"Would you like to sit with me?" asked Brabby as soon as he left the confines of Windsor Castle, "By the way, I will help you get a legal identity." "

"There's no rush to this. Solim said, "And I think some people have already taken care of my identity." "

Brabi was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of surprise.

"In that case, I won't keep you either. Brabi reminded again, "But you'd better go back and talk to your ancestors about the church...... After all, I'm not allowed to return to Selwyn Castle without being summoned, and I'm not like you~. "

"I'll find the right time. With a burst of fire, ash appeared on Solim's shoulder, drawing envious glances from Brabi.

"By the way, if you may—I mean, without causing any misunderstanding, can you help me investigate that Sir Richard and his government department?"

"The one who has a relationship with the church?"

"That's right. Solim touched Ash's neck, only to be lightly pecked.

"I'll try, but don't get your hopes up. Brabi seemed a little disinterested, "No one wants to have anything to do with those crazy people unless they have to." "

"Try it as much as you can. Just avoid the people who see the church, and there is no need to conflict with them. "

In a flash of fire, Solim vanished.

He didn't rush back to Selwyn Castle, but first returned to his home on Dog Island, and he had something to know first. As for the church, Solim only knew that they had something to do with wizards, but he didn't have a deep understanding of the more specific, after all, this kind of knowledge was not helpful for magic, and Solim naturally didn't spend time on it. Since the Basque Country was placed in the box, Solim had to take out all the books in the box in order to make room for him, and he had to come back if he wanted to check some information.

"Harry sent it to you. "

As soon as Solim returned, Sylna handed a letter to Solim.


"He's going to have a coming-of-age ceremony. Sylna said, "To be exact, his godfather is going to do it for him." "

Solim opened the letter and skimmed through it quickly. As Sylna said, Sirius was going to give Harry a coming-of-age ceremony, after all, they were busy running away at the time, and there was no cake or drink to cheer up, and some were just Dementors and Death Eaters.

Regardless of the relationship between Harry and Solim, or the place where they borrowed Solim not long ago, the people of the Order of the Phoenix always owe Solim a favor, and this time it is human nature to take the opportunity of Harry's coming-of-age ceremony to hand Solim an invitation.

"Are you going to go?" asked Sylna.

To be honest, Solim really didn't like to go to a banquet, the occasion made him uncomfortable, but Harry's coming-of-age ceremony ...... As a very special person, Harry has a special place in Solim's heart, even though this kid seems unremarkable.

"All the invitations were sent to my home, and there seemed to be no reason not to go. Solim touched his chin.

"And you're going to go alone?" said Sylna, who seemed to have something to say.

"Or else?" Solim flicked the parchment in his hand, "They only invited me, they didn't mention any of you by name, and they didn't hint that you could bring anyone to the meeting, do you know what that means?"

Sylna crossed her arms.

"It's obviously not just a rite of passage, at least for me. If I'm not mistaken, the people who will attend this time will only be people from within the Order of the Phoenix......"

"But you're not, if I'm not mistaken, or if you didn't hide from me to join them-"

"So that's where the fun comes in. Solim folded the invitation and put it back in the envelope.

"Based on what you've done in the past few years, no one will object to saying that you're the Order of the Phoenix. "

"No, no, no, it's a big difference. Solim looked at the ceiling.

Cheeto's head peeks out from the upper floor.

"You're back? I'm giving lessons to the two little ones, and I'll be done in a minute. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't worry, I have time today. "

Cheeto's head disappears from the ceiling.

"Dumbledore cares about that?" Sylna looked away from the ceiling.

"Just because he doesn't care doesn't mean the other Order of the Phoenix doesn't care. Solim glanced into the living room and saw that the TV was turned off, which was unusual.

Elena said she was going out for a walk, in the little park not far away. As a younger sister, Solim's body movements are all too familiar to her.

"Leave her alone," Solim frowned, feeling that Elena was a little ...... Although the city of London has now restored its most basic order, it is full of wizards running around - they have to modify the memories of all ordinary people, and there are many damaged public facilities that need to be repaired - this does not need to be done by ordinary people, wizards will deal with it. At this time, if it is not necessary, it is better to stay at home honestly, but Elena specially chose this time to go out, if she is not lacking in heart, it is deliberate.

"I'll ask you something, how do you feel about living in a society of ordinary people? compared to a wizarding society. "

"It's a strange question. "You may be able to get a house here, maybe you can have a meal in a normal restaurant, but you can't completely avoid contact with the wizarding world, this comparison is not necessary, we can live here if the Muggle house is comfortable, but work and study need to go back to wizarding society, the two are completely in conflict, so this comparison is meaningless." "

Even if it is a pure-blood wizard, there are very few people who do not have contact with Muggle society at all, and the vast majority of ordinary wizards are more or less related to ordinary people's society, if the wizarding society is to truly integrate with ordinary people's society, these most ordinary wizards will rarely have objections, but now the mainstream values of the wizarding world are still controlled by those ancient families, and it is difficult for ordinary wizards to make a sound. If Ogle really wanted to accomplish his plan, the power of ordinary wizards would be absolutely indispensable.

"What seems to have happened to you again during your absence?" Sylna sensed the problem in Solim's question.

"I met with the Queen. "

"Queen?" Sylna was taken aback, "what are you going to see her for?"

"The ancestor asked me to run this time, to be honest, things were more interesting than I imagined. "

Cheetos floated straight down from the ceiling.

"So, Cheetos, I want to ask, what do you know about the church?".

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