Evans' story is simply sad for the hearer, and the listener is in tears.

Evans' job is to gather everything about Hogwarts, and his workload is not fixed. If everyone honestly doesn't do anything, then Evans's job is similar to that of a retired cadre, going to Hogsmeade every day for a drink, going to the tower to tease the owl or something.

However, with Umbridge it was different, with the three days of the Education Order, followed by the undercurrent in the castle, the confrontation between Slytherin and the other three houses, who it was, what happened, when it happened, and what the consequences were...... These are all things that Evans is going to document.

Evans had so much to keep track of this semester, especially after Dumbledore was ousted and the two Death Eaters entered the school, Evans' workload skyrocketed - on top of what was already overwhelming.

Who's to blame?Umbridge, how beautiful the world would be without Umbridge?Evans thought about it more than once, but rules are rules, and he can't just kill people to reduce his workload, but as he gets more and more work, Evans despairs. He felt that it would be better to kill Umbridge and get punished than to die in a pile of parchment.

Solim looked at Evans sympathetically. Of course, he knew that this originally white and chubby guy was a wizard with talent and strength, but it was such a wizard who might be slightly stronger than Snape, and watching him crushed by the parchment, Solim still felt very emotional.

Evans himself initially thought that the work at Hogwarts would be simpler, but it backfired, and the workload increased year by year. At first, he was able to find time to go to Hogsmeade for a few drinks, but then as more and more things happened at Hogwarts, the work became heavier and heavier, and his hair fell out one by one, and look at him now, Solim can no longer connect Evans with the chubby wizard he used to be.

Probably hadn't spoken to anyone in a long time, and Evans's order was a bit confusing. Of course, it is also possible that the pressure of the heavy work has caused him to lose his mental health. Thankfully, Solim understood what he was saying.

At one point, Evans thought about taking matters into his own hands, such as giving Umbridge a note or something, to lure her to the Forbidden Forest, and then deal with her there, after all, the Forbidden Forest is not Evans's main area of work, so the report would be easier to write.

Evans even thought about ventilating with Solim and making the appearance that Solim was responsible for Umbridge's death. After all, Selwyn was involved, and the last report that Rich and Lemston died in the Forbidden Forest was fooled in this way.

Unfortunately, God did not fulfill people's wishes, and Solim left. It was only later that Evans learned from the family that Solim had left the country. While Evans was still struggling with whether or not to kill Umbridge, Dumbledore was driven away, and the Caro siblings arrived.

Regret...... For the first time, Evans hated himself for being so hesitant, if he had dealt with Umbridge sooner, he wouldn't have had time to regret it. Because it's all used to rush reports and gather information.

Dumbledore's expulsion from Hogwarts and his entry into Hogwarts through official channels was a landmark event that Evans had to record whether he wanted it or not.

"So—" he pondered, thinking that his question should not irritate Evans, "-you must have investigated the Caro siblings, so what were they sent to Hogwarts for, or what were the two of them inclined to in terms of what you observed?"

"Of course I looked into both of them...... They had very little communication with Snape, no abuse of students, not even much with other professors, and they acted routinely every day. During the day, they would attend classes and stay in their respective offices at night, and sometimes they would wander around the castle when it was their turn to be on duty at night. "

Evans looked dumbfounded right now.

"I've also checked with the Elders' people in the Ministry of Magic that they didn't leave the school or contact anyone else through Floo. I felt like the two men were waiting for further orders, but I didn't have anyone on the Death Eater side, so I didn't know what they were up to. "

"Did you have any guesses?"

Evans' somewhat sluggish expression reacted visibly after hearing Solim's words. Some of the dull expressions gradually became vivid.

"Guess?" Evans pointed to his chest, "do you think I'll have the time to guess what the two Death Eaters are going to do? "

Solim knew that his words had irritated Evans.

"Now that you're back, I just have something to ask you. Evans began to pout and rummage through the parchment pile, "There's a lot going on in school right now that I don't have enough time to investigate-"

Looking at the stack of parchment he had pulled out, Evans put it down again. Continue rummaging through the pile of parchment.

"-You're close to Potter, do you know what they've been up to lately?" Evans continued to pick and choose, "you hadn't left Hogwarts then, oh-yes, and by the way, I wish you a happy new marriage." "

"Huh?" Solim couldn't keep up with Evans' words, and then reacted, and hurriedly said, "Where is this, engaged—just engaged, not officially married." "

"Almost, it's only a matter of time anyway. Evans didn't waste his tongue on the subject, "Potter and they seem to be gathering people before you leave school. I followed them once, but I only heard a few words, and the time didn't allow me to spend too much energy on them, so—"

"—you want to know what the hell Harry are doing?" Solim helped Evans finish.

"No—that's wrong. Evans struggled to pull a wad out of a pile of parchment, "Aha, this is it." "

"Tell me, what the hell are Potter doing, why are you gathering men to deal with the Slytherin cubs?" Evans spread out the parchment, and then out of nowhere he pulled out a quill that looked like a tabloid reporter preparing to do shorthand. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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