Solim, of course, remembers.

The first place he and Christopher met was at Voldemort's resurrection ceremony, and the man in front of him contributed his own flesh and blood to Voldemort.

"Your father wants me to gain some trust from that man and infiltrate the Death Eaters...... To be honest, at first I couldn't figure out how you could get involved with that person, and I didn't think you would be directly threatened by that person...... But that night I knew. "

Christopher shook his head, "You got involved in his resurrection ritual and took the boy away. "

"It's not all my credit, what happened to Harry when he fought that guy was also a big factor. "

Solim's words brought Christopher's mind back to the night, a sight he had never heard of, let alone seen, and his knowledge could not explain what had happened that night.

"I said. Solim scratched his head, "I thought your reaction was a bit wrong - when the man asked you to catch Harry, I could see clearly that your spell was directed at the tombstones. "

Christopher grinned.

"You're not afraid of that person seeing it. "

"He couldn't see that his 523 mind wasn't on me at all. "

"That's right. Solim nodded, Voldemort must have been mad at the time, where would he notice someone paddling.

"Was it Dumbledore's game that night?" Christopher clearly sensed something.

"What do you say?" said Solim, dumbfounded.

"The reaction of that spell!" Christopher raised his voice, "a young underage wizard was able to resist that man's requisition spell with a ridiculous disarming charm, and then something that was neither a ghost nor a ghost came out of that person's wand...... And then Ollivander was arrested. "

"Although I don't know much about wands, I also know that what happened that night is absolutely inseparable from wands, and the subsequent actions of that man confirmed this - his wand is the same core as Harry Potter! "

"What did Ollivander say?"

"He's all been caught, and it's only a matter of time before he says it. Christopher shook his head slightly, "Very few people can stay conscious under the torture of the Mind Drilling Charm. "

"But I've heard he didn't (CDFB) die - even if you evacuated in a hurry, it would have been more than enough time to take out Ollivanders. "

"Not only the old man, but all the people locked up in the basement are gone. Christopher said, "While the Death Eaters were ready to deal with them." "

"I don't believe they can get out on their own. Solim was a little surprised, he got different information than Christopher had said. He remembered that Draco had said that Scrimgeour had led the team to turn Malfoy Manor upside down before finding Ollivander and them, and that Christopher meant that Ollivander and them had disappeared before the Death Eaters had left.

"I don't know, but the rat was tortured a lot afterwards. Christopher shook his head, "The hand the man gave him almost didn't strangle him." "

"Where is your base camp now?" Solim suddenly asked, "After leaving Malfoy Manor, you must have a place to stay, right?"

"Not a good place. At this point, Christopher showed obvious annoyance, "A place where you can't even see the sun, a place that is completely outside the law." "

It's easy to understand where you can't see the sun, it's either underground or in a cave, but it's a place outside the law...... This means that they are still in the wizard's sphere of activity.

Such a place Solim knows one.

"Under Tumble Alley?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Where else could it be?"

Tumbling Alley is next to Diagon Alley, and although there are some illegal activities, it is generally within a controllable range. In normal times, the Aurors and Strikers frequented it, as the most busiest shopping street in Britain was there, and the Ministry of Magic couldn't make Tumbledown Alley too chaotic. Tumble Alley is the Tumble Alley, the underground world of the underground world. If there's something to think about doing in Tumbledown Alley, the Underworld is a place where you can do whatever you want – only you.

The Aikins siblings' original home was there.

"I've only heard of that bad place, but I've never seen it. "

"Oops?" Christopher sneered, "that's the most conservative statement I've ever heard." "[]


"It's a place where werewolves and vampires live, it's a place where all sorts of fallen wizards gather - you know? There is no normal person there, and murder is common, sometimes without a reason. Because you don't know if the guy who is following you is a vampire tormented by thirst, or if he is a werewolf who is ready to open meat, and if he is a poor worm who is dominated by his own negative emotions. In that place, there is no need for a reason to kill. "

"Complete chaos?" Solim was a little surprised, "without any managers?"

"They don't care, as long as they can get what they want every month, they don't care what happens down there. "

"But the Dark Lord is gone. "

"Ah-" Christopher scratched his head, "yes, but we're over." That's the problem. Now that man has ruled over there, do you understand what that means? Werewolves, vampires, fallen wizards, these are good cannon fodder, and now that the Death Eaters have begun to integrate them, once the power is gathered, and the man deems it necessary, the scum will immediately come up from underneath and kill all the way from Tumbledown Alley to Diagon Alley. "

One more time?

This scared Solim by surprise. Unlike the attack on Hogwarts, it was a deserted place after all, and there was no risk of magic exposure, but what was Diagon Alley? It was a shopping street that was famous all over Europe, and it was in London, if the demons and monsters rushed into the streets...... Although he didn't care about Solim, he was still nervous. If this happens, it will be no less than a major exposure event of the Dementor incident not long ago.

"This kind of thing should be under the jurisdiction of the Council of Elders, right? Even if the Ministry of Magic is really finished, the Council of Elders will never allow such a thing to happen. Solim frowned, "I'll go back and ask Dumbledore. "

"No need to ask, he definitely already knows. "

Solim gave him a questioning look.

"The werewolf of the Order of the Phoenix, that one is called ......" Christopher scratched his head.

"Remus. Lupin. "

"Yes, that's him. "I've seen him in the underworld, and if it weren't for me, he'd be dead by now," Christopher said. "。

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