, and then continued to maintain the position they had just collapsed in the couch.

"What's the situation?"

"It's boring. "

"yes, it's boring. Draco and Sylna sighed.

For Draco, it was quite new when he first arrived at Solim's house, after all, both the basilisk and the Isle of Fell could bring him some surprises, but as time went on, even the rare millennial basilisk could not arouse his interest.

"Boring, huh?" Solim saw Draco's appearance and drew his wand with a blank face, "Then I'll keep you from being bored, and if I'm not satisfied, you won't eat lunch." "

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