If you look at this kind of thing from an objective point of view, it is actually just a kind of magic that requires specific emotions as an inducement, but there will always be many problems in the actual learning and use process, and the wizard himself cannot control himself, becomes a captive of desire, and then degenerates into a "black" wizard who is dominated by desire.

There is a saying: With a sharp weapon in his body, he has a murderous intent.

Black magic is obviously such a "sharp weapon". If a wizard who learns dark arts cannot effectively control his negative emotions, it is too easy to be overwhelmed by his own desires and negative emotions. This is also the first problem that all wizards who are ready to formally learn the dark arts must solve - test their own energy, or rather, the bottom line. If the learner does not want to go astray, then before learning the dark arts, they need to know themselves well and know how long they can survive under the dual influence of negative emotions and desires, which determines how far the wizard can go on the path of the dark arts.

There are many kinds of desires and negative emotions, and some wizards can resist certain desires and negative emotions well, but if you change the tricks, maybe this wizard's resistance is not so strong.

Take Solim as an example, he is not keen on killing, unless it is the kind of situation where killing is necessary, generally he prefers to spare the other party's life, to put it simply, his violent tendencies are not obvious, so people like him can resist the temptation of magic like the Death Curse very well, and will not be like Voldemort, who has completely changed his personality by this magic.

But there are two sides to everything, especially when it comes to dark magic, which requires specific emotions and desires as a premise. Not being able to go deep means not being able to master it. Like Lord Voldemort, he may be the most proficient Dark Wizard in the Requirement, but equally, the Reaper has a significant impact on his own personality.

This is the situation that Solim tries to avoid, and his character is severely affected by the dark magic. And in order to do this, you must be aware of the weaknesses of your personality and know which temptations you are the least resistant to.

"Oh, you're reading the book?"

Cheeto came down straight from the ceiling, having just finished teaching the Eakins siblings. Walk through the floor on the third floor and go straight to Solim's study.

"You're done giving them lessons?"

"Well, it's a pity for the siblings, if they can cast spells, I'm sure they'll make good wizards. "

"Well, maybe I'll be able to try it later, but forget it for now. Solim looked up and asked, "As a ...... who has been formally educated in the dark arts at Schuyler Well, human, what do you think is the most important thing when learning dark arts?"

Cheeto didn't graduate from Sculler either, but he spent much longer at that school than Solim.

"Dark magic?" Cheeta, touching his chin, "What? are you ready to get started with these things?"

"yes," Solim leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head, "whether I like it or not, I have to touch these things." "

"The most important ...... Then it's up to you. Cheetos floated slightly in the air, "What exactly is the purpose of your study of the Dark Arts?" "

"Purpose ......"

"Yes, just to learn about the Dark Arts and know how to defend against them, or to get a powerful weapon and use it to harm others? "

Solim admits that Cheeto's words make a lot of sense. But if you learn black magic only to defend yourself from being used by others...... To be honest, Solim felt a bit wasteful. In his opinion, magic is only a means, and the wizard who uses it is the main body, although there are many wizards who are led away by the desire seduced by black magic, but this does not change the essential relationship between wizards and black magic.

"What are the results of these two different learning purposes?" said Solim, though he had some opinions in his heart, he still wanted to hear what Cheetos had to say.

"It couldn't be more obvious. Cheeto said: "If you're just trying to learn about the dark arts, you don't need to worry too much, because this way of learning doesn't presuppose a thorough grasp of a specific spell, and in this case, it's very difficult for a wizard to change his personality - it's usually the safest way to learn, but again, it's not a good way to get in touch with the best of the dark arts." "

Solim nodded.

"In other words, if you learn black magic in this way, then you can only achieve a superficial understanding, and maybe you can have an effective defense against some low-level black magic, but it is definitely not enough for those really high-end black magic, right?"

"That's it. Cheedo said affirmatively: "If it is an ordinary wizard in the wizarding world, it is not a big deal to do this, after all, the level of contact they can have is limited, and even most people will never see a real dark wizard in their lifetime......"

Solim understood that Cheedo was reminding himself that he was not an ordinary wizard, and the enemies he encountered would not be cats and dogs, but the elite of the real wizarding family with a long heritage.

Speaking of which, Solim also had a plan in his heart. He didn't really have a choice, he had to take the most dangerous path, after all, his future enemies would not use some superficial corrosive charms and other pediatrics, but those high-end black magic that would really use negative emotions.

"So, as a person who has come over, do you have any advice for me?"

"Advice?" Cheeto thought for a moment and admonished solemnly, "That is, you must never overestimate your will and strength, and never try those spells that you have not yet learned - the essence of dark magic is restraint, and those truly famous dark wizards are extremely strong-willed." If you're not strong-willed, you might as well learn the tattered white magic. "

Hiss-Solim took a cool breath, what was this sense of disobedience? The essence of dark magic is restraint?

Seeing Solim's expression, Cheedo shook his head and began his popular science work:

"Wizards who are overwhelmed by their own desires and negative emotions are unqualified dark magic users. They couldn't restrain themselves, so they fell, and their temperament changed dramatically – the most obvious example being the Gaunt child. "

Gaunt ...... Oh, I mean Voldemort.

"What about white magic, is Dumbledore a white wizard?"

"You just used the Patronus Charm, how do you feel?" Cheedo suddenly smiled and asked, "How was the process of casting the spell?"

"A strong will to protect me, and a fairly strong magic power, can create the kind of guardian spirit I just had. "

"That's right, the tricks of white magic are similar to those of black magic, but there are some 'subtle' differences in direction. Cheeto looked at Solim with bad intentions, "White magic requires a strong will and positive emotions from the spellcaster, which is the opposite of black magic, but just like black magic, if you want to really make a difference in white magic, you need 'indulgence'." "

The use of black magic requires restraint, while white magic requires indulgence – isn't it the other way around?

"If you don't know how to refrain from using dark magic, you will become a captive of desire. "And it's the same with white magic: if you don't know how to indulge your desires, you will be imprisoned in a shell called flesh by your own strong will, and become a walking corpse." "

Solim suddenly felt that he was really studying magic, or philosophy?

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