Hearing about the history of the fall of House Prince, Solim felt some sympathy for the owner of the Potions textbook. But at the same time of sympathy, she had to have a certain degree of admiration for this descendant of the Prince family who had "never met", as Solim said, this guy is an out-and-out genius.

"So...... What happened to this Mr. Prince?"

"First of all, it is inappropriate to call him 'Mr. Prince', although he has Prince's blood in his veins, he is not a member of the Prince family. Solim said, "If you want to know what happened to this genius—"

Solim turned his head to look at the darkness outside, and saw that there were lights on the tops of several towers, indicating that it was not yet time to sleep. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students also moved in their respective lounges.

—he went to work as a Death Eater after graduating. "

"Huh?" Hermione was dumbfounded.


"Indeed...... It was a bit of a surprise indeed. Hermione brushed her hair.

"I ask you, what do you think this genius would have been like when he was a student at Hogwarts?" Solim changed positions in the recliner.

Hermione didn't understand what Solim was asking.

"He's improved so many potion recipes at our age, do you think it's an easy thing to do?"

This time Hermione understood.

"You mean- he's ...... Withdrawn?" Hermione thought for a moment, and finally used the word withdrawn to describe it.

"It takes a lot of time and effort to improve the recipe, and it takes tireless experimentation again and again, do you think a person who likes to play Quidditch, or someone who likes to play pranks, will have the time to boil potions?"

Hogwarts' extracurricular life is actually quite rich, Quidditch, Gobstone, wizarding chess, ...... There are many different clubs for the students, and for those who like to socialize, they will never feel lonely. But people who like to socialize certainly don't have time to improve potion recipes.

"So, he's a Ravenclaw?" Hermione asked.

It's a reasonable inference that Gryffindor students will never be still, and Hufflepuff students will always be interested in cooking and making friends, Slytherin...... Maybe a little bit of a sideline, but the Ravenclaw nerds are clearly more in tune.

"No, he's a Slytherin. "

"But isn't he half-blood?"

"So you can imagine how a half-breed would be doing in Slytherin. Solim said, "There are almost no friends, and how can this poor fellow spend his time except to spend his time on potions?"

Hermione's mind suddenly conjured up a withdrawn, friendless Slytherin, brewing potions alone in an abandoned classroom.

"But, you just said he joined the Death Eaters?"

"Strange?" Solim asked rhetorically, "What was the situation at Hogwarts at that time, I told you before, and those words of the Dark Lord were extremely incendiary for those who wanted to get ahead or revive the family, what was so strange about a Slytherin half-blood wizard joining the Death Eaters?"

"He's a Death Eater...... Hermione muttered, "that is...... I've probably heard his name?"

"Not probably, not only have you heard his name, but you see him every day. "

Solim looked sideways at Hermione, watching her expression change from surprise to shock.

Hermione's eyes widened, and she said to Solim in an incredulous tone, "It won't be ......"

What Solim gave is no longer a hint, it's completely explicit.

"That's right, the one you think. Solim smiled as prankstered, "How's it going? Isn't it particularly unexpected? That potions textbook is—"

"Snape?" the look on Hermione's face was indescribable, indescribably strange.

"That's right, the reason you're doing so well in Slughorn's Potions class now is thanks to the Potions textbooks he left behind when he was a student. "

The fact that the half-blood prince turned out to be Snape was too big a shock to Hermione.

"Look, his level of potions was enough to be a teacher to you back when he was a student - to be honest, I've always felt that Professor Snape was overkill at Hogwarts, and of course, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were the same, and it was a huge waste to have them teach these little wizards, not to mention that many of the students didn't care about it. "

"Did you already know?"

"Know what?"

"The Half-Blood Prince is Snape. "

"Yes. "

"Then why did you give that book to Harry?" Hermione was a little suspicious of Solim's intentions.

"Professor Snape and Harry...... The relationship between the two of them is hard to describe. I did Professor Snape a small favor, though he didn't ask for it. "

"Snape's relationship with Harry?" Hermione's gossip fire as a girl burned.

"Uh...... Well, I don't have the qualifications to talk nonsense everywhere, but this is also an important reason why Dumbledore trusts Snape, and because of this, Snape will never harm Harry. "

Hermione leaned over suddenly, grinning.

"What do you want to do?" Solim snapped, "I'm telling you, I don't eat this. "

"Cut, boring. Seeing that Solim was adamant, Hermione sat back.

"I'm not qualified as an outsider to chew my tongue behind this kind of thing, when Dumbledore, or Professor Snape thinks it is time to tell Harry, he will naturally let him know, and whether you can ask it from Harry's mouth at that time depends on your ability." "

"What comes out of my mouth?"

Harry's voice suddenly came from behind, startling Hermione.

"Oh my God, when did you come?"

"Just arrived. Harry looked at Hermione and Solim lying there with a strange expression.

"Dumbledore is letting you back?" Solim glanced up at Harry.

"Hmm. "

Harry came to Solim's side.

"Give me the whole one too. "

Harry lay down as he could, he wasn't in a good mood tonight. As soon as he came out of the headmaster's office, Harry thought about wandering alone, and when he took out the map of the living spots and was about to check Filch's whereabouts, he accidentally found Solim and Hermione staying in the Astronomy Tower, and Harry touched it out of curiosity. He kind of regretted that he didn't bring the Cloak of Invisibility tonight, otherwise he might have heard more just now.

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