As for how to defeat wizards who are more powerful than their own magic and master more spells than themselves, these wizards who are tumbling down alleys all day long have their own means. It's true that their magic is low, and it's true that they don't have a comprehensive grasp of spells, but that doesn't mean they can't defeat enemies stronger than themselves.

If you want to defeat the strong with the weak, it is a good way to consume with numbers, but this method obviously does not work at the moment - there are few of them still standing.

Since this path doesn't work, let's take another path.

Surprising victory is the only way to defeat the strong with the weak. The wizards in front of Solim had long understood that they didn't rely entirely on magic when facing their opponents, after all, it was really difficult for them to rely on magic to defeat their opponents with low magical power.

But that's okay, you don't have to use magic to defeat a wizard who is stronger than you - guns are no different.

It's hard to imagine wizards using Muggle stuff against enemies - at least not in Solim's mind. So naturally, he was shot. But fortunately, he has a lot of good things on him, since the last time in the Forbidden Forest, 23 reimbursed the talisman that had not been covered with heat, the family gave him a little bit more. Of course, the amulet is now reimbursed, and it hasn't worked as well as it should—but that's understandable, since the amulet is protected against spells, not bullets.

Hurt...... It hurts hotly. This kind of pain is not the same as the Drill Heart Curse, you will only fall uncontrollably if you are hit by the Drill Heart Curse, and the gunshot wound ...... Even when he didn't hit the vital part, Solim was still able to stand.

But he could only stand.

Christopher appeared in front of Solim, which he didn't want to do, but now he had to—he obviously couldn't watch Solim face three enemies without his wand.

Solim was hit in the right arm, causing his wand to fall to the ground. What it means to lose a wand to a wizard, and what it means to have an injured wand, is something that every wizard knows.

"It's you!" the wizard who hit Solim apparently recognized the sudden appearance of Christopher.

Like Solim, Christopher was clearly a fan of, and he neatly took out the other two wizards who were about to escape, and melted the arms of the wizard who wounded Solim with a gunshot spell with a spell that resembled a corrosive charm.

"He's yours. Christopher said.

"Is this a handout?" Solim watched as the man in front of him changed his wand and tended to his wounds.

"No, I think it's called deepening the impression – the mistakes you've made. "

Solim noticed that Christopher seemed to be used to talking.

The wizard, who had lost his arms, didn't cry, he just fell to his knees in a state of distraction, as if Christopher's spell hadn't hurt him in any way - and that was indeed the case.

"Is that some kind of corrosive spell?" Solim moved his right arm slightly, a little affected, but he could move.

"Yes, but it's not very easy to use, the control is cumbersome, and it's easy to get out of control. "

"He seems to know you?" Solim didn't miss the wizard's reaction.

"Maybe you've seen me somewhere. Christopher clearly didn't want to say more.

Solim moved his right arm as he approached the kneeling wizard. He had shoulder-length, greasy black hair, which reminded Solim of Snape.

"Your name. Solim looked condescendingly at the wizard kneeling in front of him.

"Your name!" Seeing that the other party did not react, Solim raised his voice.

"Levento. The wizard said weakly.

"Very good, Levento, I want to thank you. Solim was telling the truth, he was really thanking the wizard in front of him who had wounded him with a gun.

He had always lived in a wizarding society, and his daily contact with wizarding things had led to Solim's assimation of some aspects of his mind with that of wizards, and Levinto's shot woke him up.

"I'll keep this mark on me. Solim glanced at his arm, "It's a very good lesson, I'll take it." "

"You can do it. Levento seemed to have foreseen what was going to happen to him, and most wizards like them in Tumbledown Alley had foreseen the day when they would come to an end.

"Do it?" Solim smiled, "You seem to think ...... I'm going to kill you?"

Levento's face turned from pale to transparent. Not being prepared to kill yourself usually means long torture. Levinto was well aware of the other meaning of a wizard's words. This meant a dark future ahead of him, and all sorts of weird magical experiments—which Levinto knew he had done himself.

Seeing Levinto's face, Solim knew he wanted to be crooked.

"No, no, no, I think you're wrong. I didn't mean that - you know, I'm not even an adult. I would never have done such a cruel thing. "

Solim pulled up the sleeve of his left arm with his right hand, revealing the long glove under the sleeve. Levinto also noticed the green-glowing glove on Solim's left arm, though he felt that something was not right.

"Confused, right?" Solim's right hand touched the strap that held the glove in place.

Seeing Solim's right hand, Levento's chaotic brain finally realized that something was wrong, the left arm of the young wizard in front of him was too thin, as thin as ...... It's like there's no flesh and blood. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Solim's next 500 movements confirmed Levento's inner suspicions, the left arm under the glove was indeed fleshless, not only did there not have a trace of flesh and the bones were ominously black, but the bracers were very exquisite......

"You left a mark on me in a way I didn't expect. Solim scrutinized his jet-black hand bones, "And in return, I'll leave you a mark in a way you wouldn't expect." "

As he spoke, under Levento's horrified gaze, Solim pressed his left hand to his chest.

As soon as the black hand came into contact with the dirty robe, it immediately corroded it, and it came into contact with Levento's body without any suspense.

"Ahh []

"Does it hurt?" asked Solim kindly.

"Kill me, or I'll get revenge......"

"I ask you, does it hurt?" said Solim, still unhurried.

"......" Levinto realized that he did not feel any pain, and he quickly looked down at his chest, and found that there was a black handprint printed there—right in the middle of his heart.

Looking at Levento with a puzzled expression, Solim put his gloves back on, and looked at the slowly black mist mark and said, "Don't worry, it's going to start hurting - while I'm looking for it." "。

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