Sylna had never been to the chamber, and Solim had been to it once, but that time it wasn't a good experience.

The feeling of being watched up and down was felt by Solim as soon as he entered, exactly the same as the last time. He still didn't know if it was some kind of magical effect, or if the Selwyn elders sitting on it were really that powerful - you know, neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort had made Solim feel that way.

Glancing at his sister from the sidelines, Solim noticed that Syrna's face was a little weird. Just as Solim was about to say hello, a voice came from the high platform of the conference hall shrouded in shadows:

"Alright, let's get rid of those time-wasting things. Solim could hear it, it was Cadmus'. He had only heard this old, slightly slurred accent once.

"Yes. Solim and Sylna stood honestly with their heads bowed.

"Let's get started. As soon as Cadmus finished speaking, another voice picked up.

"Next to you is Sylna, right?"

"Yes. "Solim didn't look at the high platform, where ears are more useful than eyes.

"Her magic seems to be very stable. Another voice rang out, "It's a rare thing to be able to successfully transform from a Squib to a wizard. "

"Not unusual, Heath. The previous voice said, "That boy from the Orvis family has also become a wizard. Sigmon. The same is true for Pelos's granddaughter, which means that the information that El has given us earlier is correct, and we can try to move on to the next step. "

"The ascension ceremony is about to begin. "

"We called you here today to inform you of the precautions. "

Solim took a deep breath and began to prick up his ears, ready to memorize the next words one by one.

"Start the ceremony on time after seven days, and before that, you need to cooperate. Report on time every day, we need to adjust the ritual according to the condition of your body and soul, as well as the preparation of potions. In order to be as accurate as possible, you don't consume too much mana and energy these days, don't take any potions, and don't have big ups and downs in your mood. Do you remember?"

Solim remembered that the name of the voice was Hiss, the father of his grandfather, but he didn't know what the names of the people who spoke before were and what their relationship was to each other.

"Remembered. Solim lowered his head and looked at the tip of his shoe. He tried to restrain his brain and keep himself from thinking cranky. In front of these great wizards, he could not guarantee that his thoughts would not be seen through—even without eye contact.

"You two are close to the Orvis family, just like your grandfather. Hiss was silent for a moment, as if communicating with someone else.

"That Orvis kid is the same age as Sylna, isn't he?"

Hearing this question, Solim tilted his head slightly and glanced at his sister on the side, and the two of them just met their eyes.

"Yes. Solim said.

"What do you think of him?"

Solim frowned and thought about it, as if he had made up his mind, and said in a deep voice: "It's a good partner for marriage." "

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sylna's hand hanging beside him tremble. Solim sighed inwardly, he couldn't help it, at least for now, the combination of Fleg and Sylna was the best - at least he wouldn't bully Syrna, Elrond and Solim were watching.

"Hmph, you figured it out. A voice familiar to Solim sounded from above.

After thinking about it for a moment, Solim wasn't sure if the owner of the voice was named Carl. The same wizard who came to Solim with a Muggle last time and asked Solim to do it. After all, it had been too long, and Solim had only heard his voice once.

Solim didn't think it was hard to guess. Just now they mentioned Sylna, and they also mentioned Fleg, and they both obtained their wizarding identities through potions, and the big guys above said that they could take the next step, and now they specifically asked Solim what he thought of Fleg. If Solim couldn't guess what they were going to do, there was only one possibility—he had just been hit in the head by a troll.

The two people who were originally Squibs became wizards through potions and have the ability to cast spells. But is this ability long-lasting enough? As it stands, there are no obstacles to Syrna's ability to cast spells, and there are no signs of decay, but what about her descendants? There is no evidence or record to answer this question. The next step mentioned by the big guys above is to combine two wizards who have obtained spellcasting abilities through the same means, and see if their descendants are still wizards.

If not, or most likely not, the value of the potions that Sylna and Flegg had taken would be greatly reduced. A wizard who can only last one generation, which obviously will not please any wizarding family.

If the Selwyns really want to take advantage of Solim...... Or Snape...... Well, or if Gilves made this potion, he had to make sure that the person who took the potion was also a wizard, so that the potion was worth trading.

The old stuff up there was experimenting with Syrna.

Solim understood this, but deep down, he didn't have any anger or resentment. Because he knows that it is almost the best option.

As a member of the Selwyn family, Sylna's life trajectory was decided early on, or rather, when she became a wizard - just like countless Selwyn women before her. She will definitely be arranged by the family to marry a suitable family. If the family is a friendly, well-known family, it's already lucky – just like the Orvis family.

Whether it was Solim or Sylna, they had actually been mentally prepared for this for a long time. Especially Sylna, when Solim got engaged, she was already mentally prepared for today's events, Solim, an illegitimate brother, couldn't escape the family arrangement, and even more so She, the young Selwin.

"How's your phoenix?" said Cadmus.

"It's fine. "

Solim didn't know exactly what the Patriarch's question was trying to ask, and he couldn't figure out what he was asking it for.

"I'm going to use it for this ceremony, and I'll bring it with me tomorrow. Cadmus's words made Solim chuckle in his heart, "Alright, you can step down." "

"Yes. Solim and Sylna answered.

As soon as he left the chamber, Solim found that the other five people who were also preparing for the ceremony were blocked outside. The most conspicuous figure is Solim and Sylna's eldest brother: Dax. He squinted his eyes back and forth over Solim and Syrna. Behind him was Solim and Sylna's second brother, Sabiantis, who looked like he hadn't woken up with his eyelids down. Behind the two of them were the three Adelaide brothers.

"Alright, you can go in. The wizard guarding the door saw Solim and the two come out, and said to Dax, who was in the lead.

Solim's eyes twinkle as he stared at the slowly closing door.

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