The anti-illusion spell planted by the Rich family in advance became an obstacle for Leowed's attempt to escape from here.

He also realized his situation, Voldemort and they were originally using each other, and at this time, the situation was out of control, and it was not impossible for Voldemort to sell them backhand.

By the time Leowed realized that he wasn't doing well, it was already late.

Voldemort's curse hit him in the chest without warning, and he didn't even have time to say a word of cruelty or begging for mercy.

It's not a pretty thing to look at the Reaper Curse up close. Solim forced the feeling of tightness in his chest. It's not like he's never seen a dead man, but the way the Curse takes life is a terrifying thing to the soul.

Especially considering how well Voldemort mastered the Requisition Curse, which was even more terrifying in the hands of his inventor.

Generally speaking, the Requisition Spell requires the reception of a spell - and this is true for Death Eaters who have become so bad that they use the spell with their evil thoughts and cruelty, let alone ordinary wizards.

Since the Curse spread in the wizarding world, many wizards have used it as their killer weapon - don't think too much about ordinary wizards, they are generally very lacking in attack ability, especially the kind of spells with great lethality, all of which are strictly limited in spread.

But the Curse is different, through the Death Eaters, the effect of the Curse is outstanding, and the powerful spell can be spread in the wizarding world, and many wizards have secretly learned it in private, in order to one day have a trick to press the bottom of the box when they are in danger - the wizarding world has never been peaceful.

The use of the Require Charm requires a strong drive of evil thoughts, and in general, the darker the heart and the more cruel the personality of the wizard, the easier it will be to use the Requirfor Charm. And what did Solim just see? Voldemort just flicked his wand, he didn't even pronounce the incantation, and he easily and neatly killed Leoved.

Of course, Solim hadn't seen Voldemort use the Requisition Charm, he had seen it in that graveyard back then, but he was far away then, and his senses were not as strong as the impact of close observation today.

Voldemort's use of the Require Charm was as skillful and easy as Solim's use of the Stun Charm, and the use of the Requisition Charm to this extent was secondary, but more important was the malice it contained.

Obviously, Voldemort, who can use the Curse of Death to this extent, he can no longer be called a "human", only people who do not have the slightest pity, sympathy, and kindness in their hearts can use this extreme curse to this extent. Voldemort was not so much a human as a monster in human skin, and all the positive emotions of being a human being were abandoned by him, leaving only those cruel instincts and crazy thoughts.

Dealing with such "people" is an extremely dangerous thing, especially if the status and power are not equal. Thankfully, the heavenly wizards of the Selwyn family gave Solim the status and power to speak to Voldemort in an alternative and equal way.

"Don't worry about the Dark Lord, I can guarantee that those elders of mine won't make a move on you. "

Solim looked at the sky not far away, and the battle was over. Although the battle continued in the sky, two wizards with their hands free began to fly in the direction of Solim.

Hearing Solim's words, Voldemort squinted at him. This made Solim's brow tingle, and he still hadn't figured out what the source of this feeling was.

Was it Voldemort's malice, or was it a warning of danger? Or was it some kind of delusion?

Voldemort had no intention of communicating with Solim, as the two wizards of the Selwyn family had already flown down. He had to give his full attention to these two wizards who had equal power to him.

It was Elrond and his father, Levites. At this point, Solim breathed a sigh of relief.

Elrond stared at Solim as soon as he stood still, looking like he was eager to peel him off the spot. Levitsis didn't pay attention to Solim, and like Voldemort, he focused all his attention on the other party.

Voldemort's great name, even Selwyn, could not be taken lightly.

This guy is really talented. Born in a small family that has been broken - Gaunt is naturally a broken family for Selwyn, such a family cannot give any substantial help to future generations, but even so, even if he is just an ordinary Hogwarts, Tom Riddle still has a lot of high-end magical knowledge, relying on his own talent, maybe some luck, this guy actually completed the soul transformation by himself and became a member of the great wizarding class.

Although he doesn't look down on some of Voldemort's actions, in this regard, Levitheath feels that Riddle is really better than most of the so-called "great wizards".

The vast majority of great wizards rely on the strength and resources of their families to reach this level, just like Elrond. And there are very few people who can complete the spiritual transformation into a great wizard by relying only on individuals.

Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Voldemort, these are the only three people who can name in modern times, and then look at families like Selwyn, the archwizard is counted in double digits, which shows how much these top families have a monopoly on knowledge and resources.

Hiss had already noticed Leowed, who was lying behind, and was no stranger to wizards who had died under the Curse. Seeing this, he already understood what Voldemort meant.

"That being the case. Levitsis retracted his gaze, "We're not going to pursue it this time, but we're going to take two people away." "

"Two?" Voldemort glanced at Solim with scarlet eyes.

Strangely, this time Solim didn't feel anything.

"It's the owners of this manor - Lucius and Narcissa. Hiss said, "Presumably the absence of two useless men is not a problem for you." "

Draco's parents?

Solim was stunned, how did it get on them?

Soon Solim had a guess: Draco had seen him when he was taken by the portkey, and they guessed that he would be taken to Malfoy Manor - thankfully Solim hadn't kept everything to Syrna, otherwise they wouldn't have had a chance to guess.

They speculated that they had been taken to Malfoy Manor, and in order to confirm the news, Draco, as Malfoy's heir, could summon Dobby, and Dobby, the house-elf who had not been freed, had to respond to the call of his master, and it was at that time that Dobby most likely told them about the involvement of the Ritchie family, so through Sylna, the Selwyns obtained this crucial information.

If the speculation was true, the message from the underappreciated house-elf would have been too important - it had saved Selwyn's wizard from being ambushed, and what had happened to Solim.

But this digging made Voldemort dangerous. _

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