"Centuries ago, even if there was a magic leak, it was easy to solve, because the way people delivered messages was basically by letter or language, which was inefficient and incomplete. In as simple a language as possible, Solim told the old ancestor the difference.

"But now it's different, since electricity is widely used by ordinary people, they are spreading news faster and faster, and the integrity of the message is getting stronger and stronger. From the telegraph with only text at the beginning, to today's telephone and television, the efficiency of news transmission is getting higher and higher...... And their technology is constantly improving – there is such a thing as the Internet, and the emergence of this new thing will make it more difficult to keep secrets going. "

"'More difficult to proceed?'" Cadmus seemed a little puzzled, "what is the difficulty?"

"Various aspects, but mainly too late. Solim explained, "Now that the speed of information transmission among ordinary people is about to exceed the processing speed of wizarding society, if it is too late to deal with it, then the news of the wizarding world will spread to all parts of the world in a short time." As in the case of London — people would use their phones to tell friends hundreds of miles away about what was happening here, or use their camera equipment to film the scene — and while I don't know if their equipment could capture the Dementors, it would certainly make it harder to keep secrets. "

Solim was still giving Voldemort eye drops, "I don't know how long this incident will be handled, but what happened in London this time has been a wake-up call - we have to make another choice, at least be prepared for how we will integrate into human society when a large-scale, uncorrectable magical exposure event occurs, rather than start a war on both sides." "

"You seem to have the same idea as your father?" there was no anger in Cadmus's tone, but Solim wasn't trying to deceive anyway - for a wizard like Cadmus, it's best to be honest unless you can be absolutely sure, because you don't know if your lies will be seen through.

"There are still differences. Solim smiled, "I just think my father is more conservative - of course, he can't be blamed for this, after all, he only has the strength and resources of one person, and this kind of thing should be done by the Council of Elders." "

This segregated pattern between wizards and ordinary people has been going on for centuries, it's not that no one wants to change it, it's just that the power of tradition is too strong, it's not something that one or two people can reverse, and it takes an opportunity to change the way wizards and ordinary people get along.

"Do you understand that what your father is doing is something that pure-blood wizards will never be able to bear?" Cadmus obviously knew what Ogle had done, but interestingly, as a member of the pure-blood family, the Selwyns didn't seem to do anything, instead choosing to wait and see.

"It's unbearable, it's because they feel that letting ordinary humans know about the wizarding society will hurt their interests. Solim pointed out sharply: "Glory and tradition are just excuses on the surface." They are just worried that ordinary people and wizards will threaten their position when they merge with each other. "

If Selwyn and the other top families hadn't considered the way they would get along with ordinary people in the future, Solim wouldn't have believed it. In fact, the upper echelons of the Presbyterian Council know much more about human society than ordinary people think—they even know how to send wizards to guard the ICBMs on nuclear submarines that should never be launched.

Solim's words clearly piqued Cadmus's interest, and while the topic of ordinary people was not allowed on the table in formal wizarding settings - this was a kind of "political correctness" for pure-blood wizards, in private, they were not less worried about the future.

The impact of these Muggles, which they looked down upon and who couldn't even use magic, could send people to the moon, and even more incredible, bring them back alive, and the impact of this kind on wizards was incomparably great, and these ancient families seemed to be beginning to face up to the power of ordinary people - as evidenced by sending wizards to guard nuclear weapons.

Cadmus was interested, but he wouldn't let Solim notice that an old monster like him, who had lived for centuries, had long understood the truth that anger and joy could not be invisible.

"You seem to be interested in the affairs of ordinary people?" Cadmus's words can be said to be heart-wrenching, a pure-blood wizard is interested in Muggles?

"Very interested. Solim replied very boldly: "We wizards have a congenital defect in magic, I think the ancestors should have discovered it, that is, we don't have a specific explanation of what magic is, how it works, why those magic patterns can have different effects, these are the most fundamental questions we can't answer." "

Cadmus certainly knew what Solim was talking about, and that was something that all wizards had a headache on the path of magic.

"Our magic can be passed down only by the empirical summaries of our predecessors, and there is no single explanation that can be applied to the entire magic system - I have no say in other aspects, but I have determined that this problem is the case through my years of studying magic and transfiguration. "

"You're saying that the fusion of wizarding and Muggle societies can solve this problem?"

"To be cautious, there shouldn't be much of a problem – at least the average person has more experience in this area than we do. "

Cadmus sneered silently, and Solim felt a little furious when he saw it.

"You mean, Muggles who haven't even added magic can solve the root of magic?"

Cadmus didn't believe it, and Solim could understand it. After all, Cadmus's identity and status will never go deep into all aspects of ordinary people, at most he will understand ordinary people in the general direction, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve such depth as "Solim".

"They have a way of solving problems, or rather, finding a way to explain the truth. Solim said: "In general, the average person calls this method – science. "

"Science...... I've heard the term. Cadmerston paused, "Looks like what Ogle is doing has something to do with it, doesn't it?"

"That's true. Solim nodded. His father had said that he had a laboratory in Canada, where ordinary people were studying the mysteries of magic. Solim actually wanted to see it, but he couldn't find the time.

"That's it. "

Just as Solim was thinking about the lab, Cadmus suddenly said, "I have something for you to do. "

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