"Half-blood prince?" Solim smiled, "That's a genius—at least better than me." "

"Better than you?"

Leopard in the Tube - The old Potions textbook gave Hermione a glimpse of the Half-Blood Prince. She also admits that this "half-blood prince" is indeed a powerful guy. But to say that he was better than Solim, Hermione didn't agree much.

Compared to the so-called "half-blood prince", Hermione was too familiar with Solim.

Not to mention, in terms of magic and magic control alone, Hermione dared to pack a ticket, and most adult wizards were not as good as Solim - he was not yet an adult.

Hermione remembers the events of the Triwizard Tournament very well, in fact, anyone who watched the scene at the time will never forget the stone giant that Solim conjured up at that time.

Professor McGonagall had spoken about this more than once in Transfiguration class.

In order to prevent some of the students from being too ambitious and self-conscious, Professor McGonagall focused on the magic and extremely precise control that Solim's Transfiguration required at the time, which most wizards could not have done in their lifetimes.

Magic is really innate, this is a complete talent, the growth of magic only depends on talent, although there are some means to increase the magic power of wizards the day after tomorrow, but those means are either huge costs, not rich pure-blood families don't even think about it, or the effect is extremely average, belonging to the dispensable kind.

For magic, Hermione was already feeling the trouble. Especially when it comes to continuous Transfiguration, Solim has said that her magic is not really outstanding, whether it is Harry, Draco, or even Ron and Neville, her magic power grows faster than her.

Of course, Hermione's magic is enough for everyday use, but the upper limit of her magic power determines that Hermione will have a lot of trouble when performing certain spells.

Solim has never had this problem, and he will not have it in the future. Not to mention compared to his peers, Solim's magic is outstanding even in the circle of pure-blood wizards.

As for Solim's demonic control, Hermione felt that she might not be able to reach that level in her lifetime.

Hermione hadn't tried, she had tried, using Transfiguration to conjure up a much smaller stone figure like Solim had done at the time, trying to make those joints move through magical manipulation, but Hermione had not succeeded in a single one—all of them failed. She couldn't control so many joints at once, let alone make them move in harmony.

Although he had never met the so-called "half-blood prince", Hermione was certain that he would never be able to compare to Solim at his age in terms of magic and manipulation.

"You think I'm a genius because I have some talent for magic and magic control?"

Solim smiled self-deprecatingly, then sighed, "I don't think people like me are geniuses, I'm just lucky - I was lucky to be born into a powerful family, and the strong family lineage allowed me to have a magical riot at the age of four, and the magical riot at the age of four made my magic power grow extremely fast, and the rapid growth of my magic power forced me to obtain a matching magic control in order to adapt to these magic powers...... Many people may think that my kind of me is a so-called 'genius', but in my opinion, it is just luck - anyone born into a family like Selwyn and has a magical riot at the age of four, even if it is a pig, is not far off. "

Show off, right? This is showing off, right?

Hermione couldn't help but think, Solim's "luck" was something that many people dream of?Although Solim's words made Hermione a little cranky, there was one thing Hermione knew very well - a wizard with magical powers alone was nothing more than a boring storage tank.

Just look at Weasley, his magic is indeed stronger than Hermione's, but if he fights Hermione, he will definitely lose badly. A wizard with only magical powers, but no skills and techniques to match them, is useless even if he has more magic.

So did those skills and techniques fall from the sky? Of course not, they are all acquired and cultivated. Solim's ability to reach today's level is naturally inseparable from hard work.

Others didn't know, but Hermione knew very well how ruthless Solim was in squeezing his time.

"I owe much of the credit to the Selwyns to get to where I am today. Solim's tone was not at all like a Selwyn surname, but like an outsider.

"You've borrowed a lot of books from me, how much do you think the ones sold in the market and the books in the Hogwarts library can help?"

Books are indeed the most common way to record and pass on knowledge. But the books on the wizarding world are very "popular". You can indeed learn something. But that's about it.

I'm sorry, high-end knowledge is monopolized, and the family or the wizard himself can't reach that knowledge until they reach a certain level.

Hermione picked up a big bargain because of Solim's relationship, and this Hermione knew it very well in her heart. The books she borrowed from Solim, whether they were professional books or codex of events, were not available on the market. How much she took advantage of Solim, Hermione couldn't even count.

"And the owner of that potions textbook, in his own right, improved many potions recipes, improved many spells—at our age. Solim sniffed, "Hermione, you already know a lot about potions and spells, can you make those improvements now?"

Hermione shook her head, she was good at absorbing knowledge, she was good at rote memorization, not making changes to established rules. In fact, a certain professor once made a very pertinent but very shocking evaluation on this point.

"But this guy called 'Half-Blood Prince' did it all at our age: improve potion recipes—more than one, and you can recall a recipe in that book that he hadn't changed. Then there's the Spell Improvement - while it's not too difficult to improve on the original framework, the premise of this so-called 'not difficult' is based on the corresponding Spell theory. "

"You...... Seems to know him well?"

Hermione had a feeling that Solim knew the true identity of the so-called "half-blood prince".

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