Just before dinner, Elena returned. Solim was a little unhappy with her going out without permission, and it would have been fine if it had been normal, but what was the situation in London now? But he also knew that now was not the time to talk to Elena about these things, he still had a lot of things to do.

First of all, Harry's bar mig, Solim was going to join in the fun, and for that he needed to prepare a suitable gift. He didn't have much experience with it, after all, he hadn't confiscated any gifts in his six years at Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione had wanted to give them, but they had given them once on Christmas in Year 1 and had never given them again at Solim's request. Solim is tired of gift-giving and return-grabbing things, and he has to figure out what his partner likes and dislikes, and then chooses the right gift. Not only that, but if he had accepted gifts from Harry and Hermione, he would have dared to say that many of the students who had taken the name of Selwyn would flood Solim's room with gifts at the instigation of their parents.

As Solim rummaged through the boxes, he seemed to have a sudden thought.

"It's better to ...... Send Bellatrix over?"

After learning about the wizards in the church, Solim immediately broke up the idea of handing him over to Hanoby, who had a bad 23 heart.

Church wizards with a "sense of justice" who believed in eradicating the human threat as their heart, then there was no reason why they would turn a blind eye to Voldemort and his Death Eaters, but they did, the Death Eaters could not see the people of these churches when they tortured and killed Muggles, Voldemort could not see the people of these churches when he went on a hunt for Muggles for dark magic experiments, and even when the Dementors were making trouble in London not long ago, they could not see the people of these churches.

What does this mean?

Either these wizards in the church are too good to deal with the Death Eaters, so they can only be regarded as not seeing. Either the wizards of the Church did not consider Voldemort and his Death Eaters to be a threat to humanity - even though they had hunted and killed Muggles on several occasions. But Solim preferred the other possibility—they didn't have time to deal with the Death Eaters.

Vampires or werewolves are obviously easier to deal with than difficult Death Eaters, and you don't have to worry about messing with the small ones and getting the big ones. After all, as long as a wizard knows that Voldemort's nemesis is Dumbledore, with Dumbledore here, where will anyone blindly follow and mix in the affairs between them?

You know, Hanoby and the wizards of the church have cooperated, and a genuine core Death Eater has fallen into their hands, and Solim doesn't know what they will do, whether it will add variables to the situation. More importantly, what was the relationship between Dumbledore and the so-called white magic users? Was there a contradiction? None of these Solim knew about it, so he was going to figure it out first, and then talk about something else.

But before that, Bellatrix's surplus value has to be squeezed out first. Solim hadn't forgotten Lestrange's family vault, Rodolphus was killed by Evans, and Rabastan had Solim pierce the heart with Transfiguration, the Lestrange men were dead, and the two men had no offspring, which meant that as long as Bellatrix died, no one would be able to open the Lestrange family's vault in Gringotts - even if they had a key.

Although the most valuable Hufflepuff Gold Cup has been transferred, Solim believes that Lestrange's family coffers will still have a lot of good things, not to mention that Bellatrix brought a lot of Blake family dowries when she got married.

Solim was thinking about this, otherwise he would have locked up this woman with a broken arm until now?

There are two "prisoners" in the chest, one of whom is Bellatrix, and the other is Solim's "harvest" in the Forbidden Forest, a tribal wizard from Africa. However, they were all lying motionless on the ground at this time, and during the time that Solim was in captivity, the two prisoners had not eaten, and of course, they had not excreted under the control of potions, although this method was more convenient for Solim, but it was still physically harmful to the prisoners.

With security in place, Solim woke Bellatrix up. This time she learned to be obedient and didn't struggle or yell anymore, of course, it was more likely because her body was confined to her.

"Do you want to go back to your master?" Solim's voice became particularly appealing to the Death Eater.

"Condition. Bella's voice was hoarse and muffled instead of the madness it had been.

"Lestrange's family vault at Gringotts. Solim simply told Bella: "I'm more interested in there, I want to see it, of course, and get something by the way—although the cup is gone, I think there's always something left there—I'm poor." "

Bellatrix didn't speak, just stared at Solim, which made him feel a little hairy—strands of messy hair hung from Bella's head, and one of her eyes was hidden behind her. Although her body was battered - during her time at Hogwarts, Solim cut off her staff-wielding hand, and for quite some time, Bella only relied on potions provided by Solim to keep her alive, but it still did not dampen the sparkle in her eyes—the sparkle of madness.

Bella suddenly laughed.

"Okay, I promise. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Heh," Solim chuckled, "do you think you can kill me with the Fu 713 Spell and the Fire Spell in the vault?"

Bellatrix's face changed.

"You've been there!" Bella's madness seemed to come up, "answer me!

"That's an interesting question. "

Solim waved his wand and pulled the hair on Bella's forehead so that it didn't look so oozing. []

"I don't have the key to the vault. "

"Yes, you can't get the key. Bella said in a voice as if she had just woken up from a dream, "And those two useless pieces of waste have never been to the vault, how do you know things that they don't know?"

"You told me. Solim said with a smile.

Bella was stunned for a moment, then said loudly:

"It can't be!"

It's really impossible, Bella knows very well that there is no problem with her memory, no one has been extracted, and no one has taken her for attention, she is a valuable captive, even if there are wizards with great skills in memory magic, let themselves confide their secrets without knowing it, they will not be bored to ask themselves such a boring question about the security measures of the vault.

But what she didn't know was that this could indeed be regarded as what Bella told Solim herself - in the movie, the spells that this woman had cast by herself made Solim see clearly.

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