"Mr. Lovegood, thank you very much for your help. "

Hermione's little face turned pale - she had just vomited a little hard, and before she could recover her strength, Solim pulled her phantom again, and in less than 2 minutes she had choked the girl.

Xenophilius. Lovegood, Luna's father, was the editor-in-chief of "Singing the Odds." He and his daughter also attended Harry's coming-of-age ceremony, and ran back with her halfway through.

Solim, who had just stuffed the unconscious Borkin into his box, was staring at his neck, to be precise, the necklace he was wearing.

Xenophilius noticed Solim's gaze, he picked up the pendant on his necklace, and said with some emotion: "This—isn't it common, is it?"

Perhaps because he was afraid that Solim would misunderstand, he quickly explained: "I'm not one of those people, I just think the story behind this is very interesting." "

In normal times, Hermione might be interested in asking what the story was, but now she wasn't in the mood.

"Mr. Lovegood, we-"

Hermione glanced at Solim, she didn't even have time to ask when Solim had learned to apparage.

"- Thank you so much for being able to provide us with a safe place, but we can't rest just yet. The Death Eaters are attacking the people of the Order of the Phoenix, if ......"

"Hermione. Solim raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

"Mr. Lovegood, take your daughter with you, and she—" Solim looked out the window, "Let's get out of here." It's going to be a battlefield soon. "

"But aren't the Death Eaters all over there?" Hermione was a little nervous.

"It's not just the Death Eaters who came, but also some of the little shrimp they collected, and it was more troublesome to get too crowded. Solim's wand was in his hand at all times, and he was always on his toes, until he was completely sure he was safe, "So I want you to leave now." "

"But you're going to stay?" Luna's voice was nice, and her face was beautiful, but with those protruding eyes...... It's kind of weird. Solim knew about Luna, but he had never been in contact with her.

Hermione looked at Solim and then at Luna.


"Are you going to wait until someone comes over?"

Solim knew that Hermione was dizzy and had an upset stomach, but this kind of thing could be overcome, and besides, she was a follower and didn't need to be in a particularly good state. Solim believed that Xenophilius could make sure that Hermione would not split up when she shifted, and as a person who always ran outside, Xenophilius' phantom shifting level could not be bad.

Looking at the three who had posed and were already preparing to apparition away, Solim didn't wait for Hermione to ask, and said bluntly: "It should be over when it gets dark - the Death Eaters also have to eat." "

Xenophilius took Luna and Hermione with him, leaving Solim alone in their house. At this time, Solim had the opportunity to take out the small note given by Christopher before and read it:

"Your father has something to bring to you, and burn the note when the time is right. "

Solim frowned at the crumpled note in his hand, and the note in his right burned without warning.

At first, Solim thought that Christopher was just a person who was unwilling to be marginalized by the family, but now it seems that there is something in it, at least he never thought that this guy would be involved with his father.

"Could it be a trap?"

The idea was extinguished by Solim as soon as it came to him. Even if it's a trap, Ogle won't be used as an excuse. Because it was too easy to debunk, Solim was not without a hand that was not in touch with his father.

While Solim was still thinking about the possibilities, a black fog suddenly appeared on the first floor of Lovegood's house. The black fog came and went as fast as it came, and by the time the black fog cleared, Christopher was already standing behind Solim.

Solim didn't do anything for the time being, though his wand was already in his hand.

Christopher looked at Lovegood's house, frowning at the pile of parchment and bottles and cans on the table.

"Wizarding families without house-elves seem to be the same. "

He seemed to mean something, but Solim wasn't ready to take it at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Get straight to business. "

"You should be wondering who I am by now, right?" Christopher seemed a little smug, "A disdainful Selwyn, a Death Eater?"

"Focus. "Solim doesn't want to talk nonsense with this guy in front of him.

"Okay. Christopher compromised, "I'm your father's man." "[]

This answer didn't surprise Solim too much, but the details were clearly not something to ask about at this time.

"What does he want you to bring?"

"He wants you to stop any more substantial, public conflict and confrontation with the Death Eaters. Of course, considering that you will still be attending Hogwarts and taking care of Dumbledore's side, you can stand on the opposite side of the Death Eaters. But don't blow up a Death Eater in a hallway anymore - now you don't know...... Oh, you should know, we're running out of people, otherwise we wouldn't have brought that garbage with us this time. "

Christopher seemed to have a lot of resentment when he said this, but Solim was clearly not going to listen to him whining here.

"I'll find out. "

Solim was noncommittal and did not give a specific attitude. Christopher didn't care much about it, though.

"Of course, whatever you want, I'll just bring a word, and what you want to do is your own business. "

"My father ...... him," Solim thought for a moment, then changed his question, "what is the purpose of your actions this time, or is it for Harry?"

"Of course it's that kid!"

"Nothing else?" Solim looked at him, as if trying to see the flowers in his face.

"What else is there to do?" Christopher said, "That guy just wants to try it at the last chance." "

"Last chance?" Solim frowned, he heard movement outside, "Not necessarily, he's alive, he's going to trouble Harry whenever he wants." "

But for a long time to come, he probably won't be able to focus on that boy. Christopher's face was a little incomprehensible, "He has more important, more important, and at the same time more urgent things to deal with first." "

"Riddle!" Solim had a flash of inspiration, "is he going to settle the Horcrux matter first?"

"It doesn't matter what that person wants to solve. Christopher gestured, "You might have to deal with the scum out there first." "。

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