"Professor, I really didn't expect you to participate in this kind of ...... Activity. "

Solim's words made Snape's 10,000-year-old facial paralysis also reveal a fleeting sense of discomfort.

"He was my teacher. "

Snape's explanation was straightforward, and it also explained why: he didn't come of his own free will, and if it weren't for the fact that Slughorn had been Snape's dean and professor, he wouldn't have participated in such a time-wasting meeting.

The noise near Snape and Solim suddenly subsided, and Solim had done it. One is to block out the noise in the vicinity, and the other is to prevent other people from eavesdropping on their conversations.

Noticing Solim's movements, Snape just glanced at him and didn't say much.

"Professor, is there any news about me over there?" Solim asked without further ado, "—of course, if it's inconvenient to say it for some reason. "

"Don't you already know everything?" said Snape, "you didn't go back to that island during the holidays, the Dark Lord sent someone to look for you." "

"That's true, and I have a lot of responsibility for the situation I am in. Solim became somewhat silent.

"You're the one who poured Alector's elixir, right?" Snape asked suddenly.

Last year, in order to find out the true purpose of the Caro siblings' visit to Hogwarts, Solim found an opportunity to scare against Alecto, and confirmed his previous suspicions with the help of the truth elixir. But he didn't do the aftermath, neither killing Alecto nor erasing her memory.

"That's right, it's me. Solim graciously admitted.

"Stupid. Snape commented on Solim's actions, "You shouldn't have done something like this, but if you do, get it done." You could come to me if you thought about Dumbledore, but how could you just let her go?"

"Professor, I'm just trying to figure out what they're up to. Solim said, "And this kind of thing is clear to the Dark Lord, and I know it, so there is no need to hide it. There was no need to hide anything about the Horcrux between us, and he knew very well what I had done, so it was completely unnecessary to dispose of Alecto. "

"I thought you were a ruthless person. Snape looked at Solim.

"No, Professor, I just don't want to go overboard in a place like Hogwarts. Solim explained, "After all, I have to take into account what our Headmaster thinks, and I don't think he would be willing to see Hogwarts get bloody, whether that person is a Death Eater or not. "

"Besides, the Caro siblings are not important figures, and their lives and deaths have no effect on the situation at all. Solim noticed that someone was already looking at them.

"Besides...... If I do get rid of it, I guess it's going to be a bit of a hassle for you then, right?"

"I just want you to know what you're doing. "

"Of course, Professor. "Solim," couldn't be clearer. "

Suddenly, what Solim saw inside the venue made him a little angry.

Sylna was talking to Hermione and the women, but McLagan and Sabini surrounded her, and it was clear from Hermione's resistant expression and Syrna's increasingly impatient eyes that they didn't say anything good.

"Professor, take a moment to spare. "

Solim's hand caged under his robe moved, and the noise around him instantly poured in. Solim happened to catch Sylna's voice in it:

"I said, not interested. I advise you to leave. Sylna had already seen her brother rushing this way, "Otherwise, you won't be able to leave." "

"Hermione, we're all from the same house, you shouldn't say no, right?" McLargan was either blind and didn't see the look on Hermione's face, or he was overconfident that Hermione wouldn't refuse him.

"No, I guess forget it. "

The girls tonight are all dressed up beautifully, and they look very seductive. These people were apparently heading for a small dance party to come, hoping to find a nice dance partner before the dance started.

Hermione's stunning appearance at the Triwizard Tournament prom was clearly fresh in McLagan's memory, so he somehow hooked up with Sabini, and the two of them went together to provoke Sylna and Hermione.

Maybe it was because he poured two glasses of hot whiskey, but of course it was more likely that McLargan's brain was not very good in the first place, and he took Hermione's resistance as reserved, and was very rude and ready to put his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

Of course, he failed.

Just as McLagan was about to put his arms around Hermione, he fell straight down. By the way, he knocked over a table behind him, and before the enraged McLagan could stand up and give Hermione, the unscrupulous "mudblood", a foot on his chest, and let him lie back again.

The movement here instantly made everyone at the evening shift their attention to this place.

People who didn't know anything about what had just happened found Solim with one foot on McLagan's chest.

"Hermione, if you want me to say, you should reject him outright when dealing with this idiot. Obviously, a brain like his can't understand the concept of 'refusal,' am I right? Mr. McLagan?"

McLagan is still "dueling" with Solim's feet, and he finds that Solim's strength is amazing, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't pry Solim's feet in the slightest, which causes him to still be trampled under Solim's feet.

"Let go of me, you idiot!" McLagan held back his strength and struggled with Solim's feet.

"Excuse me?" Solim added two more points of force to his feet, which made McLagan's face redder even more.

Indeed, the blood of the Ream cow is truly worthy of the "special contraband", and Solim can make the big-shouldered and round-waisted McLagan immobile on the ground with just one foot.

"Oh my God, what's going on here?" said Slughorn as he hurriedly pushed through the crowd to see the excitement of his life.

"What are you doing here?"

He was followed by Harry, who had just finished his torture, since Solim left until now, Harry had been being pulled by Slughorn to meet people, he just wanted to leave this terrible place now, no matter what the cost, he felt like Slughorn's "treasure", being shown to everyone.

"Oh, Professor, I'm so sorry. As he spoke, Solim added a little more strength to his feet, which made McLagan completely unable to speak.

"As you can see, I accidentally stepped on him. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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