What is a social crisis?

A social crisis is a state of social unrest caused by the collapse of social order, the disintegration of value systems, and the failure of social control.

Wizarding society is already on the verge of social unrest. To be honest, according to Solim's observations in the past ten years, Selwyn's family, as well as the entire wizarding society, should really be grateful to the Muggles they look down on, if it weren't for a more sound, perfect, and inclusive society of ordinary people, the wizarding society would have started a revolution long ago, or a civil war.

The population base of wizards is simply a drop in the bucket for the huge number of ordinary people, and it is a negligible existence, so the invisible society of wizards can be "parasitic" in the society of ordinary people.

That's right, Solim believes that the relationship between wizarding society and ordinary society is one of parasitism and parasitism.

You must know that many wizards, especially those who are Muggles out of the "ninety-sixty-three" body, have no way, no opportunity to find a suitable job in the wizarding society, and a person has no job means no income, no income means that they cannot guarantee their own food, clothing, housing and transportation, this kind of thing is not an exception in wizarding society, what too much unemployment will cause, this problem is clear to everyone.

Fortunately, these Muggle-born wizards, even if they can't get a good job in wizarding society, can feed themselves on the side of ordinary people without starving to death. It can be said that if there were no ordinary people's society as the last line of defense, the wizarding world would have been chaotic a long time ago.

"And the education of our wizards, I mean the elite education that is really dominant, they are still instilling the next generation with wrong ideas, which were stable in the past, but as the level of science and technology of ordinary people becomes more and more advanced, this kind of thinking will sooner or later become a big thing. "

Solim's topic of wizarding education may be a novel argument for another wizard, but it is nothing for Hanoby, who is a normal man through and through, and looks at things differently than wizards.

"Seriously, I don't really think you're a wizard, but more like us. Hanobi exclaimed, "I dare bet you on my week's salary, no pure-blood wizard would think of it." "

"Just say that to me," Solim smiled, "If other pure-blood wizards hear it, they'll just think you're cursing." "

"Maybe ......"

Solim's expression changed suddenly, and he raised his arm to stop Hanoby's next words.

"I'm so sorry, but it seems like there's a slightly urgent matter that I need to deal with right away. Solim stood up as he reached into his robe, "But don't worry, just give me a few minutes." "

Hanouby and Elizabeth II looked at the box on the ground in amazement, and looked at Solim's movements, did he want to get in?

"Oh, yes—"

Solim adjusted the box to "enter" mode, and as soon as he lifted the lid, he heard a hoarse, weak, but frantic voice coming from the box:

"Damn! Master will kill you! Let me go!"

"What's going on? You're illegally imprisoning a man?" Hanoby's face changed.

"Ah, you can wait for me to come up and explain this to you, but for now—" Solim stepped into the crate with one leg, "—and please wait a moment. "

After saying that, the box was closed with a "bang", and at the same time, the female voice that kept emitting vicious curses disappeared.

Bellatrix would wake up at this time was something that Solim didn't expect, although he knew that his potions were getting less and less effective against the Death Eater, but according to Solim's estimates, it should last two weeks, and even if it wasn't, it shouldn't have completely gotten rid of her potions' control over her today.

"I'm so sorry. Solim's first words when he came in weren't in English, but a hissing voice of unknown significance, "I've been a bit busy lately, and I can't put you in that castle." But I promise, soon things will get better. "

Solim's chest was now free of the bookshelves, the ornate four-poster bed, the wooden cabinets, tables and chairs—there was really no place for the Basilisk to make room for the Basques.

Orvis Manor must not be able to go, after all, the matter of the basilisk is almost exposed, and now letting Basque go to Orvis Manor is simply causing trouble for Gilves, and Solim in Selwyn Castle is not at ease, so he can only take it with him in desperation.

"This woman is noisy, can you get her out?" Basque stretched his massive body as far as he could at the bottom of the box, he hadn't moved the nest in a long time.

"Don't worry, soon, she'll fall asleep soon....."

With that, Solim finally turned his gaze to Bellatrix, who had quieted down.

"Ah, Mrs. Lestrange. The corners of Solim's mouth twitched, "Is this sleep still sound?"

"The master won't let you go!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"Then we'll see. Solim didn't talk nonsense to her at all, and pulled out his wand, "But until that pleasant day comes, I need you to stay asleep—"

As soon as the words fell, Bellatrix's head tilted, and he fell unconscious.

"It's a nuisance. Solim waved his wand again. He had just stunned the woman with a stun spell, but the stun spell didn't last, and now he had added a stun spell that would allow Bellatrix to sleep for at least three days, if Solim wasn't wrong.

"I'm really sorry. "[]

This time, Solim spoke in English, and as soon as he came out of the box, he apologized to the queen and Hanoby.

"There was such an emergency, but fortunately, it has been solved temporarily. Solim tucked the shrunken box into his robe and sat down again, "Where did we just go?"

"You just said I'll explain to you when I get back. Hanoby kindly reminded.

"I'm listening. "The queen seems to have awakened her talent for praise.

"Uh...... All right. Solim thought about it, and it seemed that Bellatrix 3.6 would be a good place to start.

"The woman who just uttered the vicious curse, I think Mr. Hanobie you should have heard her name. "

"She's a wizard?"

"Apparently so. "

"Her name?"

"Bellatrix. Lestrange. Solim stared at Hanoby's face, and then he saw what he wanted to see.

Hanobi was startled, then surprised.

"Bellatrix?" Hanobie apparently had quite a bit of knowledge of wizarding society, "The female murderer on the wanted warrant?"

Oh, and now it's clear to Solim even where Hanoby knew about Bellatrix. Some time ago, the Ministry of Magic frantically posted wanted notices for Death Eaters, and Hanoby, the person in charge of things related to wizards, must have seen it. Maybe he's got all the Death Eater wanted .......

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